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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Bad weather and other problems...

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Netherlands, Rotterdam

Last night there whas a terrible rainstorm above our head and yesterday i just "released" 2 of the three pumpkins in the open air... :(
2 plants are really damaged. The one that whas still under protection is still growing fast and healthy.
I saw that there where more problems with our European growers, like people wo are stealing umbrella's from patches?!?
Are there more problems in Europe?

Sebas Coenen

5/26/2009 5:24:22 PM

Dutch Brad


Sebas, I still have a large 1286 Wursching plant for you if you want to come all the way over here to pick it up. It is about 2 feet long and in the patch. I can put in a large pail for you.

I saw the storm was coming and waited on purpose another day before setting out my plants.

5/27/2009 3:22:31 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Hello Sebas,

Even I have some nice Belgian, Ghaye and Swedish, Lilja plants for you, but Ameland is not close. :(

The bad weather came here too, even today lot of wind.

I was just in time, at midnight to close the small glasshouse around my favorite 3 plants.

The others, still small survived quiet well.

Some of my friens from India and Nepal are called Sebas too!

Regards, Theo.

5/27/2009 4:38:03 AM


Dummer Twp - Ontario

Thats unfortunate to hear a bad storm set some of you back in Europe. It's very disappointing this time of the year when your all hyped up to grow and bad weather snuffs out your plants. Hope you can recover and make a year of it.

Kirk - GVGO

5/27/2009 5:53:18 AM

Miika (Team Lunatic)

South Finland pumpkinfinland@gmail.com

Finland was freaking cold last year and season was very hard. This Spring was late and seemed that Summer wont come at all.

Now it has been real nice, around 20 celsius daytime and nighttemps around 8-12 degrees here when same time last year we had frost warning wholetime. Forecast is going to give as 25 or more degrees in late week and early next week. I know its going to cool sometime again but need to have fun now. Plants ahead last year in their hoops so maybe this year we see few over 200 kilos pumpkins from field...of course finnish glas are going to grow way bigger on their greenhouses...

I hope that rest of Europe is getting nice weather too soon.


5/27/2009 6:27:31 AM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

Hello, here in Italy, seem to be summer, got one and half weeks with 35° to 36°c, teen grados more that normal a lot of leafes are burn, the plants in good conditinon are only the two under green house, don't know why, maybe those was a little shade from the cover up, anyway today the weather changed,and turn to the normal, got nice wind from east that put way the hot air, now I have 18°c 9,30pm yesterday same time was 28,8°c, and I hope the warm stay way for some days, I was worried for the pollination time, I know hot temps = no pumpkins set!
Sorry for english.....

5/27/2009 3:37:58 PM


North of FRANCE

Hi Sebas,

Weather in France is bad and a few days only with nice temp ( 20/22 °C ), i am not sure my plants like this weather because the growth is not terrible, my 998 Bowles is a 4 leaves plant , nearly 5 and germinated the 25 th of April !!!

Good news, we'll have some nice temp the end of the week, grow pumpkins, grow........ Best, stéphane

OHHH, i am agree with you Mika, all luck for all !

5/27/2009 4:06:49 PM


Netherlands, Rotterdam

Brad and Theo, thanks for the offer but it's too far away and beside that, i wanna try it this year with the plants i have left (and in the state they are lol...)
It gives me more satisfaction and i have less work to do in the patch ;)
Great weather today and i upgraded the hoops for the pumpkins, they are stronger and larger.


5/28/2009 7:02:50 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Than Good Luck, Sebas, keep each other informed here!

Sergio, your English is fine! :-) Please keep us informed, one day with +30°c, I would wish so, like in Finland!
But too hot is bad too, that is your challence.

Kirk, thanks for your encouragement, weather seems to improve a lot now here.

Miika, hoping for more heath upthere, is seems not too bad last days.

Stéphane your weather was equal to northern Pay Bas islands! My pumpkins are equal size than yours, not bad at all. Many good things still can happen and mostly come slowly!

And to All German growers: try your good English here, sorry I am too lazy to check all pumpkin-sites...:-(

Good luck to All, grow them Big. :-) Regards, Theo.

5/29/2009 3:35:06 AM

GPW (Crazy-Growers)


Hello from Thuringia.
Also in Germany there were heavy storms. Hail, storm and a lot of rain.
Many Grower, report in our forum(http://crazy-growers.de/) with pictures and videos.
Some had big damages. In Bavaria the storm has particularly raved.Good luck Tom!

I had luck in Thuringia. I have lost only one AG, some tomatoes, food pumpkins and maize plants.
And it has got cold very much. The temperatures have liked on 10C °. At the last night we had only 2C °!
The weather becomes hopefully soon better.
I wish a lot of luck for 2009 all Growern in Europe and in the world.
All your wishes should come true.
And sorry for my bad english:-(

5/29/2009 4:27:17 AM


Long Island,New York


5/29/2009 6:10:26 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

loads of sand here, I grow on sand. :D:D:D

5/31/2009 4:17:35 PM

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