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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  European weigh-off news!

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Dutch Brad


A number of weigh-offs in Europe will be affiliated with the EGVGA this year. This includes new weigh-offs and existing weigh-offs.

The rules and regulations can be found here: http://www.freewebs.com/egvga/weighoffrules.htm

While talks are going on with several other weigh-offs, the following weigh-offs will be EGVGA weigh-offs this year:

European Championship in Ludwigsburg, Germany
Finnish National Championship, Finland

8/16/2008 8:09:21 AM

Brooks B


Kinda looks similar to the GPC guide lines,,,,what do we need more affilaters for the weigh offs Brad?

8/18/2008 3:35:28 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Kinda is not exactly Brooks. Look at rule 6 of the GPC rules, changed from 2007 this year, the big difference.

8/19/2008 12:03:51 AM

Dutch Brad


New additions:

Bavarian State Championship, Germany
German National Championship, Ludwigsburg

8/19/2008 3:04:09 AM

Brooks B


Owen your right, not exact,but really close.
The GPC's hard work gave a excellent guide for someone else to copy, to almost not exactly.

8/20/2008 10:51:53 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I could not agree with you more, it is a shame that they changed that rule 6 though, other wise we would probably have a few more weigh off sites in Europe this year that were GPC sites.........

I have always supported the GPC Brooks, in ways that only a hand full of people know, so please be careful in the way you direct your comments. I busted my ass off the last couple of years to bring the GPC to Europe.

8/21/2008 2:08:28 AM

Dutch Brad


There are some major differences Brooks. The EGVGA costs nothing while the GPC costs $300. The EGVGA will reward each specimen entered with a ranking (published on the EGVGA webpage with genetics and all) and a certificate. The GPC didn't offer a listing of all European pumpkins last year, let alone any prize money or awards. Furthermore the EGVGA pays more attention to the entire giant veg world than only pumpkins (and to a very limited degree other giant veg).

Lastly, The EGVGA steers clear of money matters as that seems to be the root of all problems and always has been since the WPC and GPC split.

So while they have much in common, there are several differences. What we all want to create is an equal playing field over the entire world and it's great if the EGVGA and GPC can simultaneously work on that.

8/21/2008 5:40:22 AM

Andy W

Western NY

Brooks - Owen has privately given the GPC a tremendous amount of help, and a European perspective that we would not have otherwise had. Sometimes the best helping hands come from those that like to stay our of the limelight.

The rule 6 of the GPC was changed in wording from the previous, but not in intent. It had been one of the founding ideas of the GPC from the beginning that all growers be accepted from anywhere- not just to show up but to compete equally for prizes. We had to clarify the wording, but the driving factor had nothing to do with Europe when we did so.

The GPC has no problem at all with the EGVGA, and we certainly encourage any attempt to grow the hobby around the world. We have no problem with any site being affiliated with both the GPC and the EGVGA as long as they hold to the rules of the GPC.

Brad is right- the GPC does cost money to join, however there are different levels. It is cheaper than it used to be ($500), but that also means we are under tighter budget constraints to provide a cost effective prize structure. I applaud your attempt to keep money from creating potential problems. However, we believe there has always been (and will be) a demand for sites to be able to join a system that rewards growers above and beyond what the site can provide.

Any problems with getting results posted should have been brought up with Ken D. He has done an amazing job putting the software together, but I can only offer minor assistance when it comes to those issues.

8/21/2008 9:12:59 AM

Brooks B


For one, I didnt say Owen, or anyone hasnt helped the GPC in anyway shape or form, that wasnt even mentioned in this thread by me anywhere!

For two, all I asked was a simple question to Brad, why do we need two oraganzations in the same weigh offs, and that I got my answer for!.

For three, I dont need someone to tell me to becareful with my comments, espically when they think they are directed at only him, be nice if people would read the threads first before taking it personal.

8/21/2008 9:28:07 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Wow, January in August, but what the heck.

Your simple question was questioning the integrity of the EGVGA.

"The GPC's hard work gave a excellent guide for someone else to copy, to almost not exactly."

That is called research Brooks, happens all the time, the EGVGA did not plagerize the GPC.

So put me in jail...wait a minute, you work in one, forget that......LOL

Andy, the 2007 GPC rules allowed the site to give out prize money as they saw fit. The 2008 rules dictated that the site give out prize money in a certain way. Those are 2 different things.

Grow em big, have fun, go heavy....uh...take em to a weigh off.

8/21/2008 11:30:56 AM

Dutch Brad


Andy, our opinion is that a weigh-off can be affiliated with both the GPC and the EGVGA too. I don't think the rules as applied at most European weigh-offs will differ at all. One of the GPC sites here in Europe has also approached us if they could stay GPC but still join the EGVGA, which is fine by us. It provides them with a listing on both the GPC site as well as the EGVGA site. I think many European growers feel a bit more comfortable with an "own" European site, than with a large non-European site. Our board members together speak at least 6 or 7 languages which makes correspondence a lot easier as well.

As to awards, the EGVGA offers them to all members, regardless if their fruit are weighed at a GPC, EGVGA or any other weigh-off. As long as the rules are the same.

8/21/2008 12:31:43 PM

Brooks B


Owen, what did any of my question have to do with ''YOU''? Busting your ass for the GPC?,,, ummm none that I know of, But If no one eles pats you on the back for it, I will.

8/21/2008 8:07:45 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I first want to congratulate the EGVGA on their great start as an organiztion. First year out, a lot of work and already the middle point of an interesting thread. Thanks to all the board members.

I second want to thank the GPC for the hard work they have put in over many years with the goal of regulating how pumpkins are offically weighed and being fair to all growers. My difference with them is due to how the European community has their weigh offs. Most countries have their own weigh off, it is not open competition like 2-3 states close to each other. At any rate, they stand by their rules, and I stand by my ideas, I respect them, I hope I am also respected.

Third, I have known Brooks for a few years now, and I personally like, and respect him. I do not, nor ever thought he was busting my ass. I do think he was stirring the pot with his questions, but that is probably because I am biased.

I am not making any apologies here, nor will I take on any pat on the backs. I was never looking for one, nor will I either.

GPC, EGVGA, EIEIO....grow em big.

8/22/2008 6:48:51 AM



How can I achieve Membership of the EIEIO. Seems to be an important organization. ;)

8/23/2008 3:52:44 AM

Dutch Brad


Benny, only upon invitation. You will be approached by them if selected. Pay attention to any incoming emails with the extention [email protected]

8/23/2008 11:15:47 AM

Dutch Brad


New addition:

Ameland Island Championship, The Netherlands [October 6]

8/27/2008 2:43:13 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

That's good news, Brad!
Congrats to Willem and all island growers!
We have a lot of experience though since 5 years now. :-)
Great to be EGVGA now.

8/27/2008 4:07:43 PM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

Italian State Championship in 07/14

8/27/2008 4:11:43 PM

Dutch Brad


Do you mean 10/14 Sergio?

PS. The Italian weigh-off is not EGVGA but independent.

8/28/2008 1:27:52 PM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

sorry! for the mistake, 14 september

8/28/2008 4:24:10 PM

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