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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  German Top 10 Question

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owen o

Knopp, Germany

To the best of my knowledge, I am posting what I believe to be the top 10 pumpkins ever grown in Germany. I would like for everyone to review and provide corrections as I am not positive if this is correct.

1233.5 Reiss 05
743 Zygaldo 03
740 Hecklemann 03
712.5 Frei 03
657 Reiss 02
642 Olsen 03
638 Olsen 03
628 Olsen 03
592 Hecklemann 02
566 Krautmann 03

Average weight for the top 10 is 715.2 pounds.

I would also like to see if someone from the other European countries that are interested in helping Hans-Werner with the new EGP website could start other posts for their countries. Please only include pumpkins that were sound and officially weighed. We can always do a separate list of giants that were either Estimates, Damaged or UOW weights. Once that is accomplished, we could then provide a top 10 list for Europe.

Thank you for your cooperation,

9/20/2005 3:53:38 AM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

I think for Belgium Jantje must be the better informed.
I just could assure you that I'm not in this list :-).

The problem is I think, official weight. I tkink a lot of growers do't go to an official weighoff...

9/20/2005 6:40:02 AM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

In Spain, ask Carlos,
In France, Jean-Louis, David or Fabrice.
Every grower could post his best officiel results on the net.

9/20/2005 6:55:05 AM

Dutch Brad


I have already posted them for The Netherlands but will get it ratified. There are UOW and EST in there.

9/20/2005 8:26:05 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thanks Brad.

9/20/2005 8:28:27 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Well, I already found one correction to my original list. I am not sure, but there may be more, specially the accuracy of the weights I have posted.

1233.5 Reiss 05
743 Zygaldo 03
740 Hecklemann 03
712.5 Frei 03
678 Lenz 04
657 Reiss 02
642 Olsen 03
638 Olsen 03
628 Olsen 03
592 Hecklemann 02

Average weight for the top 10 is 726.4 pounds.

9/20/2005 8:44:36 AM



Owen, Ingo had an 610 too in `04

9/20/2005 10:31:38 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thanks Heino!

1233.5 Reiss 05
743 Zygaldo 03
740 Hecklemann 03
712.5 Frei 03
678 Lenz 04
657 Reiss 02
642 Olsen 03
638 Olsen 03
628 Olsen 03
610 Lenz 04

Average weight for the top 10 is 726.4 pounds.

9/20/2005 10:46:12 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Sorry avg. top 10 is 728.1, long day........LOL

9/20/2005 10:46:48 AM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

714.1Frei03 (=802Dill02xself)
709.9Frei03 (=802Dill02x757.5Companion02)
I never grew a 712.5

9/20/2005 2:58:30 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

my record from 2002 was 298.6 kg so 658.3 lbs.
Zygadtlo's winner from 2003 was 337.7 kg or 744.5 lbs but it was a squash - do we make a difference?
Heckelmann's 2003 pumpkin was 336.4 kg or 741.6 lbs

I will try to find my weighoff results lists from 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 tomorrow (it's midnight now) and check back on some weights. Will post possible additional corrections tomorrow.

9/20/2005 6:01:39 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thanks Pete and Martin. Corrections have been made. Martin, until we get an official squash contest here, I think we should include it in the top 10. What do others think?

1233.5 Reiss 05
744.5 Zygaldo 03 *
741.6 Hecklemann 03
714.1 Frei 03
709.9 Frei 03
678 Lenz 04
658.3 Reiss 02
642 Olsen 03
638 Olsen 03
628 Olsen 03

Average weight for the top 10 is 738.8 pounds.

9/21/2005 1:42:31 AM

Dutch Brad


Keep the squash in the pumpkin category. Not many of us grow the things, so a seperate list will not be so useful.

9/21/2005 2:11:22 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

I agree, Owen. Just mark it by the asterisk.

9/21/2005 8:39:31 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Ok martin. BTW, I think our average weight of 738.8 is going to go way up after this year.

9/21/2005 9:36:07 AM



I hate to see the 628 disappear from the top 10, I`m quite a fan of it.

9/21/2005 9:47:13 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Ah Heino, I thank you very much for the efforts you have put into that seed this year. But, as with everything, there is a time and a season for everything, and the 628's time has perhaps passed.

Here is a vision. One day in the year 2525, I say, man, I hate to see that 1233.5 disappear from the top 10.......

9/21/2005 12:11:13 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

I checked the results lists from 2002, 2003 and 2004 and the weights listed in Owen's latest list are now correct.

9/21/2005 3:52:00 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

one more slight correction: I believe Ingo's 2004 pumpkin weighed 307 kg, 676.8 lbs but maybe the 307 kg listed on BP.de are not the real, accurate weight.

9/21/2005 4:01:09 PM

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