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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Kasterlee oct.25

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Belgium Europe

Here's some numbers. Some of the pumpkins like nr. 2, 3 and 4 were weighed in Duisburg before. There were 170entries.
1: Mehdi Daho : 670.8kg 1611lbs.
2: Jos Ghaye : 608.4kg 1341lbs.
3: Jef Noyens : 587.3kg 1294lbs.
4: Jonas De Swert : 544.4kg 1199lbs.
5: Herman Boonen : 526.5kg 1160lbs.
6: Brecht Noyens : 483.3kg 1065lbs.
7: JP Boonen : 483.0kg 1064lbs.
8: Kris Van Ballaer : 474.3kg 1045lbs.
9: Nele Cuypers : 470.1kg 1036lbs.
10:Tim Cuypers : 466.0kg 1027lbs.

Thousands of spectators witnessed the top 10 averaging 1184lbs. Great job all !

10/30/2009 2:34:09 PM



It was a great weigh off in Kasterlee this year with very heavy pumpkins! congrats to all!!

10/30/2009 4:01:38 PM


Brittnau , Switzerland

Congrats to all Growers
wow 170 Entries and lot of Visitors , must be great weigh off

10/30/2009 4:14:42 PM


Belgium Europe

oops. .nr. 1 was 730.8kg, not 670.8

10/30/2009 4:22:59 PM

Luc B.

Belgium Europe

There were 7500 visitors...

10/30/2009 5:27:18 PM


South Finland

Awesome! Congrats to all! If you ever decide to arrange pumpkin regatta.. I bet you dont find a lake where you all could fit,lol.

11/3/2009 5:17:46 AM



they already did Kaarina

11/3/2009 6:39:41 AM


San Feliu De Codines Barcelona España

felicidades a Mehdi Daho,por su nuevo registro.Tambien al resto de cultivadores que han mejorado sus propios registros.Estas sorpresas de ultima hora son de agradecer.
Difinitivamente mucho camino por hacer.

11/6/2009 12:02:11 PM



Muchas gracias amigo.
Me gusta mucho espana, voy in vacaciones a peniscola.
Caliente !

11/7/2009 8:56:27 AM


San Feliu De Codines Barcelona España

Cuando ustd lo desee pase por Barcelona aqui tiene unos amigos. Si le es posible enviarme una semilla de su fruto,se lo agradeceria. Si desea algo de españa pidamelo bere que puedo hacer.

11/8/2009 7:24:31 AM

Total Posts: 10 Current Server Time: 3/15/2025 2:20:51 AM
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