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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  looking for pumpkinseeds that grow at lat 55 north

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Hey guys,

Iam new here on this forum,and ill happy to grow some pumpkin in my garden this summer.
The problem is ill life far north in the Netherlands.
Iam looking for some growers that have some spare pumpkin seeds that will mature in my wet and cold climate.


1/23/2013 9:15:17 AM



My recommendation: Sign up for the 2013 EGVGA membership...for 15 Euros. You might have a good chance to receive the seed package (which contains many giant pumpkin seeds and other giant veg seeds) if you sign up in January. ...depends how many seed packages will be left, but they will definitely be sent out in early February, as far as I know. Maybe you contact Brad Wursten or Iwan Horde for more info.


1/23/2013 9:38:01 AM



...and look two posts below, the "Frei challenge". Peter Frei has offered seeds of great crosses...you might wish to give them a go.

1/23/2013 11:45:43 AM



Oke ill wil contact peter first.
Thanks for replay.

1/23/2013 2:30:53 PM



pietje, the Atlantic Giants should do that job for you, they will most likely mature in your garden (fruit growth 90-100 days), which means with a pollination around June 20th...July 1st and only little danger of frost in September you should be fine.
Basically, many many C.maxima species are capable of producing mature pumpkins in your garden, you could easily put their seeds into your compost pile and let them do...and then you´ll see many pumpkins in autumn. Atlantic Giants have the advantage that your neighbors will also see your pumpkins...from far distance. Although you are new to this, there are some months left before you should think about starting some seeds (in the second half of April). If you have the time available then read lots of all the helpful info here on Bigpumpkins, and then you can grow some mature and tasty and IMPRESSIVE pumpkins (even in your first year you might need some help to get the pumpkins out of your garden).

If you are happy to spend some precious garden space on some pumpkin plants (20 m2 per plant should be fine for making yourself familiar with Atlantic Giants and for growing big fruit which make your neighbors want to watch them grow, 40-50 m2 per plant can already support plants for growing pumpkins of 500+ kg) then you should start with a good patch preparation and you should continue with great plant care during the entire season. Once you have grown a big one you probably can´t resist to do that again and again.

Here is a great read which is pointing out many important things about growing Atlantic Giants:


1/23/2013 4:40:06 PM

Dutch Brad


Piete, er zijn ongeveer 10 andere mensen uit Nederland die reuze pompoenen kweken. Geen enkele zaad doet het goed in ons koude, natte klimaat, maar 450kg is zeker mogelijk als alles goed gaat.
Waar zit je in Nederland? Ik heb zaden voor je.
giantveg @ hotmail.com


1/24/2013 5:38:34 AM



Hoi brad,

leuk dat er nog meer Nederlanders hier zitten.
Ik heb eigelijk helemaal geen ervaring met pompoenen kweken,maar het lijkt mij erg leuk om te doen,vandaar.
Ik woon in nederasselt,dat is in de buurt van Nijmegen.
Als je wat zaden over hebt die het goed doen in Nederland en ook nog lekker van smaak zijn,zou je me daar mee een grote dienst bewijzen.

1/24/2013 9:37:43 AM



een reuze pompoen en uitstekende smaak gaan niet echt goed samen :)

1/24/2013 9:56:59 AM



ok speak english on here please

1/24/2013 10:29:40 AM



Oke,sorry for speaking Dutch,go further in englisch pleace.
@ EMT are there no giant pumpkins whit a great taste?

1/24/2013 1:40:46 PM



Every pumpkin (AG) has a different taste, and at least 50% of my AGs had been very very tasty (the others moderately tasty). As I don´t want to throw away so much pumpkin I give it away to friends, and I need to point out that some people who didn´t want to eat pumpkin for decades are now pumpkin eaters. It might be a result of the recipes I had added to the pumpkin wedges, but the pumpkin itself must have had a significant contribution.


These two were really yummy:



1/24/2013 1:49:50 PM



From my 2012 pumpkins the 1723 Marshall, the 1349 Sherwood and the 1475 Revier had excellent taste, the 1176 Lombardi and the 1789 Wallace were of moderate quality (the first appeared to be a bit dry, less fruity, and the latter was a bit watery).

1/24/2013 1:54:25 PM



Thanks for charing those great pic,s Germany.

1/24/2013 2:28:59 PM

Dutch Brad


Pietje, hier heb je een link: http://www.freewebs.com/egvga/pompoenenkweken.htm

You are on the European message board, so you can write any language you like.

Reuzenpompoenen zijn nooit bedoeld om op te eten, maar pompoenen zijn over het algemeen niet heel smaakvol, dus maakt het niet veel uit welke soort je hebt.

1/25/2013 4:26:40 AM



Brad,de hierboven genoemde link werkt niet.
Nu snap ik er niks meer van ,de een zegt ze zijn smaakvol de andere weer niet?

1/25/2013 5:49:15 AM



Sorry Brad de link werkt wel,mijn fout.

1/25/2013 6:05:04 AM

Dutch Brad


Net als de courgette (een neefje), hebben pompoenen zelf niet veel smaak, ongeacht welke soort. Het dient vooral als vulmiddel in bepaalde gerechten, zoals taart, soep, enz. Door de grootte kunnen zij melig of draderig worden, net als andere soorten reuzengroenten. Vandaar dat er verschil kan zijn tussen de ene vrucht en de andere en de beleving daarvan.

In oktober is er altijd een weging om te zien wie de grootste pompoen van Nederland heeft. Het vindt plaats in Leerdam.

1/25/2013 12:25:27 PM



Oke,bedankt Brad.

1/25/2013 2:11:49 PM

Total Posts: 18 Current Server Time: 3/13/2025 7:02:47 AM
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