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Pumpkin Growing in Europe


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How many of you come and look on this Website and take with you the Great Knowlege and Information given on here by our fellow Growers WORLDWIDE. I say ALL of you, myself included and i think it is about time that ALL those that may visit this Website come forward and make them selves known. WHY you may ask, there are many reasons why but one recent post in perticular is asking European Growers as a whole if we would be interested in being able to obtain the Agro-K Program.

I for one have been interested in been able to obtain products etc that our fellow Growers in the USA can obtain with ease but we cannot. This is OUR chance to come forward and help ourselves and the suppliers of the Agro-K Programe make something happen.

Please go to the following Link for more information.

Thank you for your time

10/28/2005 1:50:56 PM



we at Henfield pumpkin Club have been growing large pumpkin's for 3 year's now ,our biggest being 250lbs
each year our entries grow bigger than the pumpkin's.
any help would be welcome including supplies & seeds
that we can buy. we are based in west sussex 10 miles from brighton cheers jon

10/29/2005 5:05:25 AM

*Old *Man*

Sheridan . NY

HI ALL--THE AGRO-K PRODUCTS would be a great addition to the pumpkin growers --but as im sure some of have looked at my web site >www.candjfert.com < seen that i also help grower of fruits and vegtables and also a few beef--dairy-and hog farms with the feed complexes to help with animals get more out of what they eat --and products that naturally help manures break down from AGRO-K'S Feed Division Products
Most all Agro-k products are natural source very low salt and Organtic certfied---so thery cover all the bases for just about any farmer or crop grower-> vegs-fruits-flowers-trees-bushes and also -BIG PUMPKINS---> see more at main office web site www.agro-k.com -leave them a message tell them why you need Agro-k for farm-home and garden--GP --ANY Questions feel to email me anytime--thank you-!!

10/29/2005 8:54:27 AM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

Yooo Ears...I'll be sending mike some seeds from big pumpkins, keep in touch with him, I'm sure he will help you out.

10/30/2005 8:00:39 PM

Total Posts: 4 Current Server Time: 3/16/2025 12:22:43 AM
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