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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  When will you start this year ?

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Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

Just want to know when you will start your seeds germination this year? ...

Have a nice new year everyone


12/29/2003 11:41:26 AM


Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.

Happy New Year Sophie,

I'll be sowing two or three batches starting 21st. April until 5th.May.


12/29/2003 12:30:52 PM



Hi Sophie, we start our seeds the last week in april and plant out in the patch around may 15 th.
Happy new year everyone!!!!

1/13/2004 4:10:08 PM


Atlanta, Georgia

Starting May 7th here in Germany.
I started the third week of April in previous years but I find that it's too early.

1/14/2004 2:30:32 AM


Udine, Italy

End of April or the first days of May here in Northern Italy

1/14/2004 4:10:13 AM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

In Slovenia the same as in northern Italy or maybe a week sooner that is around 20th of April. Hothouse is a necessity because we had frost on 16th of May last year.

1/14/2004 5:37:21 AM

Don Quijot

Caceres, mid west of Spain

I will start this year from the 1-5 of May, if forecast is not bad.
I did the 4th of May last year, and was a great day.
I would advice you, European fellow growers, not to start in April, but you can do as you like, of course.


1/14/2004 1:47:45 PM


Atlanta, Georgia

I just realized something...Sophie is asking about planting times but here in Germany the last frost is called
"Kalte Sophie" or Cold Sophie for anyone speaking english.
We should be asking her when the last frost is coming...he he!
Kalte Sophie is normally around the 15th of May in Germany.
Best regards to all!

1/14/2004 3:26:23 PM

Kelly Klinker

Woodburn, Indiana

May 1 is the goal date

1/14/2004 6:53:57 PM

Duchezeau JL

Sancoins / Cher / FRANCE

In France, there is a saying which says that one sows pumpkins for Holy Georges on April 23, so I sow with it one left and the other one around the 28ou 29 in April

1/15/2004 12:46:53 AM


Southern Sweden

I always start around the 10th of April. If the plant is not growing so well or the wether is bad, is it not to late to start a new plant. Last year I started with 1172 Greer, but the plant was not growing well so I took it away and started the 1092 Daigle.

1/15/2004 10:02:17 AM


Leitholm, Coldstream, Scotland

I started sowing last year on April 25,this year I am going to leave it until May 1st, plus back-up on May 7th

1/15/2004 3:25:45 PM


Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)

I'll start seeds in 3rd week of April, so they will germinate around 1-3 May, and will be ready to transplant to patch on 11-13 May (I hope).

1/15/2004 3:55:25 PM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

I think I will start 7 may. There ishe good moon for pumpkins.
You could start on 30th april, or 7,8,9 may.
Do you follow the moon?

1/16/2004 11:49:27 AM


Itzetown City

I wunder why the seeds in Poland needs 14 days to germinate?

I will start (as in the past 2 years) that germination day is the 26th of april.

1/16/2004 1:20:40 PM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

I find one fact very intriguing: the top growers of Europe use completely different strategies for the seed starting. For example Don Quijot starts on the first of May, Gustavsson on 10th of April and moro even in March! This surely reflects diversity potential in both pumpkins and Europe…

I personally think that it is best to catch the longest days when the fruit starts to grow. This requires an early start, which may on the other hand be quite difficult because of stresses like cold, lack of light in bad weather,… One of the most important points on the way to achieve max growth potential is to avoid stresses during the life cycle. It is to up to the grower’s strategy how to prevent the stress of a young plant: by intensive care in the spring (hot house, even with warming and artificial light) or simply by postponing the start to the warmer period.

I will go for something in between and will sure enjoy watching other strategies this season.
Good luck!

2/29/2004 8:40:44 AM


Southern Sweden

The sunlight in the northern Europe is not so strong as in southern Europe, so I need a longer time to produce a big pumpkin plant, that’s one of the reasons why I start so early. Since I start so early I have to use a greenhous in the beginning . This season I will build a new greenhouse, later you can see it in my growing diare. The weather in Sweden just now, snow and cold, so I can’t do anything in my pumpkin patch.

2/29/2004 3:38:15 PM

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