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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  To all the dutch growers...

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Frank and Tina

South East

Hi guys, Just wondering how you all are doing...any pumpkins yet?.. Got a few going here , but our damn dutch weather isnt really helping!!! Anyway The best of luck to all of you!! And hopefully the weahter changes for the best, so somebody can maybe get a shot a 1000lbser..lol

7/1/2007 5:41:06 AM

Dutch Brad


Plants outside have pretty much had it. Too much damage, except for the 1225 Pukos which is waterlogged and shows very little growth.

In the greenhouse I have a squash at day 15 which is following the 1000 lb benchmarks very closely. It is now about 17 kg. The pumpkin in the greenhouse is at day 10 and doing quite well.

7/2/2007 2:55:21 AM

Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

Only plants outside and patch is very wet.
Plants are doing ok. few polinations done
others planned this week. decisions to be made in the coming weeks. A little ahead of last year I think.

7/2/2007 6:05:07 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

5 weeks late here,
plants are somehow surviving,
pollinationtime still has to come,
don't expect too much from Ameland,
except we get marvellous last julyweeks and august month.
Early fruits had no male flowers.
Let see, today not too bad so far...

7/2/2007 11:28:48 AM

Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

A guy from work lives nearby Arie van Dijk.
He has already big ones. I think if I gues right between 150 and 200 lbs

7/2/2007 12:52:17 PM

Dutch Brad


Arie has been growing for many years. For some reason he just doesn't get them too big, but has had some nice pumpkins.

7/2/2007 1:54:53 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Wel got three set on one of the 998s:
one selfed, one si 998x 785 sandvik and one more selfed(side, vines) i got a 998 x 1180 but not shure that took yet, its the other 998.
Tommorow i wil sibb the 998, and pollinate the 1174 wallace
with the 1180.
more to come, lol....
Biggest pumpkin sofar at 70cm cc

7/2/2007 5:41:33 PM

Dutch Brad


The cook said: "so somebody can maybe get a shot a 1000lbser..lol".

We're there! lol

8/18/2007 2:39:06 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

great, Brad, keep them in one piece!

Here, gains 6kg towards 7kg per day, and the better weather seems to come (today nice sunshine!), keep fingers crosses for september.
Last chance for me, lol.

8/19/2007 10:46:28 AM

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