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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Frei-Challenge 2013

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Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

This year I'll carry out the "Frei-Challenge 2013". To take part you only have to send me a message (-> [email protected]) to order one (two, ...or more) of the following seeds (own crosses with great genes) or you send me an addressed bubble (Peter Frei / Angerfeld 8 / 87757 Kirchheim / GERMANY):

854.5Frei12(1231.3Pukos05x1450Wallace06)=1161Rodonis remake

798.1Frei12 (1068Wallace03x998.6Pukos06)=1385Jutras remake

707.0Frei12 (1450Wallace06x1231Pukos05)=1566Rodonis remake

666.0Frei12 (1161Rodonis07x1207Young07)-> 1495Stelts genes

625.0Frei12 (1370Rose03x1068Wallace03)= 1207Young07 remake

505.0Frei12 (845Bobier00x1068Wallace03)->845=mother of 1068

400.0Frei12 (716Dillx846.5Calai)->winner of the 716contest

441.4Frei06 (845Bobier00x846.5Calai99) = 1260Weir01 remake

407.9Frei06 (1092Burke98x723Bobier99) = 805Pukos remake

278.9Frei08 (827Holland92x898Knauss01)->827=worldrecord '92

254.0Frei06 (723Bobier99xself)

122.8Frei07 (940Mombert98x1026.5Holland00)=582Hester remake

Good luck

1/21/2013 5:46:07 AM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

Prizes of the Frei-Challenge 2013:

Most beautiful (orange) pumpkin (-> 4 seeds):
- 500-700Dill-5/02 (810Dill99 x 723Bobier99)
- 500-700Dill-3/02 (810Dill99 x 846.5Calai99)
- 778Steeves03 (810Dill99 x 1016Daletas01)
- 932Steeves03 (1016Daletas01 x 810Dill99)

1/21/2013 5:57:47 AM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

Prizes of the Frei-Challenge 2013:

Heaviest pumpkin:
1. 0,10Euro/kg +
1118Holland11 (1566Rodonis07 x 1725Harp09)
1243Colbert11 (1566Rodonis07 x 1725Harp09)

2. 1156.0Hunt08 (1631.5McKie x 1689Jutras)
1187.5Hunt08 (1689Jutras x 1631.5McKie)

3. 1026Young08 (1385Jutras07 x 1207Young07)
915Young08 (1207Young07 x 1385Jutras07)

4. 691Pukos09 (1161Rodonis07 x 998.6Pukos06)
1264Kline09 (1161Rodonis07 x 1385Jutras07)

5. 1114.5Gibson08est (1068Wallace03 x 904Stelts)
511Zaychkowski06 (1260Weir01 x 1068Wallace03)

6. 1260Gibson08 (998.6Pukos x 904Stelts)
1170Gibson08est (1502Wallace x 998.6Pukos06)

7. 1317.5Rose07 (1370Rose03 x 998.6Pukos06)
1058Joynson09 (901Hunt x 998.6Pukos06)

8. 1061Pukos01 (805Pukos00 x sibbed)
1103.5Daletas08 (1092martin06 x 898Knauss01)

9. 522Zaychkowski06 (935Lloyd x 898Knauss01)
518Orchard97 (567.5Mombert92 x self)

New PB for all growers

1/21/2013 7:21:10 AM



Hi peter,

I,am new here on the forum,and already like it here.
Maybe you can help me whit some pumpkin seeds,ill like to grow this summer.
I see you have some great crosses overthere.
Its the first time ever that i,am try to grow some pumpkin in my own garden,and i,am looking for an easy to grow pumpkin that is eatable and finish here in Holland.
It dont have to be so big,the onley thing i like that she have a great taste,and can mature here in Holland.
Can you help me out Peter?

1/23/2013 2:25:34 PM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

Of course Pietje,
I'll help you, send me your address (--> [email protected]) and I'll send you some seeds!

Good luck

1/24/2013 5:32:58 PM



Hello i se tht ther is a lot of god people heare.i am new hear and i orderd atlantic gignt seads and i vas disapointed the bigest is onli 28 kg and it is not groving lick it shud i am dooing evrithig bot stil nothing ,llasz jahre tho nig on vas 98,but this on is smal i didant hand polinet the big on so i bogt new seads and i goht fuckd,so,i am asking for tips on vich gigantt seads ar good and wher to geht them

8/20/2013 12:11:58 PM



Peter, sorry that we hijack your post.

vrtickar: contact Janko - he's from Slovenia.
Look here and click on the little envelope for email to him:


8/20/2013 4:05:42 PM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

Hi "Dandytown",
keep your fingers crossed until the weigh-off in London. I'm sure your 854 will win one of the challenge prices.
Good luck

9/29/2013 3:55:01 AM

Total Posts: 8 Current Server Time: 3/13/2025 7:15:44 AM
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