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Subject:  Squash in Europe

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Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Owen, last year you got the biggest squash, is it not?

Now I have a well growing squash, so it might be something for a contest, october.

Is a squash something to bring to Ludwigsburg?

7/21/2006 5:15:47 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Yes, it is. Last year I brought 2, and the people loved them. I have a feeling that there will be a lot more this year.

7/22/2006 12:55:48 AM

Dutch Brad


My squash started out very well but has slowed down considerably. At the moment no need to worry about me, but we will see in the end. (19 kg at day 15).

7/22/2006 2:39:50 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

So there ís a real squash compitition in Europe.
Who is joining more?

7/22/2006 4:34:18 AM



I do have a very well pruned squash plant with a small but nice growing fruit very far out, is all that I will say ... Once the plant knows what to do it will rock big time, I`m shure about that.

7/22/2006 9:00:40 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

That is nice Heino, more competition. :-)

7/23/2006 12:05:51 PM



There is a squash competition in Duisburg Belgium the first saturday of october. Last year it was won by Paul Van Pelt from Kasterlee ( Belgium ) with one of about 280Kg.

7/26/2006 4:06:38 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands


Thanks for your message that Duisburg does also in squashes.
Mine is 105kg now... It goes 10 kg now per day, I am surprized myself.
Should I go to Luswigsburg and Duisburg if it keeps going well?
Both it is rather a long drive from Ameland...

7/26/2006 5:16:15 PM



280 won`t be enough this year, lol.

7/28/2006 8:06:25 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

479kg, which is more than the world champion sqaush weight would be rather a to high goal... lol

But why not going for a new European squash champion?

My goal now is 360kg, at least! :-), Owen Olsen is champion with 359,8kg 2005.

Within 6 or 7 days I hope to be halfway...
Today 118 kg, gaining allmost 10kg per day :-) (happy, happy, happy ... so far...)

Regards, Theo.

7/29/2006 6:51:10 AM


Long Island,New York

Squash are cool !!! Join the fun !

7/29/2006 8:08:12 AM

Dutch Brad


Half way is about 35 days as far as weight is concerned, Theo. Some double the day 35 weight, some multiply the day 30 by 2.2. All I know is that anything can happen to influence that and usually it's in a negative way.

I'll be modest and try to break the 240 kg (527 lbs) which is the Dutch true green squash record set by Harrie Poels in 2002.

Just for the record:

German record: 793 Olsen 05*
Belgian record: 771 Broeckhoven 03*
UK record: 720.5 Hallam 05*
Italian record: 688.5 Moretti 02* (I think)
Dutch record: 527 Poels 02*

Any country have any to add? France?

7/29/2006 9:44:08 AM

Dutch Brad


Former European champions:

1999 D. Moretti (Italy) 614 lbs
2002 S. Moretti (Italy) 688.5 lbs
2003 Broeckhoven (Belgium) 771 lbs
2005 Olsen (Germany) 793 lbs

2004 was a bad squash year by the looks of it.

7/29/2006 9:49:00 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Thanks, Brad,
this is very usefull information!

Today I am at day 35...
I expect this evening 140kg on the scales (which I don't trust fully) and 123kg via measurement, which may be (a bit) low.
So let say 130kg halfway x 2 = 260 kg.
That might be realistic, ok.

But last year pumpkins gained only about 5kg per day at full growth and reached 226kg and 219kg. Now with 8kg gain per day for this squash, I expect more than 260kg, if no bad luck strikes.

The Olsen 359,8kg record of last year will be difficult to reach, I realise, if this halfway statistics will be a realiable way of predicting towards this squash.

Let us see what happens. :-)
Anyway it's great fun every day to see the gain.


7/30/2006 3:53:55 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Theo, I wish you the best of luck this year. Records are made to be broken and I hope you can break mine.

7/30/2006 4:39:51 AM

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