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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Cold Weather

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owen o

Knopp, Germany

Well, it has gotten pretty cold lately and growth seems to have come to a screeching halt. These last 2 weeks are going to be hard to wait out.

What do you guys do these last 2 weeks, anything special? My hobby right now is biting my finger nails every time I check to make sure my fruits have not split or maybe the mice have made a winter home in one of them.

9/17/2005 2:44:16 AM

Dutch Brad


There isn't much to do, is there. Fertilizer and stuff is pretty much useless. I do cover my biggest pumpkin up at night and on cold days. That's all.

9/17/2005 12:17:33 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

When I know for sure, the pumpkins don't grow any more, I will cut it, and weigh it.
I have to wait up to october 10th for the Ameland weigh off.
That is too long...
And caring it will not be damaged, of course.

9/17/2005 4:03:51 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

Owen, we are at 2.9°C in the patch right now, frost is more than likely this night. I covered my 801.5 fruit with blankets and the plant with remay. Only thing I can do now is hope!

9/17/2005 4:37:42 PM


Itzetown City

Yesterday I cut my biggest Pumpkin. Saving some seeds.
Now I preparing something for my presence at the NORLA as making buiseness-cards, seed-packets etc.
Making three iron-on t-shirts "I like big Pumpkins" for the family.....
a Pumpkin Grower has ever a lot of things to do. lol

9/18/2005 6:11:53 AM



Wow, don`t envy you guys. We have at least some comfortable 9.5 °C at the moment. Nevertheless problems are appearing here too.

9/19/2005 2:44:22 AM

Total Posts: 6 Current Server Time: 3/16/2025 2:28:42 AM
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