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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Go Börje go!

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So Börje (Sweden-Gustavsson) has already started his seed, the 1233 Reiss! This will be exciting and fun to watch. Not only that everybody is so much looking forward what this seed can produce, but just like last year, when Börje was the first to break 1000 most of us will probably be watching his efforts, for he is probably the earliest grower here in Europe and certainly one of the best.

Good luck! Grow it big!

4/6/2006 5:48:20 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Then, why should I not seed the seeds tomorrow?
I am not so far from south Sweden!! :-)

4/18/2006 10:44:57 AM

Eaglewood (Lars) Sweden


Theo. If your soil is ower 20 degrees and you have a warmed up greenhouse then is time to start. If not- wait a week or two. Börje (and me also)is warming both the soil and air with heaters. The temp in my soil was this weekend only 18. I will start the seeds this weekend and plant "outside" next weekend and then my soil will have atleast 24 degreed i hope.

4/18/2006 5:15:52 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Thanks Lars, for your advice!

It gives me a better plan, to get better 'into the matter'.

The greenhouse can be ready with a week or so.
But I will depend on sunny weather, I do not use heathers at all, but I could use my brothers lamb heating lamp in a doubble greenhouse, to bridge a few 100% cloudy days in May. So it will be good luck...

Nightfrosts are from now onwards highly unusual here and weather prediction for the comming week is going to 14 - 18 degrees max. Not bad. With daily sunshine which we normally have in springtime I could have a chance.

If bad luck, I could have a second try in May.
More seeds available, all for free!
Again thanks for the generousness of those who have send me some nice seeds!

Regards Theo.

4/19/2006 4:52:57 AM

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