Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Looking for advice
Date Posted
Flintshire. North Wales Uk
Hi I am a new grower who is very pleased with my results so far. I have 5 plants out of their shelters and now protected by wind breaks. Vines vary from 4ft to 6ft long. I am wondering as to what pit falls to expect on bugs and fungal diseases? When to expect trouble? What to buy in to combat on discovery? Does anybody use pre-emptive treatments. Many thanks and wishing a good growing season to all. John
6/7/2006 3:39:23 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
We all use pre-emptive treatments but wait for a reply from England....products are location specific as a bugs, etc. Prevention is key. Rapid diagnosis of a problem is second....
6/7/2006 5:37:39 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
You can expect some aphids of some description anytime(Greenfly,Blackfly) on the disease front later towards the end of summer Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew. What to buy in depends on if you are an amateur or professional grower.If you're an amateur there aint much choice,this year I've gone organic and haven't looked at availability of other chemicals but the last ones I bought were Dithane for Downy and Spotless for Powdery which might be banned now.
On the organic front scotts have a product called Natures answer two in one which will be at a local garden centre. Neem oil is available off the net I haven't tried either of those yet.Milk diluted 10 to 1 may help with powdery and will make leaves nice and glossy.These treatments are best started before disease shows up
I'm relying on smart polythene and better ventilation as my first line of defence one or more of the above organics and finally diluted hydrogen peroxide when disease shows up.
good luck with the plants mine are same size at the moment. Mark
6/7/2006 6:54:45 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
Update,the natures answer product is now called Natural pest and disease control. Systhane fungus fighter is not labelled for use on veggies but does contain the ingredient myclobutanil which is found in some commercial powdery mildew sprays used on pumpkins.
6/8/2006 3:44:28 AM
Flintshire. North Wales Uk
Hi. Thanks for the replies. I have Dithane sachets left over from covering against last years potato blight risk. I am assuming this is diluted at the same rate for pumpkins.Please let me know if anyone has any views on this. Tumblebug should get the aphids. I will try and sort something for powdery mildew at the garden centre/hardware store. Thanks again. John
6/8/2006 4:06:32 PM
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