Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Patch Tour Information and request for Input
Date Posted
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Decided to start a new thread on this subject. Presently, the response and interest for this idea has been fantastic. Interest has been shown from the following places: Netherlands Austria (Spielberg and Fussach) England France Spain Germany (Saarland, Northern Germany, Cologne, Bayern) Maybe even Idaho, USA!
Some ideas that I have been considering area as follows:
Saturday (12, 19 or 26 August depends on what everyone agrees on) - Meet and greet with snacks and refreshments 12:00 - 13:00 - Patch Tour 13:00 - 14:00 - Martin Reiss presentation/open discussion 14:00 - ? - BBQ - 16:00 - ? - Seed Raffle - 17:00 - Evening entertainment provided by whoever decides to stick around to enjoy the hospitality...LOL
I would like to know what your ideas are. Is my time table ok? Any input or ideas that you may have is welcome. This is not "my" patch tour, it is "ours", I am just this years sponsor.
Also, for those guest who have to travel a far distance, and would prefer to come on Friday evening and spend the night, I will have snacks/sandwiches/refreshments available at no cost.
Those that decide to spend Saturday evening and travel on Sunday will be provided with coffee and pastries for breakfast, again at no cost.
Remember, I only have one guest room, so bring your tents or recreation vehicles with you, I have plenty of room for them.
The toilet/bath facilities in the house will be made available to all guests.
I will wait until June to request a final list of growers/family members that will be attending so that proper logistical plans can be made.
Thanks to all for your interest and support.
1/26/2006 4:31:53 AM
Steel |
A great idea that deserves the great interest. The time table looks really good. If the guys from Spielberg really decide to come I guess there will be bunch of other Austrian growers from Styria and possibly Vienna who will like to join too.
1/26/2006 8:45:46 AM
moro (sergio) |
Cologne Brescia Italy
Oven you have forget the Italy too do you remember??? Sergio
1/26/2006 4:16:46 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Sergio, you will be aqble to make it also? That will be fantastic!!!
1/27/2006 1:10:48 AM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
Hi, Owen,
I don't know if i can attend, but at 26 of august the pumpkins will be the biggest of the three dates you mentioned. I will look for your post in June.
Take care,
Iwan Horde
1/30/2006 6:09:41 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Hi Iwan, good to see that you might be able to make it. I agree they will be the biggest then, in June when I post to confirm who will come, I will also ask for the dates in August that work best for everyone and the dates that get the most votes will win. I think that is the only fair way to do it.
regards, owen
1/30/2006 6:49:38 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
I have been asked about rooms that might be available in the area I live. As stated there are not any in my village, nor the villages next to us, however, there are some rooms availabe within 15 kilometers of us. If you are interested let me know, and I will see if they have web addresses and I will post them.
Let me know.
thanks, owen
1/30/2006 7:56:08 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Tent and sleeping bags controlled and OK here. lol
1/30/2006 9:00:06 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Great Hans-Werner, I will let you be the patch guard at night...LOL
A quick update. I have made an effort to obtain items for a free door prize give away and have received positive responses from Lisa Wentzell and the Dills, Dwaine Gipe, the SNGPG, and the MePGO. Items that will be given away free include giant pumpkin growing books (How to grow vol III and The Pumpkin King), t-shirts from the Dill's and MePGO, a gift pack of the 10 best seeds grown in Maine, 2 free news letters from the Maine Growers Association, official Dill Lapel Pins and pens, an offcial Dill baseball cap, bumper stickers and more.
Thank You to all for helping to sponsor this event.
Please help me in thanking these sponsors for their fantastic support of our first annual European Patch Tour.
2/7/2006 5:10:52 AM
May be there also are some people who are interested in Belgium. Let me know when you have more definitive information.
2/7/2006 3:40:30 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Luc, it would be great if there was some representation from Belgium. I would say that everything is set except for the exact date. We are looking at 12, 19 or 26 August right now. Other then that, as stated above, everything is pretty much set to go.
2/8/2006 6:58:46 AM
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