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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Manuring

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Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

On Ameland the whole AG patch (10X10m)is covered with sheepdung now and some lime and 'store-fertilizer'under it.
Two places get extra manure: for the two main plants.
On pitch of 3x3½ meters and 60 cm deep has the fishheads in it at around 35-55 cm, above that some fetilized soil, than 10 cm sheepdung, than some fertilzed soil, another layer of dung, than 10 cm of fetilzied soil and finally a layer of sheepdung again, which will be coverder with mowed grass in spring season.
A second pitch of about 3x3m will have 3 layers of sheepdung up to about 55 cm, and no fisheads there.
Let us see what happens this summer....
Failure of succes?!

(Irrigationsystem and greenhouse still to come.)

What did I do last years? Look at:

What did I do in other continents?
(Nor yet in English, excuse me.)

1/14/2006 12:09:58 PM

Dutch Brad


Good job. I have the greenhouse but still no manure and there will never be automatic irrigation as I have no electricity.
I still intend on beating you though! :)
I do have time (in the summer). That helps.

Best of luck, Theo! (you are going to need it)

1/14/2006 12:35:53 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

My irrigation is without electricity nor motor.
Just rainwater from the roof in a barrel, if not sufficient tapwater, I just open the tap of the barrel and all the garden-hoses will be full of water, it goes into the soil by very small wholes in the garden-hose.

You might beat me easily when all these rotten fisheads bring problems, it was still a smelly thing down there...

The greenhouse, I will start with that in April May.
Up to that time I hope to have the plants in another green-house.

1/14/2006 3:07:19 PM



Theo, you are giving me a bad conscience for neglecting my patch in fall. I`m not sure if can completely catch up with you in spring, but I`ll do my best and am really quite motivated right now.


1/16/2006 4:46:24 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Don't worry Heino,
Last year I got the largest dung-part in... june!

1/17/2006 2:10:46 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

One tryout:<a href="http://home.planet.nl/~kiewi181/home.htm"><img src="http://home.planet.nl/~kiewi181/plaatjes/logoklein.jpg" width="100" height="61" border="0"></a>

1/21/2006 5:01:53 PM

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