Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: European record falls twice
Date Posted
Dutch Brad |
Although most European weigh-offs are still to come, the ER has already fallen twice.
1234 Wursten 07* (1055 Pitura 06* x self) 1256 Wursten 07 (1093 Hunt 06 x 1446 Eaton)
9/21/2007 2:59:05 PM
Flintshire. North Wales Uk
Congratulations. Well done
9/21/2007 3:23:00 PM
Steel |
Wow, congrats again. Awesome job Brad!
9/21/2007 3:34:59 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Conratz to Brad.....hey Brad...what size jacket? Do you look good in green?......lol...congratz
9/21/2007 4:12:39 PM
Phil D |
Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia
Good Job Brad! World next year?
9/21/2007 4:17:17 PM
pumpkinhead vic |
Mt Vernon Ky
Congratulations great job
9/21/2007 4:34:27 PM
moro (sergio) |
Cologne Brescia Italy
Congrats Brad!! you really have two monters! great job Sergio
9/21/2007 4:36:55 PM
Dutch Brad |
Phil, the 1234* is the new WR for as long as it lasts.
9/21/2007 4:47:43 PM
One Dude |
Carrollton, Ga.
Way to go Brad! Good Job!!!
Jn 3:16
9/21/2007 5:00:44 PM
gartenmundl (Raimund) |
Germany (Bavaria)
WOW! Good job! Amazing pumpkins! Congratulations! Raimund
9/21/2007 5:03:47 PM
Phil D |
Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia
Wow Brad ! Congratulations.
9/21/2007 5:15:04 PM
Bohica (Tom) |
congrats bro!
9/21/2007 5:18:09 PM
StL Kenny |
Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)
WOW Brad, what a year you have had so far. Do you have anything else hiding in the patch? Congratulations!
9/21/2007 5:25:50 PM
VTJohn |
Jericho Vermont
nice Brad. What a great year. John
9/21/2007 5:33:02 PM
benny_p |
Congratulations Brad ! I Think this day pays back for a lot of work and sleepless nights. Is there a chance to see these monsters at Ludwigsburg ? I hope your administration allows the greenhouses for the next seasons so we can see some bigger Wursten 08 ! Congrats Benny
9/21/2007 6:04:53 PM
Paddy the fisherman |
Louth , Ireland
great result for an excellent grower
9/21/2007 6:06:32 PM
Jos |
Belgium Europe
Wow, congrats Brad ! European record pumpkin and world record squash in one year by one grower...awsome!
9/21/2007 7:04:19 PM
Awesome |
Essex England
well done, Enjoy!!!
9/21/2007 7:05:27 PM
Joe P. |
Leicester, NY
Excellent work Brad, congratulations!
9/21/2007 7:47:31 PM
Brooks B |
Now thats what Im talking about Brad!!!!!!! glad to see the new record set . fantastic Job!!
9/21/2007 7:48:31 PM
basebell6 (christy) |
Massillon, Ohio
wow good job !!!!!! :)
9/21/2007 8:01:39 PM
Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG) |
sevierville, Tn
Great Job ! 2 for 2 !
9/21/2007 8:46:08 PM
Tremor |
Great job Brad! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two records in one day by one grower. Amazing accomplishment. Very happy for you!
9/21/2007 11:45:35 PM
Duchezeau JL |
Sancoins / Cher / FRANCE
Great Job, Congrats Brad
9/22/2007 1:03:07 AM
Miika (Team Lunatic) |
South Finland pumpkinfinland@gmail.com
Once again, congratulations Brad!
9/22/2007 1:38:30 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Outstanding Brad, well done. Congrats!!!
9/22/2007 1:48:09 AM
Cornish Giant |
Cornwall UK
Good job Brad keep up the good work!
9/22/2007 5:14:42 AM
IanP |
Lymington UK
Fantastic growing Brad and to grow them that big in the rubbish weather we’ve had this year is even more special.
9/22/2007 5:16:25 AM
Chris Austria |
Pervect Brad!! You are the man! I wish you for the next good luck! Congrats!!
9/22/2007 6:20:41 AM
Phil H. |
Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic
Great Job Brad. What are you going to do for an encore next year? I guess you'll have to set your sights on the WR Pumpkin, seeing that you own the WR for squash. Take care.
9/22/2007 8:41:58 AM
Dr.Greenthumb |
Awesome job Brad- congrats.
9/22/2007 9:23:18 AM
Eaglewood (Lars) Sweden |
Congrats to a fantasic good job. you are the king of europe.
9/22/2007 1:01:31 PM
Eaglewood (Lars) Sweden |
Congrats to a fantasic good job. you are the king of europe.
9/22/2007 1:01:32 PM
Sweden-Gustavsson |
Southern Sweden
Congratulations to the new WR!
9/22/2007 4:34:49 PM
Lilja sweden |
Sweden eastcoast
Congratulations Brad.
9/22/2007 5:09:34 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
Well Done Brad!
9/23/2007 2:07:02 PM
jantje |
Way to go Brad!!! Congrats!!!!
9/23/2007 3:40:34 PM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Owen, Heino, Jos, Jantje and others, A bit late, but now my contribution here. Dear Brad, first again congratulations for the double records. It was a great honour to have been wittness of the weighing of these two monsters. For me it was a once in a lifetime experience. And reading my name in the official notary paper, I would like to add my sincere expression of thruth in checking these two fruits being sound and without any split or whole in the cavity confirm the rules and regulations.
ragards, Theo.
9/29/2007 5:12:36 PM
Boudyo.F |
Good work!! congrats!!
10/8/2007 10:54:58 AM
jonas |
congrats brad well done! greats jonas.
10/22/2007 6:45:01 AM
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