Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: GPC Standards in Europe, what do you think?
Date Posted
Steel |
2/21/2006 9:16:36 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
GPC standards are not at the issue. What Dick is talking about is the GPC membership. And no, I'll not making any comments of club founding in Europe. All what you need you may read here: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=23&p=146686
2/21/2006 9:54:22 AM
Steel |
Quote - Our goal to standardize weights, measurements, soundness of fruit, etc... to ensure fair and equal competition around the globe. The GPC executive committee has worked hard at laying the ground work to support this expansion and will look forward to making the GPC a truely international organization - quote end.
What is it that`s behind the approach of bringing weigh off sites into the GPC? It is to standardize rules and regulations. The validation of entered fruits by the GPC through membership of a certain weigh off site. The GPC is no club. No real obstacles for any weigh off to join in there. Fee is only 100 USD a year. All the organisation has to do is implement the standards given. Not only the weigh off site but also growers would benefit by having their pumpkins officially approved by the GPC.
The question is, what has this to do with secrecy attitudes in the UK?
2/21/2006 11:30:35 AM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
I think the idea is great and, with our local weigh-off site, we will certainly be entering the GPC and using the rules in October. I don´t care if other sites like the so-called one and only German weigh-off / European weigh-off will refuse any contact in the future like they did in the past.
2/21/2006 11:39:37 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Steel, the GPC is no club? Thats new to me. lol
2/21/2006 1:34:49 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Floh, is that weigh-off nrw only or german open?
2/21/2006 2:04:30 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Open to everyone living in Germany.
2/21/2006 2:10:08 PM
Steel Could you possibly expand on your comment above where you say Quote 'The question is, what has this to do with secrecy attitudes in the UK?' unquote. I have mentioned, in a post on another Thread, that i had thought of setting up a UK National Weigh-Off that would be affilliated to the GPC and that i am no longer willing to work on attempting to get such a Weigh-Off organised. I did also say something along the lines of most UK Growers are too secretive.
2/21/2006 3:07:36 PM
Steel I just went back to the thread i started and read through it, in a way i can see exactly what you mean but not still sure by your questioning or it may just be the way you worded the comment. If you mean that here in the UK we have no chance of Setting up a GPC/ National Weigh-Off due to the sectrecy of most UK Growers then you are absolutely correct. Very Very sad situation indeed but a fact.
Regards Mike
2/21/2006 3:23:29 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
It sounds that Boehnke was attempting to downgrade the idea behind the GPC by looking at the situation Mike described for the UK.
It´s a much better idea to look forward and think positive.
2/21/2006 4:12:18 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Mike, what I ment is, that it is feared that we have the same situation here in Germany if not in the entire Europe. You hit the nail, its very very sad. To compete with the weigh-off sites on the other side of the big pond would need that the top-growers in Europe work together. I'm not willing to make an $100 fee only for some rules. BTW, is Duisburg/B not an official GPC site, is'nt it?
2/21/2006 4:19:05 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
What "sad situation" do we have in Germany that you know about? You talk for yourself now, right? For 2 years we run a weigh-off site, we will enter the GPC this year since they friendly invite all sites around the world to do so, we adapt the rules and yes, we pay 100 bucks. Learn to think positive.
2/21/2006 4:30:22 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Floh I downgrade nothing. I have a great respect for Dick and Dave and their work. If I would have no interrest, why did I ask if your nrw weigh-off is nrw only or german wide? May be *look forward and think positive* is your point. That doing all the people while looking TV every day. My point is "willing to work and cooperation". LOL
2/21/2006 4:36:21 PM
Steel |
After having read all these comments:
@Mike: I`ve read the thread you started and want to expand on what I said before. Obviously it is quite hard to get a weigh off done in the UK, even more a national one. People prefer not only keep their growing secrets but also pumpkins undisclosed for whatever reasons. Strange indeed. And I second Ingo here, what sad situation in that way do you have in Germany? Probably none. Different than in the UK, growers are proud to show their pumpkins and compete friendly. There are several major weigh offs that are known beyound the border. Think of that reportage about one of those Ludwigsburh weigh offs in UK television. Now, discussing of getting a weigh off into the GPC and trying to organize and have a major weigh off at all are not necessarily the same thing. May I assume that Mike would have been content wigh a major UK weigh off, even if it could not be in the GPC?
All we or you have to do is showing the people who run the weigh offs given that it won`t hurt joining the GPC. And show the advantages. The recognition of a weigh off or a fruit of being official brings advantage to both, the grower and the org. running the weigh off. More advantages already mentioned, like fair and equal standards. You even get something in return for those 100 bucks, like prices etc. That`s not only fair, it`s awesome.
2/22/2006 11:20:01 AM
Steel Yes, a UK National Weigh-Off, be it Affilliated to the GPC or not would be an awesome event and something which i had tried for many years to get interest in but without any success. GPC or no GPC i would indeed have been content to have been able to have got such an event set up over here.
Regards Mike
2/22/2006 11:35:26 AM
Steel |
At last it`s up to the people running the weigh offs that we have. The situation in Austria is comparable to the UK, when it comes to secrecy of "how to" but not of what you have in your trailor at the end of the season. I joined the Austrian weigh off as a first timer last year. It`s on the other side of Austria and a 9 hours drive for me. Still I appreciate it and would be glad if I could help bringing it into the GPC.
Ludwigsburg. Not everybody is a friend of the practise there, not to recognize the results of any other weigh offs when it comes to "titles" like german or european "champ" or "record" or keeping the winning pumpkins for the seeds, which are sold. Still it is an appreciable event with real nice prize money and a nice site, where you can have your pumpkins weighed. And the technical conditions (accurate scale etc.) should be good enough to match the GPC.
I`m aware that there may have been attempts on the subject in the past that were not successful. I still would love to try and probably will get in contact with the people responsible.
2/22/2006 11:38:29 AM
Steel |
Thanks Mike, that`s what I thought. I don`t envy you for that situation. But there`s always hope, you never know. maybe things will change sonmedays.
2/22/2006 11:50:07 AM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
I wish you luck contacting Jucker Heino LOL While I had the 2 biggest german pumpkins officially in 2004, they still sell seeds from smaller ones claiming to be the 2004 winner pumpkins in Germany (from their own weigh-off of course). Nuff said.
2/22/2006 2:19:32 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
Don't worry. You get more than a set of rules for the $100 Minimum Level GPC entry fee. Here is the 2006 structure if it all fits here.
I hope this helps.
____Clipped from Announcement______________
2006 GPC FEE STRUCTURE ANNOUNCEMENT Please be advised that the GPC Steering Committee has listened to your comments and responded in the following way. The committee is changing the fee structure to maintain existing sites and encourage new ones to join. The following choices will be available for your site and other weigh-off groups who wish to partake of the benefits of this World Class organization.
1) Basic Entry Level $100.00 (US Funds) - Includes membership in the GPC - Weigh-off documentation on Big Pumpkins - Regular Newsletters - Three site representatives to the GPC to relate grass roots thoughts and approvals - GPC Banner to be displayed at sanctioned weigh-offs
2) Intermediate Level $200.00 (US Funds) - Includes all of Basic Level benefits - GPC Ribbons to 10th placing
3) Premium Level $300.00 (US Funds) - Includes all of Intermediate Level benefits - Eligible for GPC Prize money for heaviest Top Ten - Eligible for plaque for most improved site which includes free registration for the next season - Eligible for any other GPC Bonuses cash or otherwise Note: There will be a $100.00 penalty for dues received after July 1st, 2006 Additional Prizes will be : $1000.00 (US) for Largest Pumpkin : $500.00 (US) for Largest Green Squash : $500.00 (US) for Largest Orange Pumpkin : $500.00 (US) for A NEW World Giant Pumpkin or Squash or both
2/22/2006 2:51:23 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
The banner I had made for our this year cost us almost $300 alone.
2/22/2006 2:52:31 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Thank you for clearing this up Steve! We are setting up some new features here right now (website, press coverage during the season, attraction of new growers) and should be ready for the GPC just in time when the 2006 season will start. Our weigh-off: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=45087 http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=45089
I´m in that business for banner production and other stuff. Email me with details so maybe it´s cheaper to order it over here. $300 sounds *pretty* expensive for a single banner.
2/22/2006 4:54:29 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Tremor: *Three site representatives to the GPC to relate grass roots thoughts and approvals* Tremor, I can hardly wait to see You in Germany. lol
Quote Steel: *And I second Ingo here, what sad situation in that way do you have in Germany? Probably none.* Why to coordinate with each other, if one had a weight off next to his front door. In other words, it's the same situation as in the UK. And again, to compete with US and Canada, we need an European weigh off with the top-growers from Sweden to Spain.
2/22/2006 5:09:26 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
"from Sweden to Spain" Get yourself a map and look what your suggestion is about. Did you ever count how many GPC affiliated weigh-offs are individually hosted (State/Prov) in the US and Canada? This might be some good reading for you: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/WeighoffSiteList.aspx
Think global, act local. And please keep in mind that the GPC ideas are actually corresponding to people spending much time and effort to organize and run a weigh-off site like some of us already do.
2/22/2006 5:35:36 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Phrasemonger, "think global", why is'nt your site open for belgium Growers?
2/22/2006 6:20:38 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Since you always have the last word, why don´t you keep it for yourself and try to be constructive instead of bashing around and telling others what would be best for all of us? Do something positive on your own and show it. Why is that weigh-off in Poland not open for growers form Hungary Ummmm, Yea, Uh.
2/22/2006 6:33:19 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
To finish the discussion with Mr. Boehnke at that point, which is of no help for the intention of this thread, he might just re-read his own words in this article:
I´m looking forward having our weigh-off site GPC approved next time, and since it´s a german site, every german pumpkin grower is invited to join the contest in October 2006. For most of us it might finally just be a question of distance and prize money where to go. The same could be done in other states and countries as well, each at different sites, like it´s the normal way in the US and Canada. With the results of the GPC sites, the ranking will become clear, without travelling thousands of kilometers to weigh a pumpkin (maybe even 2 times in different countries LOL).
2/22/2006 7:36:36 PM
the gr8 pumpkin |
Norton, MA
May I make a small suggestion that all weighoffs are open to everyone. I wouldn't know what to do if this wasn't the case here. I have no horse in this race, I would just like to see something get going over there. It would help us all, and this great sport. AleX Noel.
2/22/2006 9:20:38 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Is there a country rule with the GPC, or can you bring a pumpkin grown in the US to a weigh-off in Canada? I think it will mix it up a bit to have german pumpkins weighed in Belgium and austrian pumpkins weighed in Switzerland. That´s no big distance anyway to travel between the different european countries. So far our weigh-off site is accepting any pumpkin that was grown in Germany.
2/22/2006 9:48:15 PM
the gr8 pumpkin |
Norton, MA
I more meant states, not countries. I have never heard of a pumpkin being denied at a foreign weighoff though (never heard it tried either). AleX Noel.
2/22/2006 10:11:17 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
Topsfield is still only open to growers from here in New England. Some old habits just don't want to go away & we're no exception.
But here's an idea that might help.
We couldn't limited entry opportunity so we descided to let all States enter our weigh-off. That was until we realized that in a small State like Connecticut, folks from NY, NJ, MA, RI & even VT were registering. Figuring we'd have no prizes left over for our own locals, we decided to have 2 categories.
Since many countries in Europe are also small & closely traveled, maybe a similar prize structure would help protect the interest of the locals while still fostering a productive & healthy sense of camaraderie.
We offer all In State growers equal opportunity to enter either class - "In State" or "All State" but only one entry per grower.
Out of State growers can only enter the "All State" category. The prize structure is equal but we do pay a bonus for a new Connecticut State Record if one occurs (it did in 2005).
The GPC pays additional prize monies if an entry qualifies.
2/22/2006 10:34:01 PM
Dutch Brad |
Dutch growers usually go to Belgium (Duisburg). The heaviest pumpkins in Niagara (Canada) last year were grown in the US. Personally, I hope to go to a little Dutch weighoff (Asten) this year without prize money instead of to Duisburg (Belgian). I think it is important to support Asten (2 years old), win a Dutch title or two than to travel 200 km further to an official Belgian weighoff with prize money to end as 10th. Hopefully Asten will be able to offer prize-money in the future to cover travelling expenses. Personally I'd rather win a title than money.
2/23/2006 3:22:46 AM
Steel |
Remember, it is still winter but I would not have imagined in my wildest dream that this could be topic people start quarreling about and sure was not intended when I started the thread. It will be spring soon so back to the topic.
I think it is quite clear that driving distances are a big argument and I am not more optimistic than most here that the weigh offs will start to recognize other fruits weighed at a different site. Still the organisations running the weigh offs can start implementing GPC rules and standards. This could be a step forward. Congrats Ingo on your decision, this is a good start.
By the way for me the Swiss weigh off would a third of the distance the Austrian weigh off is, still I will participate in Austria (yes 700 km) as long as I feel I have a chance to be competitive.
2/23/2006 5:10:10 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Heino, what is a good start? Proclaiming a GPC site and violate against the GPC rules in one step?
*So far our weigh-off site is accepting any pumpkin that was grown in Germany.*
The GPC says: All GPC sanctioned weigh-offs are open to anyone wishing to participate without prejudice.
Nuff said
2/23/2006 5:42:24 AM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Steve, if the "biggest pumpkin in Belgium", according to the claim of the national belgium weigh-off, was originally grown and entered by a german grower, would that makes sense to you? If the "Miss Canada competition" is won by a girl that travelled from Italy overseas to enter the contest and will fly back to Rome with the canadian title afterwards, would that be the idea of having national contests? So far you can enter pumpkins here if you are a citizen of that country and the pumpkin was grown in that country. I doesn´t depend on which state in that country. At least that makes some sense to me, I´m not aware in how far the GPC is dealing with that.
2/23/2006 7:34:47 AM
Dutch Brad |
Floh, I totally agree. If a Dutch pumpkin wins in Belgian, it is the Dutch champion. The heaviest pumpkin grown in Belgian would therefore be the Belgian winner. You have to see it as a Miss World competition taking place in a country with entries from all over the world.
2/23/2006 2:39:23 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
In 2003 and 2004 we had the UK monster Pumpkin Challenge,It had big prize money and was quite well supported by growers unfortunately it was completely run by the sponsors so when they pulled out that was the end of it,however it was a success while it lasted.
2/23/2006 3:06:26 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
The Belgium weigh-off would have a site champion grown in Germany & the honor of announcing it on behalf of Germany. But the Belgian record would still be the heaviest pumpkin grown in Belgium.
It wouldn't be any different than hosting the Olympics accept that the weigh-off coordinators have the right to lavish individual awards if they also wish to.
Our own site Champion was grown in Rhode Island last year. But the local papers paid it no mind & reported the event & the new CT State Champion (1081 Leonzi) since that was what the readers want to hear about. The photographed fruit is long since forgotten accept that I recall it was very orange.
It is us (the growers) who bring egos to the weigh-off. I don't believe that where a fruit is grown affects the marketability of the event nor colors the experience for attendees. Everyone still has fun which is as it should be.
2/23/2006 3:23:29 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Steve, once again I say it is no matter of the states within countries over here, but a matter of the countries themselves. The fact we have the European Union does not provide we have no individual countries anymore.
That would mean (example) for the soccer world cup this year here in Germany, every country in Europe would just play for Europe, not for Belgium, France, Germany, whatever. This is not the case. Teams play for their country according to the idea we have since the olympic games had been invented.
So why should a belgium site announce a champion on behalf of Germany? It would be much more simple and acceptable if you have pumpkins from each country weighed and judged right there with their sites according to the GPC rules, then later to be compared and ranked between the results of the different country-related weigh-off´s. At the same time you have a list of the best results in each country, best entries for state/prov. of that country, and in comparison, which country performed first place in growing AG´s.
I can´t see any benefit in mixing it all up since in Europe it´s different from the situation in the US and Canada anway.
2/23/2006 9:09:53 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Blah blah diddldi Keep in mind we dont play soccer, we dont have a beauty contest We are growing Pumpkins. And there are no soccer rules nor beauty contest rules. There are the GPC rules, take it or leave it. But everyone here knows, you are afraid about the belgium Growers. Could be, that you are not the #1 in BK.
2/24/2006 3:21:34 AM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
"Afraid about the belgium grower". MMM, I don't think you think about ALL the belgium growers ! LOL.
Every place should be open to every grower and pumpkins. Just have to make two results : "native" winner and "global" winner. Is it so difficult?
I think it's once more a man's post...
2/24/2006 5:29:44 AM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
From the GPC mission statement to Mr. Boehnke:
To work in a *cooperative manner* with all other pumpkin related organizations who share our purposes, goals and values. To have fun growing pumpkins and to compete with one another in a *friendly manner*.
Since I can´t see neither a cooperative nor a friendly attitude here, well: "I'm not willing to make an $100 fee only for some rules" says it all.
I hope that more weigh-off sites in Europe will enter the GPC this year, as we learned you don´t even need club or organization structures for doing it. This will make it easier. Why not just asking the organizers of the sites where you usually go to weigh your pumpkin.
2/24/2006 7:09:43 AM
pap |
Rhode Island
The reward for me is in the chase, the weigh off is just a fun day. I can honestly say i have made more friends growing pumpkins than i ever did in fourty five years of work. We all need to realize that its only a hobby. we are not curing a disease or saving the world if we grow a bigger pumpkin than the next guy. the only reason i got involved with the gpc a few years ago was to suggest changes that i felt were needed to level the playing field for all growers world wide. let me explain what i mean. for many many years being associated with the gpc meant only one thing.$ a 500.00 per year fee and no guarentees that your site will get anything in return other than weigh off mention and a sponsor plaque. In just a couple years your gpc steering committee has changed everything to make the organization more affordable, responsive to our sites needs and desires. lastly to promote this great hobby into a world wide event by having all sites big and small become active and recieve at a minimum a large 3ft x 5 ft banner ,etc. This past winter we tweaked the program a bit more to include three levels of membership, which steve jepson explained a little earlier on.Plus several other user friendly changes. My contention was and always will be that the number one thing that makes our gpc great is the standardation of rules and weigh off procedures. to record and compair weights and growers accomplishnents world wide. its not and never will be a organication that has a large bank roll to work with. in fact, just purchasing and shipping of a banner to the 100.00 sites ( in europe ) will end up costing more than your $100.00 investment. We welcome all inquiries. They can be directed to me and ill forward to our secretary David Mccallum (Canada) who in turn will mail you the application and address for forwarding your site fee ( Joe scherber colorado usa )
Thank you best of luck Dick Wallace GPC
4/28/2006 8:43:10 PM
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