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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  The time has come. Good luck to everyone!

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So there seem to be a few weigh offs come weekend. I am about to harvest my first AGs ever and want to wish everybody who obviously is about to do the same all the luck. May your harvest be without obstacles, the transport go smooth, loading circumstances at the site be planned well and - my biggest personal fear - may the weighing not cause your pumpkins to get damaged. May all your fruits go heavy. I wish you all a new personal best.


9/30/2005 9:29:47 AM

Dutch Brad


One hour to go! (it's 5 o'clock). Found 5! guys willing to help hoist the pumpkin. Will post results and pictures asap.

9/30/2005 11:10:15 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thanks for the timely reminder Heino, may your fear be un-founded!!!

Brad, best of luck that your results go heavy! Looking forward to your posts.

9/30/2005 11:33:08 AM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

Good luck to everyone too.


9/30/2005 11:52:55 AM

Eaglewood (Lars) Sweden


yes,good luck to everyone! Let us hope they are heavy.

9/30/2005 12:20:23 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany


reading your post I remembered that bet you have going. I believe it was like this: If you have a pumpkin over 150 kg (not sure on the weight) the sister of your girlfriend will transport your pumpkin to the weighoff in her car. Looks like you won with ease... how will things go now?


9/30/2005 1:13:04 PM




you are exactly right. Silke, who has lost her bet, should now transport my pumpkin to Ludwigsburg, but meanwhile I have found a sponsor who will provide me with a small truck, in which three of my pumpkins can be transported, so I can have official weighs. By the way, last time I had the honour that she was my driver, I was very very afraid ...

10/4/2005 8:59:04 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

LOL... then better use the truck and drive yourself!

10/4/2005 4:51:40 PM

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