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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Where to get those little envelops?

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I have looked/searched over and over again. I have no idea where you guys get those little envelops to put the seeds in - I don`t mean bubble packs, but those little env. with usually 2-3 seeds to put in. Speaking of "putting in", any "in put" appreciated.


9/29/2005 5:49:19 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Lisa is right Heino. I ordered mine via the internet from Office Max because I couldn't find any over here either.

9/29/2005 6:32:28 AM

Dutch Brad


I am a coin collector and those are the ones you want. I get them for the US as well. I simply buy the coins and get the envelopes free. I have not seen them in Europe.

9/29/2005 7:05:42 AM


Itzetown City

Staples in Germany dont have them. Only thus little ziplock bags here in Germany.
It would be fine Owen could help us. Owen how about?

9/29/2005 8:02:01 AM


Itzetown City

As faras I know, Jo Ailts did sell them too.


9/29/2005 8:07:41 AM



One more question here Owen:

How fast will Office Max send them from your experience. What will they approx. charge fpr shipping? I am planning on selling some of my seeds and pieces of my fruits with baywa and other regional markets in order to raise money for flood victims here. I am still negotiating though.

OFFTOPIC: I just booked 6 rooms in a hotel in Ludwigsburg from Oct. 8th to 9th. yeehaa!

9/29/2005 8:40:38 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I would be willing to assist in acquiring some as needed. I do not recall how much I paid last time, but it is reasonable, I believe 20-25 dollars U.S. for 500 envelopes shipped to my address. I believe it took about 2-3 weeks for delivery here. E-mail me if interested.

9/29/2005 9:09:28 AM



Reasonable price indeed. I would need them just as quick as possible. Any suggestions?

9/29/2005 9:32:00 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Heino, you have mail.

9/29/2005 9:53:25 AM

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