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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Late sets and September Weather

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owen o

Knopp, Germany

The weather is better then we had in mid August. The biggest problem we are facing right now is about 1 - 2 hours of decreased sunlight, but our late sets should still be able to gain a significant amount of weight during the next 30 days.

Don't give up or get complacent this time of year, you will be surprised.

8/31/2005 4:24:57 AM



Owen you are a great guy! Anytime I feel like having a bad time with pumpkin growing, you post a message of new hope. For myself this sure helps because as a grower without any experience I face new circumstances every week, I`m often not sure how to deal with. I have been in my patch very early this morning and had to notice that:

a) my 826 Handy fruit is getting orange and ripening faster than I want it.

b) all three plants show PM from one day to the other

c) a big number of leaves don`t look that good any more.

That was dissapointing for me, now that every one talks about weigh offs and I considered attending one too.

What I have learned so far is that there are hard times with this hobby and very happy moments too, that sometimes can surprise you. I am hoping for such a moment at the end of the season. The weather could keep on being fine, what would be helpful for the late sets for sure. My latest set is the one the most far out on the 628 Olsen and it is growing really fast and I hope it continues. This plant is still looking very fresh so there is still a lot possible. The Austrian record is at about 260 and the winning pumpkin was at about 200 kg last year. If I could come into that range in my first year I would be surprised for sure. One can still dream, right?

8/31/2005 5:16:26 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Heino, thank you for the compliment, but I must say I made that post for myself, as well as anyone else that might need a ray of hope right now. The last couple of days I have not seen the type of growth that I was hoping for, but I will not give up, or let my guard down, so i made that post as a way of forcing myself to continue to do all the things I can, up to the very last minute.

My first year my biggest was only 165 lbs, last year all 5 of mine split, each time I have a "failure" I try to take something positive from it.

And yes we can still dream, I do all the time.

8/31/2005 6:29:17 AM


Itzetown City

Yes Owen, as we said, hope dies last.

8/31/2005 7:34:17 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

"The last couple of days I have not seen the type of growth that I was hoping for..." O.O.

--> didn't you say you are already over your PB with your 1056.5? What else could one wish for???

The gains on my last two remaining fruits vary from 2 to 3 kg a day right now.

8/31/2005 10:46:40 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

"The gains on my last two remaining fruits vary from 2 to 3 kg a day right now." M.R.

If I had a fruit over 800 pounds right now, then 2 to 3 kg's would be just fine for me....LOL

For any new growers out there, this is what we call fishing. ROFLMAO

8/31/2005 11:57:24 AM



ich wünsche euch bestes Wetter und noch einige gute Pfunde. ;-)

Gerne würde ich an der Diskussion teilnehmen. Aber meine beiden AG's habe die Früchte rot werden lassen und sie haben seit Anfang August kein Gramm mehr zugenommen.

8/31/2005 12:25:38 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

LOL Owen!!!! Who cares about those little 800 pounders....

8/31/2005 5:59:00 PM



Christian, next year will be your year! Better seeds, better time table, shading of the fruits etc. and sure you will easily beat your personal best from this year.

Owen and Martin, ROFLOL! Owen, I posted a few month about my fishing abilities LOL!

9/1/2005 3:10:51 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

"Who cares about those little 800 pounders...." M.R.

So, the truth is coming out now. Might as well go ahead and post a picture.........LOL

Christian and Heino, I am sure you will both do better next year. Heino touched on some of the things that we all learn about the first year, and every year after that I have continued to learn.

9/1/2005 3:21:51 AM



ich werde versprechen, mein Bestes zu geben ;-)

9/1/2005 12:05:29 PM



haben die letzten warmen tage guten Zuwachs gebracht?
Wie lange hattest Du den Fließ noch auf den Pflanzen?

9/5/2005 12:54:59 PM

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