Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Ludwigsburg Weigh-Off On UK News
Date Posted
Hi All On a 5.20 PM News programme called CBBC Newsround, here in the UK. There was a clip from the Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Weigh-Off. It showed Martin Reiss Being Interviewed and several Pumpkins being moved including the weighing of Martins winning Pumpkin. to watch the short clip from the programme click on this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/media/avdb/news_web/video/9012da680028560/09012da68002861d?size=16x9&news=1&nbram=1&nbwm=1&bbram=1&bbwm=1&bgc=6699CC
There is also an article on Pumpkins & Giant Pumpkins by going to this link http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4300000/newsid_4305100/4305112.stm
Regards Mike
10/3/2005 3:36:09 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
WOW, seems like my pumpkin is getting more attention in the UK than in Germany! LOL
10/3/2005 4:15:16 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
May be they deal with the European Contest first. lol Congrats Martin, also a nice Pumpkin.
10/3/2005 4:59:21 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
Good link Mike! Well done again Martin.
10/3/2005 5:16:49 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Congrats Martin! quote: "WOW, seems like my pumpkin is getting more attention in the UK than in Germany! LOL" That´s a Ludwigsburg problem like every year. One of the reasons I´m not going there anymore.
10/3/2005 5:43:15 PM
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