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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  The 2nd Crazy-Growers auction

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GPW (Crazy-Growers)


The Crazy-Growers are happy to announce that our first international Seed Auction will take place on:
February 21th - February 28th 2010 (20 to 20 o'clock - Central European Time)

The 2nd Crazy-Growers auction is a silent auction, so no names will be published.

We are featuring 60 lots there are no double lots. Each lot contains 1 seed of each cross (only long gourd crosses are containing 2 seeds of each).

Once again we thank all the growers that have donated seeds in the effort to support our club!!
Bidding starts at 15 Euro (~21 USD) for each lot, minimum raise is 5 Euros.
(All bids in European Euro. our exchange rate is: 1 euro = $1.40 US)

The current lots prices (daily updated) you can find at:
(no account needed)

This year 15% of the Auction income will be donated to a German charity organization! (We will make a poll in our board to which organization the money will be donated)

(For additional information & the auction rules please look at the bottom of this document)

--> The Auction details as PDF document:

2/13/2010 6:50:01 AM

GPW (Crazy-Growers)


Allowed payment options: international bank transfer (IBAN. BIC and SWIFT) & PayPal (for Europeans also cash)
Allowed payment currencies: USD and EURO! (Bids only in Euro please - 1 euro = $1.40 US)

- Bidding starts at 15€ (~$21) for each lot.
- Minimum increment is 5€. All bids in European Euro, but payment in USD is OK!
- PayPal payments we add 2€ or $3 to your total price for the PayPal fee.
- We cannot guarantee the germination of any seed.
- We cannot guarantee the 100% correctness of all seed data but maybe 99.9%
- There will be one seed in each envelope! (Only long gourds crosses are containing 2 seeds)
- The Crazy-Growers will be emailing all highest bidders at the end of the Silent Auction (this may take up to 1-2 hours) to discuss additional information and decisions regarding multiple lots. If we cannot contact the winner within 48 hours, we will contact the next bidder on the list.

- For Orders & questions please by e-mail to:
Joannis Höllein: [email protected]
Christian Schöner: [email protected]

- We also allow bids with personal messages in our bulletin board ( http://crazy-growers.de )

- The bids should include your name, country, contact data, lot number(s)+lot name and your bid in euro.

- We will update the bid standings a few times a day, so keep a close eye on your preferred seed.

Thanks to all your support. And many thanks to Ken (BigPumpkins.com) for helping us out in this auction.

Take care & good luck.

The Crazy-Growers Team

2/13/2010 6:52:08 AM

GPW (Crazy-Growers)


The 2nd Crazy-Growers silent seeds auction has begun!
The current lots prices (daily updated) you can find at:
(no account needed)
For Orders & questions please by e-mail to:
Joannis Höllein: [email protected]
Christian Schöner: [email protected]
Take care & good luck.

The Crazy-Growers Team

2/21/2010 3:36:51 PM

GPW (Crazy-Growers)


Please check our website out for our annual Silent Auction which starts February 21th - February 28th 2010 (20 to 20 o'clock - Central European Time).
We have 60 lots of goodness with some great genetics seeds.
The C-G club has a 985 Werner up for bid as of now it is at 100€. Other top Seeds...
-1725 Harp
-1677,5 Hunt
-901 Hunt
-993,2 Vincent/McGill
-5 European Country Records
-very nice orange collections
- 1142 van Kooten
-Seeds from Urena,Stelts,Pukos,Wolf,Rodonis,Ghaye ....
and many many moore with great genetics.Please check our website!
Anyone that wishes to bid contact:
Christian Schöner: [email protected]
Joannis Höllein: [email protected]
Take care & good luck.
The Crazy-Growers Team

2/25/2010 2:25:19 PM

Total Posts: 4 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 9:51:34 AM
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