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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  New Finnish Record

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Miika (Team Lunatic)

South Finland [email protected]

No not by me,yet;) I gave some seeds to our current champ on spring and She pulled yesterday second biggest pumpkin out. Weight was 87 kilos(191.4pounds). She bettered hers record by 10 kilos. Little pressure to me...I have taken 329,5 J.Andrews out last weekend and it was 74 kilos(162.8 pounds),not bad at all. That was taped 159 pounds. I have one bigger still going, OTT 204 and that one looks heavy;) Besides these there is another "monster" growing by one of my competitor. We are going to have most likely at least one over 100 kilos this year.

9/20/2007 7:27:07 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Great work, keep them going, as far as possible!

9/20/2007 9:56:22 AM

Dutch Brad


Way to go Finland!

9/20/2007 11:06:10 AM

Miika (Team Lunatic)

South Finland [email protected]

We have a winner...Lady near from my place hit 100 kilos by plenty. 263.8 pounds(119.9 kilos) Seed was 771 Hooker. She would like to thanks Bruce for the seed. Pumpkin was weighed on Monday on certified scale with witnesses. Now the great part...Our main Tv-channel is making story about she and the pumpkin. It is going out on our main News today or tomorrow. What a great way to make this insane hobby even more popular here far North! I weighed my 548.3*Duchezeau today on certified scale and the weigh was 188.5 pounds(85.7 kilos)Third place on our competition, not bad at all. I bet that next year there would be lot of new growers and weights are gonna rise...Watch out Sweden, here we go...

10/3/2007 2:25:50 AM

Lilja sweden

Sweden eastcoast

Congrats Finland, I think if you do everything right you can have the same weights as in Sweden in a couple of years. I remember my first year than i had a 124 kg, next year 258 kg, year after that 348 kg and year after that 541 kg and this year 533 kg. So give it a couple of years and I am sure we can count you in as one of the top nations in Europe.

10/3/2007 5:47:55 AM

Miika (Team Lunatic)

South Finland [email protected]

Anders, nice words, thank you! I have read your diarys, it has been exiting to see how these monsters grow so well near our place. This year was first with seeds that I got from bp and 6 biggest fruit in Finland was grown from those seeds. We will do our best, we have long days here which would help. Also maybe three to five growers will grow next year in greenhouses which help a lot. We have discussed about aiming to 500 pounds next year, that might be reasonable number. Do you know if there is any growers in Norway?They should start as well. United Scandinavia will be tough in couple of years!
Today weight from Middle Finland is 216.7 pounds(98.5 kilos) Those damn ladies beat me;)

10/3/2007 6:30:22 AM


[email protected]

Good show. Congrats Finland!

10/3/2007 6:00:14 PM




10/8/2007 10:53:14 AM

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