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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  New World Record Squash in Belgium, Europe?!

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Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

In the growers diaries we can read something amazing.
Keep her going, Jan, at least up to suday Sept 30th!!!
Great job, I cross my fingers for Good Luck. :-)

9/20/2006 3:54:15 PM


Belgium Europe

October 7 , Theo...
Good luck Jan !

9/20/2006 4:06:32 PM

Dutch Brad


Good luck as well Jan. As I said I know of a few others over a 1000 lbs. Let's hope she goes real heavy. Nonetheless an excellent achievement regardless of what happens.

9/21/2006 1:00:35 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Jos, oktober 7th would be much better, ofcourse. :-)
See you there in Duisburgs sporthal, with mij smaller squash. :-( lol
Jos, Jan, Brad, Iwan, Harry, many Kasterlee growers too?

9/21/2006 3:33:39 AM



Normally she get weighed at our local weigh-off at september 30 and a week later in Duisburg. I'm almost certain she goes a little bit light however, so a worldrecord is not at the order i think. Maybe the guys from Kasterlee (or someone else) have a bigger squash, i don't no. Anyway i thank you all for the support and ofcourse Owen Olsen for the seed.

9/21/2006 1:40:46 PM

Dutch Brad


Theo, I won't be at Duisburg. The only pumpkin I have left is not even at 600 lbs.

9/21/2006 1:56:24 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Janrje, I would be surprised if it went light, mine went heavy last year. Best of luck, and if you need more seed, you got it. Job well done.

9/22/2006 12:08:55 AM



Thanks Owen, ofcourse i want a few of your 792-seeds (and others maybe?). Will trade with you in the fall if that's ok. Send you a few E-mails a while back but got no answer, maybe they did not came true? It's a pitty you didn't grow a 792 yourself...

9/23/2006 3:34:11 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Jan, van harte gefeliciteerd met je prachtige resutaat! Congatulations with your great results!
Soon we know how heavy it went?!

Groetjes, Theo.

10/2/2006 12:07:19 PM



Hello all, i can tell you that she wheighs 474.6 kg or 1046.3 lbs and went 7.5 % light. This is caused by the dry month of septembre i think and the fact i didn't give her much water to prevent splittng. Als the fruit has a shape that is not easy to meassure correctly. So it is not a world record but only a European one. But will only be official on Saturday 7 i think. Read my diary tomorrow and let me know your opinion.

10/2/2006 2:43:00 PM


Long Island,New York

Congratz Jantje !!!!

10/2/2006 2:54:08 PM

Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

van Harte,

zie je zaterdag bij leven en welzijn

10/2/2006 2:55:58 PM

Dutch Brad


You did an excellent job Jantje. Gefeliciteerd!

10/2/2006 3:15:01 PM


Belgium Europe

Will be great to see this monster next saturday!

10/2/2006 4:03:09 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

congrats jantje, great job!!!

10/2/2006 5:36:25 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

New European Record Squash!!!

Great job Jantje, thank you for proving that seed.

10/3/2006 12:52:43 AM



Congrats on the new European record ... what a big beast!

10/3/2006 5:19:47 PM

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