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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  EGVGA Question

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owen o

Knopp, Germany

if a grower that normally would not take his AG to a weigh off because of distance and expense shows up at one because the sponsors pay for the gas, ferry, hotel, etc, is that included in your rules?

Or can a weigh off call up the biggest AGs and still be an EGVGA regardless of how the AG got there?

Europe is beginning to turn ugly in my opinion.

Good luck GPC and EGVGA.

9/13/2008 1:45:30 PM

Phil D

Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia

I wouldnt be happy if a national weigh off did that , but I think Ludwigsburg is a different case.

9/13/2008 2:36:53 PM

Dutch Brad


At this point the EGVGA does not get involved in money matters, neither transportation or prize money. At the same time we want a fair weigh-off.

We will have to look into this matter better, Owen. Thanks for letting us know.

9/13/2008 2:50:20 PM


Owen could you pass along my contact info? I would love to come to Octoberfest in the homeland ;-)

9/13/2008 7:00:39 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

So, I have thought about this a bit and decided that it might not be a bad thing for advertisement of our hobby.

On one side when I realized what was going on I thought, dang, now that is really fair...right! But after taking a day or two to think about it many growers put a lot of time and money into our hobby, why shouldn't they be rewarded?

Just like in professional sports, the sponsors are at times the most important part, I guess that in this case the same thing fits.

I guess one could argue both sides of this with pretty good arguements.

Dan, I will see what I can do, did you know the same sponsors bought Craig Weirs world record pumpkin, put it on display, and then sold the seeds to get back the money they spent on it? Grow a WR and I am sure they will want to meet you too...LOL.

9/14/2008 11:34:54 AM

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