Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Fertilizer?
Date Posted
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
What kind of fertilizer do you use?
4/6/2004 6:41:25 AM
Don Quijot |
Caceres, mid west of Spain
Foliar: seaweed, quelated calcium with aminoacids, aminoacids. Soil: aged sheep manure, terracottem, osmocote, COMPO NITROPHOSKA (12% N + 12% P + 17% K + 1,2% Mg + 6% S + microelements), gypsum and dolomite.
4/7/2004 3:35:00 AM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
Cow manure with Mono Ammonium Phosphate or Bonemeal has been my hardcore fertiliser.
4/7/2004 6:23:00 PM
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
Sophie, I'm using the following:
Neptune's Harvet Fish emulsion Superthrive Mycorrhiza Seaweed Composted and fresh manure every fall from horse, pig and chickens....
I'll use very little fertilizer this year except for seaweed foliar spraying weekly and rain water.
5/10/2004 12:35:26 AM
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