Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: EGVGA seed promos will be ready soon, thx all !!!
Date Posted
Hottis |
South Finland
I´m receiving last seeds to our club seed promos and would like to thank you all who sent us seeds. We have got top European and American giant vegetable seeds, including great crosses. Thank you all for your generosity and help, we apreciate it very much.
If you sent us seeds but haven´t got any message that we received them, please email me so we can check if we got them, thanks.
If you haven´t paid your membership fee for 2009, you still have time to pay and get our seed promo and 3-4 digital newsletters with heavy info of heavy vegetables etc this coming year ;)
If you have paid for 2009, there is star* behind your name:
Special thanks to Brad and Roger for your great job with packing the seeds and also Brad for taking care of our clubs silent auction :)
Remember that this year´s competition of Other Giant Vegetable is Giant Tomato, don´t forget to start your tomatoes early enough, Trophy might be waiting just you to win it ;)
Good luck for 2009, Grow ´em HUGE!
Best regards,
Kaarina Rinne / EGVGA Pres.
1/20/2009 3:45:54 PM
Albin N. Helgesson |
Southern Sweden
Graet Kaarinus
1/27/2009 6:17:44 PM
fergies u.k. |
Nottinghamshire U.K.
Please remind me how much, and where to send money. Thanks
12/8/2009 2:39:36 PM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
Here is where and how;
good luck and take care
12/9/2009 4:38:03 AM
Total Posts: 4 |
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