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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  New Young Grower in the UK

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Little-TON - Colorado

Young Potter is a new grower in UK, I let him know he has all kinds of pumpkin friends out there.....Hoping that perhaps someone in UK might be able to help him with seasonal and soil requirments......he has all kinds of energy.....Thanks, let me know.

3/8/2007 2:37:08 PM

Dutch Brad


Met him in the chatroom. Lot's of energy and willing to learn. Hope somebody can help him out.

3/8/2007 3:35:10 PM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

Tell him to email me, I'll help the best I can...

3/14/2007 9:49:18 PM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Hi Alun

Welcome back. Norm Craven was looking to contact you. Did he ever get through? He lives just down the road from me, so he was over looking for your phone #. Mike Turner helped me out with that.


3/15/2007 6:48:15 AM


Little-TON - Colorado

Thanks Alun, Im not familar with the climate and planting dates in UK,,,, he too is anxious, like all of us to start soon....lol

3/15/2007 8:46:59 AM


West Amwell, NJ

I would be very cautious with this Young Potter. He may be a 13 year old boy, and he may not. Recently, someone in the UK posed as a 13 year old boy and was asking for free seeds from every person he could find. The person then turned around and set up an ebay account selling the seeds. He was booted off allotment4all, and now this kid shows up with the same gimick. I sent him a a lot of seeds, and find out he is asking for the same EXACT type of seeds I sent him from others. I've received email from many growers in the UK telling of similar stories. Many of them said he was after expensive or unusual seeds and plants. He has enough seeds to make the entire UK into one giant garden.

Please read this thread from the allotments4all site


Also strange: he has en ebay account, but he claims to have absolutely no money and needs free seeds.

There are quite a few people in the UK that have expressed concern to me that it may be the same person pulling this same scam as last year.


4/7/2007 11:59:32 PM


Little-TON - Colorado


4/14/2007 1:07:28 PM


Rhode Island

theres an ass for every seat as they say. hope its not true but nothing would surprize me. Pap

4/14/2007 10:42:09 PM

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