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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Agro k

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moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

Hi Growers, someone know a dealer here in europe that can to help Craig to export the agro k program also in europe??

10/23/2005 5:08:30 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

I am wondering about the same.... if it is possible in Australia then why not in Europe!?

10/23/2005 6:06:18 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Export agro k program?
Is it that I am new here, that I don't know what this program means?

10/24/2005 3:48:07 AM



There may be one big major factor that would stand in the way of us Europeans being able to freely obtain the required components for the Agro K Programme. I am not precisely sure here but i can bet that if an agency tried to import the required components into Europe then the EU regulatory body for importing products for use in the enviroment would put a block on them straight away.

I have tried to obtain Molasses from the feed blending mills here and they tell me that they are not allowd to sell or give it to anyone who is not in the business of using molasses for commercial purposes. I have also tried to get fish waste from the markets and they told me that as it is a non saleable byproduct it has to be treated as commercial waste and disposed of in the official manner.

When trying to obtain farm manure there are also so many rules and regulations that farmers have to abide by that they would technically be breaking the law if they allowed any to be given or sold to anyone wanting to dig it in or compost it. The same goes for any commercial business where animal byproducts are involved. I could go on and on about what is not permitted these days and we all have the EU Regulations to blame for this.

Therefor. I cannot see Agro K being given a Label Licence under EU directive anytime in the near future.

Mike. In an EU Regulation strangled UK

10/24/2005 4:42:17 AM



A P.S to the above.
I would jump at the chance to be able to use the Agro K Programme here in the UK and have voiced this in the past. I for one would welcome the Agro K Programme in a big way.

10/24/2005 4:47:44 AM


Itzetown City

One should not blame it to the EU if he don't know what he is talking about.
Most of the restrictions are home made!

To retrieve Molasses, Fish waste ore manure from all specimen is not a problem here in Germany. Some farmers are glad to give manure away for nothing.

By the topic, I think Agro K is only a probleme of license.

10/24/2005 5:20:45 AM

Dutch Brad


Fish and manure aren't a problem yet in Holland and we love EU rules...
Molasses might be a bit more of a problem here.

10/24/2005 5:25:19 AM


Cologne / Germany

I don´t think there is much interest in the US to export products to individual persons in the EU.
Know this by many emails written to manufacturers in the US for all kinds of products.

10/24/2005 6:04:00 AM



Every time i post anything i see to be of some constructive use on these message boards you have to jump in and use a completely unfriendly attitide towards me. If you cannot reply without begining your post with the attitude of "One should not blame it to the EU if he don't know what he is talking about" then may i suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself. I do not know what your problem is but whatever it is just learn to be more friendly. You also crashed in with a derogatory remark when i gave people info about Big Zac Seeds available here in the UK. You jumped in on that post for no other reason than to insult me and made no possitive or constructive comment. What is your problem !!!!

The reason why i stated that EU regulations were to blame for not being able to get certain by products or animal waste is because the people i spoke to, when trying to obtain such products, told me that they had to obide by EU regulations when dealing with the disposing of waste from their companies. I took their word as good therefor i knew/know no different than i was told !!!!

However, i thank you for giving the link for seafish and i will take care to read the appropriate parts of the document that apply to the disposal of waste products from the fish industry here in the UK.


10/24/2005 6:16:23 AM



I sincerely apologise for venting my thoughts directly above and not keeping to your original reason for this thread.


10/24/2005 7:26:53 AM


Itzetown City

what I wrote was meant without harm and in no matter with offense. If you feel so, I have to apologise.
With "one" I meant any people who said so. If I meant you I would wrote your name and not one.
to export the product would probably to expensiv. All the indegrients are here available so it could produce here, but who will pay for a license and the trademark for the that?

10/24/2005 9:00:31 AM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

Ok, thanks for the information, we will wait in future for some good news

10/24/2005 3:08:12 PM

*Old *Man*

Sheridan . NY

HI GUYS---YEP WE HAVE SOLVED IT IN AUSTRALIA AND I THINK Ive got it solved in CANADA---THE MAIN OFFICE told me last year that there were all sorts of rules and regs that are up and being easy to deal with in europe--but the owner of AGRO-K was in Germany last week for a visit and may he got some were with rules and regs and how to jump threw the HOOPS----!!! THE run a round was so bad on the telephone in the Canadian Gov systum i finally went to the the border and sat in customs for 4hrs till someone would see me BUT I did learn how to jump threw the hoops after a whole--day--SO if some could go and spend some time and pick some brain --it could help---SORRY IM TRYING--CRAIG

10/28/2005 1:47:30 PM

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