Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: new pumpkin grower
Date Posted
des_diver |
midlands Uk
Hi all, I live in Tenerife in the canary islands, i was wondering when i could start my pumpkin seeds as we don´t seem to have a cold winter here. 10 degrees c is a cold night here. spring can get up to 30 degrees and not uncommon in summer to achieve 40 degrees. Any help is really appreciated as my boys are bugging me to grow one after seeing 400kg pumpkins on the net.
Thanks all
7/26/2012 9:50:54 AM
Dutch Brad |
Hi Gavin and welcome!
Pumpkin plants for about 90 days before they produce a pumpkin at the right spot on the patch. Then the pumpkin grows for about 90 days (some shorter, some longer), so you need about 180 days from planting to harvesting.
They don't like high temperatures. I would try to grow when temperatures are under the 30 degrees. If it gets hotter, you can cover with shade cloth and keep well watered. 10 degrees is too cold unless you have some kind of cover over the plant to keep the warmth of the day inside.
400 kg pumpkins are very difficult to grow, and especially in very hot climates.
7/26/2012 10:10:03 AM
des_diver |
midlands Uk
Thank you Brad. Looks like i might have to plant in feb or march to get temperatures above the 10 degrees. i was thinking of making a tent to go over them for when the sun starts to warm up here to keep the worst of our sun off them.
7/27/2012 2:30:35 AM
novato |
Alicante (España)
Amigo de Canarias...... Sin problemas.... podras obtener buenos ejemplares....piensa que en Extremadura se sacarón 475 Kg..... Yo.en Alicante...estoy en unos miserables 125 Kg,, Saludos cordiales Jose Luis
12/23/2012 7:21:53 AM
des_diver |
midlands Uk
hola jose, yo tengo algunas semillas ahora de un amigo en Alemania que ha venido de algunas calabazas muy grandes. Los tengo ahora en masetas con la allí primera exposición de hojas. con una pequeña suerte este año yo debería tener mi calabaza de 100 kilogramos o más grande de ser muy afortunado perdóneme para mis español malos en este momento gavin
1/30/2013 11:14:25 AM
des_diver |
midlands Uk
This year is my first year so, i am preparing three plots now. Started out with one small what i thought would be good for two but have now been advised that would be only good for one plant. Have now cleared another plot slightly higher up the mountain and now clearing one more a little higher up again . This may sound mad to some but the temperatures differ the higher up you go. On the bottom plot i planted out a test seed in november which is now producing females and has enough space for one more when the plant is big enought to transplant. The next plot should be big enough for a few more but will also have a few more veggies in there as well and the top plot will end up with a few more. The night temps and winter temps drop the higher up you go so for me it will be interesting to see which plot does the best this year.
thanks for everyones help and advice as the boys have been working hard here to get this years plots ready and are looking forward to their first big pumpkins.
2/1/2013 8:32:57 AM
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