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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  forget wet flowers new subject

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Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

After having a wet june and 80mm in the last 36 hours the patch is flooded All plants (some more than others)are in the wet. How long can vines stay submerged? and how long can pumkinplants stay in such wetness? can young fruits survive?

7/5/2007 1:22:15 PM

Dutch Brad


Sorry to hear about that, Iwan. Lots more rain expected. Saturday and Sunday should be a bit drier, but tomorrow and next week are expected to be very wet.

All I know is they won't grow (I have the same problem at the moment, just a bit less drastic). Last year I had this in August. The main root either rotted or the pumpkins split. I lost everything last year.

I hope someone has better news for you.

7/5/2007 4:14:38 PM


[email protected]

How long?...This depends on the physical structure of the soil. Clay might be finished while a sandy loam might be OK in just a couple days.

7/5/2007 8:19:53 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Very sorry to hear this terrible news.
I hope it will be a temporary matter.
I have no experience with flooded plants.

On Ameland got 136mm (73mm in 3 days)in June and July so far about 35 mm. All around my patch it has been flooded now and than, but through all the dung and compost and seeweeds, etc this small parch, 10x10 m, his been made 30cm higher and through that all stayed dry.

Wind has damaged some leaves today again, it was allmost storm again. But the greenhouse survives with a lot of noise of the plastic in the wind.
And the 709 Armstong inside is doing not too bad, only a bit burned leaves through a few days with high temps inside.

Before juli 20 we cannot expect good improvement of the weather, because the jeststream above us is extremely poverfull.
This takes time before a different Low and high presure posititon would appear.

Fingers crossed for a good summerin the last July week(s) and august.

7/6/2007 4:33:30 PM

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