Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: festivals in Europe
Date Posted
mcrichard |
is there any festivals for pumpkins in Europe. I have to do a paper for world cultures and i want to do a pumpkin festval but it cant be from the united states
11/9/2009 9:24:33 PM
benny_p |
I know "pumpkin - exhibition" in Ludwigsburg. This year was 10 th anniversary. Organized by the Swiss Company juckertfarmart ( http://www.juckerfarmart.de/kuerbisausstellung/kuerbisausstellung.php ) and held on the area of the " blühendes Barock" thats the park of Castle Ludwigsburg. ( www.blueba.de ) They organize two weighoffs, the so called German Championship and European Championship.
11/10/2009 7:09:10 AM
San Feliu De Codines Barcelona España
Hola el ultimo domingo de septiembre,celebremos la Fira de la Carbasse, en Sant feliu de codines BARCELONA ESPAÑA. WWW.FERIADELACALABAZA.COM eS YA NUESTRO 5 AÑO y seguimos creciendo. Se celebran otras ferias pero no estan omologadas, ni en europa ni en el resto del mundo. Nuestra asociacion tiene representacion en EGVGA. Asociacion de Cultivadores Europeos. Un saludo Juanjo.
11/10/2009 11:03:52 AM
Paddy the fisherman |
Louth , Ireland
There's one in Virginia in County Cavan Ireland. It's fantastic!
11/12/2009 6:51:44 PM
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