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Subject:  Another stem split, oh well, how are you doing?

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owen o

Knopp, Germany

greetings fellow european growers!

well, i had another pumpkin split at the stem today, into the cavity. that makes number 3. oh well, what does Al Berard say WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR!

so, i was wondering, how everyone else was doing. any good rumors?

i wish everyone a new personal best this year.


9/8/2004 9:51:41 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

It's possible for my 790 Daletas to hit 600lbs by the first weekend in October but it will have to average 10lbs./day to make it...WAIT TILL OCTOBER!

Looks like Peter might have the biggest in Germany this year doesn't it?

9/8/2004 10:15:04 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

Forgot to mention SORRY Owen for your splits! My 419 Pukos was doing very well until it got stem rot but now it has also stopped growing and I expect it to rot in the patch before very long. Next year I'll only take care of two plants in my patches and try to give them the royal treatment. If anything flat vines on me they'll get pulled right away.

9/8/2004 10:18:38 AM


Udine, Italy

Weigh-off in Italy next Sunday at Sale Marasino (Brescia), rumors of at least two pumpkins around 750-800 lbs, nice. My best is 508 lbs, unfortunately stem rotting stop the growth practically 40 days after flowering. Great the Al Berard's motto: WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR!

9/8/2004 11:02:45 AM

Eaglewood (Lars) Sweden


Weigh-off october 2 here in Sweden. circ today 378 cm (149). +700 is possible?... Wait till october!

Lars Eaglewood

9/8/2004 4:06:01 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

Owen, now that is really bad luck! Three splits in one season! I guess this was your last fruit, wasn't it?

Michel, your 790 seems to be still doing extremely well. What is its est. weight and what is its daily weight gain?
I guess Ingo will have the biggest one this year but also Peter, Steffen and yourself should do well. And of course don't forget our special friend Eugeniusz! lol

Paolo, looks like Sergio will win the Italian weighoff this year again. His 1370 Rose is awesome!!!

Lars, where in Sweden is your weighoff? I haven't heard of it so far? What is the record at that weighoff? I understand Börje usually doesn't attend...

9/8/2004 4:42:11 PM



my biggest pumpkin is at 677 lbs est. weight and is still doing +/- 10 lbs a day. The seed is from Peter Frei (musicpete). Our local weigh-off is 25 september. The European weigh-off at Duisburg is the first weekend in october. Hope the big one be still ok at that time.

9/8/2004 5:04:52 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany


What Frei seed are you growing? 714, 709, 591?
Peter will be happy to hear that you are doing well with his seed!


9/8/2004 5:31:51 PM

Eaglewood (Lars) Sweden


Martin, For the first time it is an official WPC weigh off in sweden, it is located to Öland. The record of the weigh off was last year with 340 kilo. That´s right, Börje has not been there with any pumpkin yet. Mostly because of that the pumpkins not make it the all way for him the last years? I hope i see you there anyway this year Börje!

9/8/2004 5:32:53 PM


Cologne / Germany

I don´t know what you are doing because nobody is going to post some actual OTT here but for me it´s 307 on the 1236 Eaton x 1260 Weir (595 lbs but I think it goes heavy) and 282 on the 1260 x 1236 (463 lbs) I think this one should also weigh heavy. Can we please get straight here and post something to compare? Thank you all and good luck!

9/8/2004 7:35:17 PM


Cologne / Germany

Ooops sorry for sounding harsh just came in from the patch where I hit my head on some metal stuff when slipping over a rotten pumpkin and now I´m bleeding over ther keyboard and I didn´t even realize. I take a band-aid and just go to bed, good night.

9/8/2004 7:52:25 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

i always post my actual OTT and estimates Ingo. hope your head feels better.

9/9/2004 2:08:59 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

Estimated weight of my 790 Daletas was 337 two days ago using the circumference chart and it grew from 279 to 337 in 6 days for an average of 11+ lbs. per day.
I covered the whole plant with remay and won't look at it again until October.

At least frost didn't get me THIS fall. Spring was bad enough!

9/9/2004 2:54:12 AM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

today Bestija is estimated exactly 500 lbs / 227 kg so the Slovenian record is beaten by 50 kg. I have also doubled my PB... total satisfaction.
Oh yes, one bad thing did happen: I had 195 kg pumpkin in front of my house, which was vandalized. The good thing out of this is that the fruit was floated in Ljubljanica river in the summer and not in the cold november.
Good luck to you all!

9/9/2004 5:43:49 AM



Martin, i'm growing the 709 and already mailed the good news to musicpete. This seed really works good for me .

9/9/2004 3:08:32 PM



Today the est. weight of the Frei 709 is 669 lbs and i stopped all growth exept for the main vine wich is 4 meter after the pumpkin. What should i do? Cut it too or let it grow?? Can you guys help me out??

9/9/2004 3:16:06 PM


Cologne / Germany

Jantje, I was advised to let the main grow and to take care for the plant "as it is". Makes sense because you need a healthy plant to help your pumpkin growing till early October. All what is rest of the plant should be saved now to help you for some lbs+.
Good luck, Ingo

9/9/2004 7:06:21 PM


Southern Sweden

Martin and Lars, here you can read about last year's winning pumpkin at the pumpkin competition at Öland (Martin, unfortunately the text is in Swedish only); http://www.barometern.se/artikel_standard.php?id=541449&avdelning_1=103&avdelning_2=118&question=18
Lars, I'm planning to go to Öland on the 2nd of October. Then I will demonstrate and sell the hand driven soil drill: Skurupsborren/The Swedendrill. The drill is used by a lot of Swedish pumpkin growers and gardeners. I have produced the drill for 25 years.

9/11/2004 10:29:30 AM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

Hi Ingo, I think you`ll be around 100-150lbs. better than me because my 940x1056.5 cross has a concave shape. A convex shape like your 1236x1260 is much better (heavier). The chart shows me 506lbs. at the moment but I think (guess) it`s only around 450lbs. You may have a look at my last pictures in my diary. Good luck and in my opinion you`ll get a 700+ "and" over the chart pumpkin - Peter

9/12/2004 3:23:34 PM


Cologne / Germany

Thank you Peter, I also hope for 700+ on the 1236 x 1260, but I guess I´ll need some more growth in September to get there.
By the way - anyone going to the german weigh-off in Ludwigsburg this year? I can´t go this year because I don´t have the time and a car for the long trip. However we have a "state fair" near to me here in NRW for the first time on Oct 3rd and I´m going to attend.

9/13/2004 7:03:42 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I won't have much to take this year after all my splits, it estimates about 215 lbs right now. But, I am going anyhow, not going to let them splits ruin the last fun of the season.

Good luck at your state fair Ingo, I hope you go heavy.

9/13/2004 7:24:23 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

I will be doing it just like Owen. Weight-wise my pumpkins are not worth bringing to the weighoff but I will still go there with my biggest one just for the fun of it. Meeting other growers is always a great thing!

9/13/2004 8:49:30 AM


Itzetown City

Hello fellas, i think it´s time to keep the word after a long time of read only.
Sorry Owen about the splits. There were some good Pumpkins as i´ve seen in ya diary.
I also have had a bad season, beside all the bad weather i was to ill to take enough care to the pumpkins. But i´ve a 200 lbs one on the 1121 Ford, i hope im able to go to Wiemersdorf to the fair with.
A pumpkin grower dont give up, unless a 500 pounder drop on his head. LOL

9/13/2004 8:49:39 AM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

Ingo, if your 1236x1260 will be at 700+ and if it will be +15% over the chart, then I think we`ll perhaps see 800+ on the scale....? - Keep it on growing! - Peter

9/13/2004 5:25:41 PM


Atlanta, Georgia

I hope to see you all in Ludwigsburg since my trip to the states is temporarily on hold. I'll be going instead during March break...

I also won't have anything to talk about for Ludwigsburg but
I may have a pretty pumpkin again at least. I may even bring my small 1076 Werner instead of my 790 Daletas if the Daletas is still growing under the remay since I'd rather have a new pb than 4th or 5th at Ludwigsburg. I'm sure many of you can understand my point of view.

Anyway I hope to see you all again!
Wait till next year...

9/14/2004 3:17:30 AM

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