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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  black fly ?

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i`m growing 4 plant`s in sussex , they seem to be under attack by black fly on under side of leaves, i`ve sprayed for this, i`ve never heard of this on pumpkin`s also bigger black fly in flower`s any help out here, ear`s

6/30/2004 6:47:41 AM


Cologne / Germany

Black flys, aphids - a big plague this year over here as well. Killed lots of flowers in May if not discovered early enough, and now I even find them in my veggies and in the pumpkins, under the leaves and on the flowers. They will do a lot of damage.
Don´t know you can the product in UK, I´m using "Spruzit S" from Neudorff and it works fine. Basic agent is Phyretrine.

6/30/2004 7:30:32 AM



cheer`s mate, my book`s don't put it down as a problem for pumpkin`s ,i expect it`s because of our early summer thank`s

7/1/2004 4:54:00 AM



We have the same problem here in Belgium. Could this problem be caused by the extremely hot summer we all had in Europe last year?

7/2/2004 3:38:22 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

We're all seeing new things here in Europe due to the drought we had last year and the flood we had the year before.

At least I haven't seen one night snail this year yet and that is always a good thing.

Aphids don't touch my pumpkins here but the tiny black flies are always under my pumpkin leaves but are doing no visible damage. The leaves are absolutely perfect this year with no damage whatsoever so I don't worry about them and continue to water with rain water and sometimes fish and seaweed and superthrive and "burning nestle tea".
Don't know if that's how it's spelled...

For me it's a disasterous year this year but I'll still be happy with some medium sized pumpkins like always. I predict only a few pumpkins in the 5 to 600 lb. range this year unfortunately but the soil in my patches is so much improved over last year that anything is possible.

My double vine 582 Hester doesn't grow its main as fast as a normal pumpkin but I'll set whatever comes after the ten foot mark probably late this week or by the 10th. The females at least are at a perfectly perpendicular angle to the main vine and the stems seem to be long.

Guess I won't see any of you in Ludwigsburg this year but I wish you all luck!

7/3/2004 4:13:16 AM



kill the suckers!!! They spread diseases like powdery mildew very rapidley!!

8/21/2004 2:22:43 AM

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