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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  website for european growers

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Itzetown City

Since Michel probably closed his english website


he also has given up the adoption of the pumpkin webring


I've the intention to overwork my website and make it international for European Growers. The work on it will begin after harvest time.
If you've any ideas and thoughts, write me, I'll see what I can realize.

8/30/2005 4:37:10 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

It would be nice if there was a page showing the top 10 pumpkins ever grown in each European country, and then a page showing the top 10 ever grown in Europe. Perhaps a link to a picture as well.

Another idea would be a page showing all of the weigh offs in Europe, with dates and locations.

Good luck with this Werner, if there is anything I can do let me know.

8/30/2005 4:46:50 AM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

Wonderfull idea, we don't have a site like that and its a pity.
In Belgium we have a wonderfull site, but it's only in dutch. Carlos had a good site too in Spanich and you have much sites in german.
An international european site in english would be very appreciate.
With that, we could do a virtual european weighoff.
The idea of the photos of the 10 best pumpkins of each country is very very good.
Good luck !


8/30/2005 4:53:03 AM



Nice idea and good inputs!

Beneath the biggest pumpkins grown in Europe and each country (with infos available) it would also be nice if it was possible to get the information who the "reigning" champions (first 5 or so) of each country are, based on the result of the last weigh offs that have been held.

It wood be good top provide an English and a German version.

8/30/2005 5:23:41 AM

Dutch Brad


Sounds good. I wonder if every European country actually has ten pumpkins!
In Holland we don't have any official weigh-offs. The virtual weigh-off sounds great as long as certified scales are used with a few impartial witnesses.
I wish you all the best and will help supply info if possible and necessary.

8/30/2005 8:45:40 AM

Duchezeau JL

Sancoins / Cher / FRANCE

If I can help you can count on me to give you photos and information.
Your idea is great
Jean louis

8/30/2005 4:09:44 PM



Hans Werner, this initiative is excellent and I would like to support these
I find the suggestion of Owen good. The best of every country should be shown. And possibly not only with picture but also with the family tree and the culture conditions.
The language should be English even if German would be dearer to me. Know everyone why ;-)

8/31/2005 1:44:25 PM




was ist eigentlich erlaubt, was die Zucht von AG betrifft?
Was fällt unter das Copy von HD
Diese Diskussion habe ich dahingehend verstanden, dass Mike Nepereny u.a. Probleme mit dem Copyright haben. Ist das richtig?

9/7/2005 2:09:40 PM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

I can get data on Slovenian pumpkins. Not that much work for me ;-)

9/8/2005 11:02:13 AM



Klasse Idee! Wollte ich im Herbst/Winter auch angehen und habe mir bereits zwei, drei Domains gesichert. Wenn ich irgendwie helfen kann, melde Dich einfach.


9/12/2005 4:14:00 PM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands

Great Carsten!
Things seem to develope.
A big number of biggest pumpkins from the Netherlands I know now and have some connections, adresses and places now.
I am willing to bring in Dutch data, if Brad or Iwan like that idea too. Do you Brad/Iwan?
The contest in Duisburg Belgium could do for the Benelux, I think a special Dutch event would not needed next to the local weighing in Broek op Langedijk (Holland) and Ameland (Friesland).
Let European Pumpkin growers organisation grow!

9/12/2005 4:34:26 PM


Itzetown City

As I said I'll begin the work after harvest.
In due to that, I'll collect more practicable suggestions. Thanks Sophie and Owen for the good recommandations.
Reading between the lines above, I have the idea, each country should have a person to turn to(for example: Jean from France, Jernej from Slowenia etc.), who could send me a draft (weighttable, Pics etc.) for 1 or 2 pages of that country (that could be in your own language or both = own language and english), that I can integrate into the site.
Christian, as long as noone steal any tables or pics from other sites there will be no copyright infringement and no reason for complains.
Any ideas for the name plate, Logo?

9/12/2005 6:06:08 PM

Duchezeau JL

Sancoins / Cher / FRANCE

I am ready-made to help you in your site. For the logo, a gardener, the card of Europe, and a big pumpkin, for the name of the site I have less idea.
Jean louis, France

9/13/2005 1:41:54 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

EGP (Europes Giant Pumpkins)
EGPaS (Europes Giant Pumpkins and Squash)
EGPG (European Giant Pumpkin Growers)
EGPGA (European Giant Pumpkin Growers Association)
EGPaSG (European Giant Pumpkin and Squash Growers)
EGPaSGA (European Giant Pumpkin and Squash Growers Association)

I am sure there are better names, these are just some ideas to get others to think about.

9/13/2005 2:07:27 AM


Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands


Keep it simple, some smaller pumpkins are welcome too? ;)

9/13/2005 2:23:44 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

I shouldn't get a vote (unless you count the fact that my great grandparents came from Europe), but how about something like:

EGPU (European Giant Pumpkin Union)?

9/13/2005 2:38:50 AM



I like theo`s suggestion. Keep it simple.

9/13/2005 4:25:57 AM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia


9/13/2005 4:46:50 AM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

EGPGA seems to me the best and for a website, the more simple it is, the best it is.
We could make a vote for a logo to. Someone is a good drawer?

9/13/2005 5:14:30 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

I am sure we can come up with a good name, no problem. It shouldn't be too long and not too complicated (preferably no abbreviations!) to remember so I like "europumpkins" and "europeanpumpkins". Let's not mess around with the squash, this makes it too complicated. These are all the same botanically anyways.

Concerning the logo, wither we find a good designer among us European growers or we could start a new logo contest on BP.com like it was done last winter for another organization. I could put up a few seeds like 869.5 Calai, 1097.5 Beachy, etc. for the winners of the contest. Like that we should get some good designs.

9/13/2005 9:13:45 AM



Wow Martin, your generosity is impressing. Some would not only draw a picture for such a seed, but even kill ...

9/13/2005 9:19:37 AM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

Wow, Martin, For those seeds, I will ask a lot of friends to draw for me !

Well, would you like a logo or a drawning?

9/13/2005 10:21:13 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

I think we should allow both logos and drawings. The best will win. I probably would perfer a drawing but that's only me and doesn't mean that a logo couldn't win in the end.

9/13/2005 11:43:45 AM


Itzetown City

Good idea Martin! I would say, you should arrange the game, collect the works and then you and Owen should buid the jury select the winner.
In due to your offer, I'll like to be a "painterman".

9/13/2005 12:25:07 PM

Dutch Brad


europeanpumpkins sounds beter than europumpkins which reminds me of the money we use and nobody seems to be happy about.

9/13/2005 12:26:46 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

My original post was only my ideas to get others thinking. I also agree that "European Pumpkins" is a great name.

Since Martina has started the idea of a logo/drawing, I will back him up and I think I might be able to find a nice seed in my collection to give away to the winner, maybe Hester, Eaton, Daletas or even Reiss,,,,LOL

Great idea, let's go with it.

9/13/2005 12:47:38 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

not Martina, Martin, sorry, my partner for life is Martina.

9/13/2005 12:49:00 PM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

It's a grat projet for a long winter...I've got grat ideas for a draw, but I'm very bad in drawing...;-)

9/13/2005 2:30:47 PM

Duchezeau JL

Sancoins / Cher / FRANCE

I like " europeanpumpkins ", for the logo I go for ideas.

9/13/2005 2:34:34 PM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

Me too like the europeanpumpkins I hope that it will work very soon

9/13/2005 3:51:13 PM


Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.


That is a great idea for a website call it something like european pumpkins and you can do whatever you want with it.
Use of words like association and union would seem to imply committees,fees etc. and might mean a lot more work for you.

9/13/2005 4:11:56 PM


Itzetown City

Since we have one more 1000+ in Europe, I prefer European-Giant-Pumpkins.
Would harmonize better with my logo. hehe

9/13/2005 4:23:12 PM



eine große Aufgabe,
"wer zählt die Völker, nennt die Namen,
die gastlich hier zusammenkamen?" (Fr.v.Sch.)

Mit dem Namen sollten sich die europäischen Kürbiszüchter identifiziertn können, das gilt auch für ein Logo.
Beides sollte man gut Prüfen, wenn eine, auch noch so dezentrale Organisation geschaffen werden soll, die gemeinsame Ziele verfolgt.

Sind diese Ziele abgesteckt, finden sich Kriterien für die Namensgebung und das Logo.

Also. "Tut, was eures Amtes ist" (ebenso)

Ich wäre für eine Organisation.
Vieles ist zu Bedenken. Aufgabe, Struktur, Kosten.

"Wo kämen wir hin,
wenn keiner ginge um zu schauen,
wo wir hinkämen,
wenn wir nur gingen" (unbekannt)

9/13/2005 4:43:14 PM


Itzetown City

He who do not identify himself with European, with Giant, with Pumpkin...can throw the first Pumpkin. lol

9/13/2005 4:49:48 PM



Hans-Werner, welche Ziele hattest Du, als Du überlegtest, deine Website international zu gestalten?

Ich meine BP ist schon ganz gut. Was könnte man verbessern?

Aus meine Sicht wäre eine Mailingliste sehr effektiv. Es sollten mehre Listen bestehen. nationale, in der Heimatsprache, und eine internationale in Englisch.

Ich meine, dass die Diskussion im Message Board den Nachteil hat, dass man explizit in die Website reingehen muss, und dan alle Threads durchsuchen muss. In einer Mailingliste erhält man die Beiträge direkt als eMail.

10/3/2005 1:56:18 PM

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