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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Who is bound to brake there PB?

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Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

I think I'am going to brake my PB at least I hope my pumpkin will for me. They are forecasting nice weather and the pumpkin is still growing good. I think Owen metioned that a pumpkin can grow 40% of its weight in September (I sure hope so)

Any one else to?

9/2/2005 6:24:15 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Iwan, depending on how late a pumpkin is set, I have personally seen 300-400 pounds gained from mid august to the end of September.

I have a new PB in estimated measurements right now, but, I am betting on at least 2 other pumpkins, because summer has come back, to also beat my PB.

9/2/2005 6:30:03 AM


Itzetown City

In 2003 my PB was 321,5 lbs (weighted) grown on a 621 Welty 02. Now I'm 11,5 lbs away from, but it´s estemated. Hope the pumpkin will make it til 22.sept. and then we'll see. Another one is growing on the 1016 Ailts, it's now at 256 lbs est.

9/2/2005 6:33:51 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

August 13th my Werner pumpkin broke my PB, 63,5 kg ;)
August 26th it broke the local record of 105 Kg of 2004.
August 29th it doubbled my PB 127 kg,
It the moment it is about 135 kg and I am up for trippeling my personal best: 190,5 kg and may be 200 kg???
October we know it...

Meanwhile I am fully satisfied with the result I have now, there are three giants in my garden which I cherishing.
Lovely weather, sunshine, this morning a refreshing rain, what do I wish more?

I learned a lot this year, anough to go for it next year and onece more a PB to be broken. :)

9/2/2005 7:09:41 AM




I`m going to likely break my personal best too, which is a cull of Aug 11th at 26 lbs. My best pumpkin at the moment ist way more than ten times heavier, lol.

9/2/2005 7:17:13 AM

Dutch Brad


Well I broke my PB as well. Imagine if we had nice weather! My PB from Canada was 200 lbs and my PB in Holland was 266 (last year). I currently have one at 353 lbs (160 kg) but it is sure slowing down. I have another one at 222 lbs (101 kg) which I think will break last year's record as well. It hasn't slowed down yet.

9/2/2005 11:40:39 AM



I'd already broke my PB this year, when I 'd harvest my 926hunt (rooted and collapse) it was 266.5" that is meaning 603lbs est, my 2004 PB was 570.
and I am waiting for weighting my 719moro, it's about 720lbs est, still alive and taking 2 lbs a day.
every year my first goal is to beat my PB.

9/3/2005 1:35:51 AM

Dutch Brad


266.5" is 403 lbs and not 603 lbs unfortunately. 603 lbs is 305.5". I hope for you, you measured wrong!

9/3/2005 3:19:26 AM



I've been mistaken, my pumpkin was 777cm(354/214/209cm) before collapse.
and the second one is 826cm(369/235/222).
always translate inch/cm and lb/kg is source of mistakes...
thanks brad

9/3/2005 5:31:32 AM

Dutch Brad


I happy for you.
I just recalculated all my weights to 4 decimal points and I'm afraid my biggest pumpkin just lost 7 kg! My other pumpkin is 5 kg lighter. But then again, these measurements are usually out 10%. Let's hope mine go heavy.

Make sure you use cm x 0,3937 to get to inches and lbs divided by 2.204 to get to kg!

The new metric tables are out. I guess I should use them.

9/3/2005 7:05:19 AM


Itzetown City

Trust me, I know what I've done. LOL


And Yes, it's the 2005 table. Where is the prob?

9/3/2005 12:21:05 PM

Dutch Brad


It's in use now! Thanks for the work!

9/5/2005 1:06:27 AM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

I've managed a new pb... old one was 743lb (whatever that is in kilos)..now I have pkn that tapes out to 852lb, and it is still growing, gaining a few "kilos" each day

9/5/2005 8:01:33 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Way to go Alun. What is the English record?

9/6/2005 1:05:48 AM

Dutch Brad


The English record was set last year by two boys (ages 8-11 or something like that). Their names are James O'Hanlon and Liam Cupit.
Their pumpkin weighed in at 912 lbs or 414 kg.
They grew it in a greenhouse and had to get the fire dept. to get it out of there for the weighoff. They expect to break their record this year (who doesn't?).
They were on BBC Gardening's World in the Spring as it is National Pumpkin Growing Year in England this year.

9/6/2005 2:43:57 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

you are allmost at 400 kg!
And still about three weeks to go.
That's great.
With your climate not differing too much from mine and that from south Sweden we should be potential pupmkin champions...
It give me a lot of courage to improve my situation for next year, having now 'only'150 kg so far.

Very impressive Alun, concratulatons with this PB!
Hoping for you a new British record.

9/6/2005 3:48:53 AM



Broke my PB today: est 409 kg / 901.7 lbs. My old one was 401 kg. Still growing 6.5 kg a day but will slow down very soon now. Hope it will stay in one piece untill the weigh-off in Duisburg at octobre 1...

9/6/2005 4:02:17 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Hallo Jantje,
Niet te geloven, wordt het mischien een nieuw Europees record?
Ik zal voor je duimen dat deze pompoen heel en gaaf blijft en dat er nog 70 kilo bij komt. :)
Over de 400 kilo, dat is erg veel. Wouw.
Houd ons op de hoogte.
Met vriendelijke groet, Theo.

9/7/2005 2:08:50 AM


Belgium Europe

I think 1000lbs or even 500kg is possible.Way to go Jantje.
Especially since you grew it on your own 884.
But watch out next year!!! I also have a couple of those seeds ,remember? lol.
Congrats,and keep it together!

9/7/2005 3:31:12 PM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

uauu! it seems that European pumpkins are growing like mushrooms this year. Let the pumpkin gods guide her to 500 kg!

9/7/2005 3:39:37 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Dear Fellow growers,
Two other personal goals are reached:
I trippled my PB of 2004 and passed the 200kg today.
Something which I only hoped for some days ago.
Mirackles just happen...
May be 250kg finally, or more?
Very addictive this game. :D :D :D

What do I see within reach for next year?
If I could make a cross between a giant from somewhere with one descendant of Martin's beauty giant?
That would be one of my ultimate wishes.
And break so more records ofcourse. ;)
A happy pumpkin grower with happy weather for many days now.
Hoping to hear many more happy news the coming weeks.
Greeting, Theo.

9/10/2005 1:55:54 PM

Dutch Brad


My second pumpkin might have just broke my PB as well. Last year's best was 266, today pumpkin #2 taped 272 lbs.
Pumpkin # 1 stopped growing and is stuck around 170-180 kg (375-400 lbs).
Pumpkin # 3 might break 266 as well.

9/12/2005 9:07:52 AM

Dutch Brad


Pumpkin #3 broke my PB today. Estimate 269 lbs (122 kg).
Pumpkin #2 is above 300 lbs and pumpkin #1 above 400 lbs.
4 days to go for #1 and #2.

9/26/2005 9:23:00 AM

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