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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Looking for the man called?

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Hello out there I am looking for the man called Linus Van Pelt ( AKA Shannon Engel ). I have been watching to see if he has posted but have seen nothing. I am traveling to Ireland in March and was hoping to make possable contact with him or any others in the Shannon area of County Clare. I would be more than happy to bring some pumpkin, watermelon and cantalope seeds with me on my trip. If anyone knows him please pass the word,
Thanks- Chuck J.from Wisconsin, USA.

2/22/2006 9:29:13 PM


Cologne / Germany

Isn´t she (not he) from Jim Falls, Wisconsin?
Not sure what you´re looking for...

2/22/2006 9:39:27 PM


[email protected]

Shannon is a "he" & he is from Wisconsin.

2/22/2006 10:35:47 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

Yep I am from Wisconsin...and I am a He...I have never been to Ireland..

2/22/2006 10:50:17 PM

Dutch Brad


Looking for Van Pelts? We have tons here in Holland where they all originated from. And we have tons of Engels living in the village beside mine as well.

2/23/2006 3:12:43 AM

mark p

Roanoke Il

I'm pretty sure that shannon and chuck have met at our club meetings in the past and at our weighoffs just think chuck was joking..lol

2/23/2006 7:45:11 AM



Yes I know who Shannon Is! I was given info. from an English man that I might reach someone from Ireland for my trip. That was what I started with. Thanks for the help
Chuck J.

2/23/2006 8:38:54 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

Oh you are looking for the grower from Ireland...these guys are easily confused sometimes...well actually most of the time.. I will find the name of the Irish guy for you.

2/23/2006 8:23:13 PM



Thanks Shannon that would be great! Sorry for the confusion,
by the way I think you need to plant my 582.5* this year if you wont something really big and green. Drop me a line,

2/23/2006 10:22:18 PM

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