Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: very silent here!
Date Posted
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
I am siletn too. :-D Is it everybody knows it all and has secret big fruits? ;-)
8/10/2009 3:25:59 PM
Netherlands, Rotterdam
I think everybody is too busy calculating how big those fruits in the patch are :)
8/10/2009 3:47:57 PM
Ruegger |
Brittnau , Switzerland
its the silent of sandbagging ......the closer the autumn the quiter the growers ......lol
8/10/2009 3:50:00 PM
Dutch Brad |
I'll be honest here. My 1378 is out of the race. It has a blossom end split and a rib split. It is over 400 kg I guess.
My 1142 van Kooten is my only pumpkin left. It is smaller than the 1378 but growing a bit faster. If it stays whole I expect a new Dutch record at least, and maybe more if it goes heavy.
8/11/2009 1:57:49 AM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Thanks not being silent, Brad, these 400kg you got [for a while] I hope [nearly] to reach this year! :-D Get your national champion soon, next years I will be a serious thret! ;-)
Up to about 400kg will be a PB + Local champion too. I am only at 165kg now, [Ghaye1058] day 38, but a small stemsplits, on de fruitedge and one unavoidable stemstresssplitstart. Hoping it will controlable. .. The Lilja fruit [darkorange longsize pumpkin] will be also grow above PB, as it grows now. This one has youthdamage, but 100% recovered, furter it is very promising, but growing 'only' 7.7kg average per day.
Some more warm weather please! :-) Sunshine is not bad here, but temperature should go up again, growth reduces...
8/11/2009 4:05:03 PM
Lilja |
Nice to hear you grow one of my seeds theo, if you can send me a pic of it it would be great. [email protected]
8/11/2009 5:52:11 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
I hope Europe has been blessed with a better summer than CT!
8/12/2009 1:10:51 AM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
Hi Theo,
That sounds like a trip to Sliedrecht.
Read my diary no sandbagging here
8/12/2009 5:53:59 AM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Yes Iwan, Sliedrecht, [the new pace to be!] is in my mind. European ambitions I leave to next year again. :-D I have seen your diary, Iwan, what are the kg's on the days you metion?
Hello Anders, there is a picture on my diary of day 32 85kg. Shape is not perfect, but improves somehow, color and health are great. I give a lot extra organic food now.
Further hoping for more sunshine and some higher temperatures. Sun breaks through now!! Rainpredictions are wrong. :-)
Good luck to all!
8/12/2009 6:49:43 AM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
I will measure the 1310.5 Pitura this afternoon.
It will be around 180 190 kg (day 40)
watch the diary
8/12/2009 8:38:10 AM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Game is on, Iwan! My Ghaye is this evening on day 40 about 185kg! [Lilja = 147kg on day 37.] May be we get something for Ludwigs- or Duisburg??? Brad is still ahead on us with one fruit...
8/13/2009 3:59:32 AM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
I will put my money on Theo.
1357 will go heavy
8/13/2009 6:22:23 AM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
I will put my money on Theo.
1357 will go heavy
8/13/2009 6:22:23 AM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
I will put my money on Theo.
1357 will go heavy
8/13/2009 6:22:24 AM
Grom |
Last figures on Ameland West Pitura 1378 day 45 170 kg Young 915 day 42 180 kg I hope to break my Pb of 370 kg, it will be tight Willem Kiewiet
8/13/2009 2:11:21 PM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Today growing through the 200kg, just 114kg more for my BP and 170kg more for the local champion contest. :)
I am optimistic, meanwhile there is a small [not growing] stemsplit.
Okay, Brad, Jos and many others are far ahead on me, nex year may be more effort: better amd more organic food, temporary greenhouse or soilheating?! Springtime is the problem at the coastal area's, further next year the real hot summertime. :-D
8/15/2009 4:10:11 AM
Dutch Brad |
You can still beat me Theo. If my 1142 splits or so, I have nothing left. Now well over 900 lbs and hopefully a new Dutch record, but there are still 41 days till Sliedrecht.
If you look at the day 40 and 50 weights of many European growers than you should watch out for: Anders Lilja Jonas de Swert Ian and Stuart Paton Robert Jaser Jos Ghaye Brad Wursten and maybe a few we missed or don't know about.
If none of these lose their biggest pumpkin, I think the % heavy will be important to win the European title this year.
8/15/2009 4:55:31 AM
Dutch Brad |
I think you will need 1300 lbs to end up in the top 5 in Europe. And a few of those will be over 1400 lbs.
There are still two or three pumpkins in Europe that can possibly beat the current European record of 1457 lbs. But time will tell.
8/15/2009 4:58:57 AM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
That list is too long, Brad....
8/15/2009 9:31:44 AM
Dutch Brad |
And I just heard Fabrice Boudyo is in the race too. So one more Theo.
8/15/2009 12:17:42 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Why don't you all just enjoy the season instead of worrying about everyone else?
What will be will be, and yes, we all know who holds the records.
8/15/2009 1:23:45 PM
Jos |
Belgium Europe
Look what you've done !!! You even managed to wake up Owen ! lol
8/15/2009 4:57:12 PM
benny_p |
genau Owen
8/15/2009 5:57:20 PM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Hallo Owen, Wie geht es dir? Es war lange Jahren zurruck bei dir im Garten! Ich fröhe mich etwas von dir zu hören. :-) Hier ist es ein bisschen persönlicher dann in die Diaries. Eigentlich geht es mein Kurbische besser dieses Jahr, zeit muss man haben.. Deutschland soll wiederkommen fur mich, sicher, wenn es nicht dieses Jahr ist dan nachste Jahren. Liebe Grusse, Theo.
Beste Jos, fijn iets van je te horen, hier. Je gaat weer ongelooflijk goed en eigenlijk ambieer ik dezelfde mogelijkheden die jij hebt met zoveel oppervlakte, kunststof tunnels, etc. Toch red ik het met 1 regenton om vandaag 18 en 14 kg groei te realiseren [als ik goed gemeten heb, 2x maar met enige spaanse wijn op...:-D] 218 dag 41, 173 dag 40, miischien royaal door de 400kg?! Jaar op jaar leer ik, en langzaam aan gaat het lukken meet tijd te vinden om het opstartproces beter te begeleiden en daarna de rest ook. Blijven verbeteren zoals jij ook doet! Sliedrecht wordt de nieuwe plek in Nederland, daar moet ik wel naar toe, Duisbrug en eventueel Ludwigsburg is nog even toekomstmuziek. Helaas heb ik twee jaar verstek laten gaan, door ongunstige omstandingheden. Groet, Theo.
To All: Lovely so many fantic European growers wake up in August, keep going, this is the real growingtime!!! :-) No sandbagging, hard work with water and what more?! See you somewhere sometime in autumn. Regards, Theo.
8/16/2009 4:04:21 PM
Lumina-Germany |
Hallo Theo,ich war auch bei Owen auf der Pachtour,war ein sehr schöner Tag. Schaue doch mal bei uns vorbei: " www.crazy-growers.de " Hier sind sehr viele Züchter aus Europa unterwegs.
Gruß Norbert
8/17/2009 4:48:01 AM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Danke, Norbert, ich fang noch einmahl an.
8/17/2009 6:31:37 AM
is everyone still going?
8/21/2009 3:22:27 PM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Within some days something on my diary again, Rohnny. Yours are doing very well acording your diary postings! Here 261kg day 48 and 208kg day 45, 2x stemstress and one small stemsplit, not to worry too much about it. That one hot day of last week, my pumpkins did not like. :-( PB and Local Best within reach! :-) Sliedrecht, Dutch contest would be affordable. ;-)
8/22/2009 3:09:01 AM
Dutch Brad |
Go Theo, go!
Sliedrecht offers nice euro prizes for the first three places (pumpkin or squash) and trophies for the top 5 pumpkins and top 2 squash.
Mine is over 1000 lbs today (day 59), but I will be happy if it makes the top 5 in Europe this year. At least 8-10 pumpkins still in the race for gold in Europe and all around or over 1000 lbs already.
Might be the best year for Europe yet, though of course one or two of the big ones can still go down before the weigh-offs.
8/22/2009 4:59:56 AM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
How intersting Brad, I did not know anything about prizes, or trophies for our National contest. :-)
8/22/2009 4:26:33 PM
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