Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Here we go...
Date Posted
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Someone got a better logo?
9/18/2005 10:50:44 AM
Bohica (Tom) |
yep, it does look like an NBA baskeball
9/18/2005 11:06:48 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Although I should like the pumpkin pictured I don't like the logo. I think the pumpkin is cut too round and doesn't resemble a pumpkin as much as it should. I think a stem end view would be much better. Maybe a drawing could put more emphasise on the shape of a pumpkin. I also don't like the European stars as this reminds me too much of politics... I'd prefer a map. And I still very much like the idea of having a logo contest.
9/18/2005 1:36:43 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Martin, who said that the middle circle resembled a pumpkin? if it give the impression, I would say the deal in done. lol It does'nt matter that you dont like the european stars. The emblem is in all minds and it stand for Europe. What has a Map to do in a logo? A logo should be easy and plane, it should keep in memory by the first view. I´m sure there will be a map on that website. Having a logo contest? The last entree about that is now 5 days ago. No one of you e-mailed me. The only e-mail I received since my idea of the "European-Website" was about selling some domains to me for my planned website. So we (iz-home) have to claim the domains we need and have to fill it with life as soon as possible. All in all, as ever, I'll create a european website, but I'll do it, since we have no club, as my own work, with the offer who ever will work with me can do it, but however the site looks like, will be my decision.
9/18/2005 2:33:19 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
That's ok, HW. It's your website and you can do what you want and you will have to do it. I didn't think all this was that urgent anyways. I thought a logo contest and the build-up of such a site is a good project for the long winter months when we have no work in the patch, no weigh offs, etc. Yes, I haven’t emailed you after we discussed that topic a few days ago but I think you know that I had other things to do. I first thought you were interested in making the site a cooperative project but I guess I was wrong. Good luck with your project.
9/18/2005 6:16:52 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Yes, it was'nt be urgent. I thought so, and I thought it should be fun and game. But then one came up with copyrights and another said it was his idea and he is holding the claims of the domains. I'm not in the mood for a discussion like this.
Even if I´m the webmaster and bear the costs and work, it will be a cooperative projekt. Each country will have its own site.
The contents are: *It is our intention to provide a european web-site for Pumpkin-Growers from each european country. The Pumpkin-Growers can write to this site in their own language, to provide the sport of Pumpkin-Growing in their own country. All contributions should be sent via e-mail to the web-master of this site and they will be publish with the name of the sender. Only the Web-Master of this site will take the decision, whether an article will published or not. Only Pumpkin related articles will be provided. Neither political or offensive nor commercial contents will be published.*
9/18/2005 7:35:44 PM
Dutch Brad |
I like it Boehnke. Put capital letters on the word EUROPEAN though to make it consistant to the rest (sorry I am an English teacher with a degree in language). You might want to get rid of the letters on the pumpkin though, but it's your call. If you need any language editing (English), I am your man. I don't think there should be language mistakes on the site. It's not really professional.
9/19/2005 4:21:40 AM
Steel |
Nice project - I`m looking forward to it.
9/19/2005 4:53:52 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Brad, thanks for the constructive advice. Done! Oh yes, I need an english teacher. You got mail.
9/19/2005 5:10:08 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Sorry, you have to drop the reload-button on your browser if you want to watch the correction.
9/19/2005 5:18:26 AM
Dutch Brad |
New logo looks great...to me. Well done!
9/19/2005 6:43:30 AM
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