Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: european giant pumpkins
Date Posted
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
H-W, at the end of october, we all could help you to build your site, if you need help. Just some reflexions. - It seems to me it would really be great to have this logo contest, we should all post our project on a special part on the site, and all of us could vote (or the webmaster decide?). - Do you think that we should register us with a password for posting or will it be free? - Would we have a charge participation before register? - Will we make a seed exchange board? - Langage : there are many clubs and every club has its language. Seems to me it would be easier to make the site in English. - seems that german people are the most active
I'm just afraid that we just could have a copy of bigpumpkins.com. We must ask us : "Why a grower will like to come here".
But the winter is very long and I'm sure we will have answers. Sophie
9/20/2005 6:52:24 AM
Dutch Brad |
The seed exchange is definately important (I need seeds!). I think by providing info about the growers and the largest pumpkins per country we are providing information not on BP or any other site. Good points though Sophie. I'm in for the English or at least English + natvie language. I have offered to proofread English texts if the writer feels they are not correct. I am suprised at how well most of the Europeans write English.
9/20/2005 8:30:06 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Sorry for this late response, but last night our system went down so we have to work on it all day long. I also had to harvest my Pumpkins today and have to move them tomorrow to the NORLA in Rendsburg. I loaded 3 big Pumpkins up on my trailer.
Only this, it was never my intention to copy BP. My intention is to build a roof under that each country will have it's own site, like a news letter. And I think it's recommend, to reach the people without english knowledjes, that each country should write in the native language. So Jernej, Carlos, Björge etc. will have the chance to reach the people in their country. There will be no Message-Bord or Seed-Exchange, this is on BP and so it should be in the future.
Brad knows the contents of the site I have build and I think he know what I mean. Thanks again Brad for correcting my terrible english.
ASAP I will send out requests for articels/pictures etc. to fill the country-sites with life.
9/20/2005 3:13:03 PM
Dutch Brad |
Your English was fine. I wish my students at school did that well.
9/20/2005 3:22:03 PM
Whidbey |
Whidbey Island
I wish my German were as good as your English.
9/20/2005 10:28:32 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
I wish my English was as good as Brad's English.
9/21/2005 2:47:38 PM
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