Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Here we go again.....
Date Posted
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Well, my 1056 has developed a stem split. This morning I found it and measured, it was 2.5 cm long, but not deep, at least yet, I could tell that it had happened within the last few hours by how fresh it looked. I will continue to monitor this and if it gets much bigger I am going to just cut it off the vine so that it doesn't go into the cavity. I must have at least one good one this year.
After seeing Martin's picture of his split I had a feeling this was going to happen. I do not know what to blame, but I can say that it is 11 degrees and raining since last night.
Hope everyone elses holds together.
8/25/2005 8:47:05 AM
Steel |
I hope for you that that split won`t get worse. I`d rather see you in Ludwigsburg with your Dueck pumpkin buying us a beer, as you can imagine. Keep the faith!
Owen, you saw a picture of Martin`s pumpkins? How`s that, did you get some security service involved? LOL
All the best, Heino
8/25/2005 9:13:19 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Owen, sorry to read that. My 621 Welty splitted days ago, I refilled it with acryl. But two days later it continues the splitting. I refilled again. The Pumpkin continous growing. Yesterday Nic told me "try cutting paralel to the stem split out to the vine to help relive the stress". But it´s to late, the pumpkin has loosen half the vine today so I ease the vine and proper it to the stem. Refilled acryl again. Pumpkin is now 99-72-65 =236 for est 286 lbs.
8/25/2005 9:15:39 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
just look here and the next entry in the photo gallery.... not a beautiful sight, though.
what does your split look like? Is it only in the stem of the fruit or does it reach out into the flesh of the fruit? Can you post a pic or email me one if you prefer that?
8/25/2005 11:13:43 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
PS: I am now pretty sure I will do what I had in mind yesterday. How things look now I will harvest one of the two remaining, sound and solid fruits very soon to get an official weight (and set a new official record???) as long as it is still in one piece. Like that I would at least have one official, undamaged pumpkin. I would then let the other one on the vine in the hope to keep it from splitting until the weighoffs so that I can enter something there. Going the safe way with one (harvesting it soon) and going for broke (letting it grow till the weighoffs) with the other one seems like a good idea to me....
Can you follow me or does my idea sound bad to you? Yes, I might sacrifice 80 or 100 lbs by harvesting it now instead of letting it go till the Ludwigsburg weighoff but we all know what bad things can happen during the extra time... Another thing that I like about this idea is that I definitely won't have to give away any of the seeds.... I have talked to the guys at our local farm supply store (Raiffeisen) and they have a scale that is accurate to 0.1 kg and can weigh up to 1000 kg. The scale is certified (geeicht) until 2007. Is a 100g accuracy sufficient for setting a record? Witnesses will not be a problem as there are many employees, the farmer who will life my pumpkin, my parents and myself.
What are your thoughts?
8/25/2005 11:29:33 AM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Martin, this season pretty much reminds me of 2002. We had rain and floodings all over August followed by a nice September, but too cold for big weight gains or recovery of the plants. If you take the pumpkin now, there won´t be much lost apart from some weeks the pumpkin could use to ripe and get more color. Personally I think August is the month for splits. If the fruit is solid at the moment, I doubt that anything will happen in September. This is a tough decision but I would leave it on the vine for now.
8/25/2005 11:54:30 AM
Steel |
Wow Martin, sorry for your splits in such a short time. That looks really bad. I understand that you are desperate and really couldn`t agree with your idea at first. Now, reading it again it sure makes some sense. You must be more than happy with your efforts if you already consider cutting one at this time and going for a personal best or official record. The good thing is that none of your two favourite fruits were affected I guess. I can imagine that it must be really a hard decision to cut a healthy fruit at this time of the season. But it is true you have one then to rely on and have still one in the race. The other option of all all or nothing has a scary possibility in it for sure. In your case I would do as you suggested if you are able to set a new pb or even record.
Cutting some vines in order to slow growth could work too, but I`ve recently read about people who tried to slow groth (Mike Frantz also I believe) by cutting side vines and were not really successful of slowing it.
Though I find this a very hard decision and not liking it at first sight I would agree with your idea of going the safe way using the bp.com-mon disclaimer "just my 2 cents".
8/25/2005 11:59:53 AM
meseb |
Martin, Du weist, das ich Neuling bin und wenig Erfahrung mit den AG's habe. Wegen meiner Baumarkt-Samen konnte ich mir das Problem des Split nicht vorstellen. Ich habe gedüngt, gewässert und die Pflanze frisiert. Die Dinger wollten einfach nicht weiter wachsen, als ihnen die Eltern an Genetic mitgaben.
Ich schließ mich Floh an. Wenn Du den Haupttrieb kürzt oder Seitentriebe, dann würde diese meiner Meinung genügen. Kannst Du die Früchte nicht einpacken, in Wärmedämmung, um die Temperaturschwankungen auszugleichen? Ich habe Bilder aus Alaska gesehen, das Klima ist dort viel rauher, meine ich. Wenn Du jetzt schneidest, sind die Samen schon reif? Viel Glück, zu Deiner Entscheidung.
8/25/2005 1:08:02 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Martin, it's your choice, but if you won't to give that Pumpkin away as the Winner of the contest, it does'nt matter, also a dmg would be the biggest Pumpkin ever grown in Germany. So I would let em grow as much as it can. It´s a risk, but without any risk theres no fun.;-)
The last days I reconsider alot about the lot of splits and I came to the result it must have to do something with the weather. Thoose cold nights in the mid of the growing time may be the matter. Inside the pumpkin it is warm and thus area grow faster as the cold outer layer.In my opinion it would help to keep the Pumpkin warm.
Keep em warm could help em to survive.
8/25/2005 2:11:42 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Christian, Hans-Werner,
meine beiden größten Früchte wurden am 18. bzw. 19. Juni bestäubt. Die Früchte werden demnach am Wochenende 70 Tage alt sein. Ich denke das sollte für die Samen genügen.
Und ich habe sowohl meine Pflanzen (Ernteverfrühungsvlies) als auch die Früchte selbst (Decken) geschützt. Aber, wie ihr wisst hat es beim 846 und 869.5 auch nichts genützt. Owen hat seine auch mit Vlies und Decken geschützt und hat den Riss an seinem 1056.5 trotzdem nicht verhindern können....
Auf Grund des fortgeschrittenen Alters der Früchte wachsen sie nur noch 3 bis 5 kg pro Tag und ich erwarte, dass sich das Wachstum nach Tag 70 weiter verlangsamt. Und ich würde ja nicht beide früher ernten, sondern mit einem (derjenige, von dem ich auf jeden Fall die Samen haben will) auf "Nummer Sicher" gehen und den anderen bis zum Wettbewerb in Ludwigsburg weiter wachsen lassen. Das für nächste Woche angekündigte Sommerwetter bereitet mir schon jetzt Kopfzerbrechen, wenn ich daran denke, dass die Früchte dann plötzlich noch mal schneller wachsen könnten...
8/25/2005 5:42:03 PM
Duster |
San Diego
The vast majority of stem splits are not fatal! I had a major one this year and it eventually healed over. it will, repeat, will get bigger not matter what you do as the pumpkin grows. This is normal. Eventually, most of them heal over fine, but some do become terminal. Put dry captain or dry sulfer in it, not wet packed, but just dry dust. and put a fan on it. When you got a big one going, the pressure has to be released somewhere with a stme spit. Mine was so big i could put 3 fingers in my stem and look completely through it from top to bottom, and it did fine. I would take my chances and grow it out, but up to you! Jimmy
8/25/2005 5:45:38 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
The stem split is now 4 cm's long and is protruding into the vine itself. I believe the reason for the split was a short stem (about 2 inches long) and the big shoulders that are pressing upon the vine on both sides.
I cut the vine off after the pumpkin and I could see the tension ease immediately. That cut removed about 50' feet of foliage, but I am hoping that it saved the pumpkin still on the vine.
8/26/2005 4:22:00 AM
Whidbey |
Whidbey Island
Sorry to hear of your loss. Pech!
8/26/2005 9:18:01 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Lee, thanks for offering condolences, but it is'nt all to late. After the last acryl filling and cutting the main straight before the pumpkin, the pumpkin is still growing. The only thing I hope it survive til end of september and do'nt flow out of the bottom at harvest. Cause I´m invited to show my Pumpkins at the NORLA (Norddeutsche Landwirtschaftsausstellung in Rendsburg at the Nord-Ostsee-Kanal on 22-25. sept.). Lee, do you have some homesickness? lol
8/27/2005 7:48:37 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Since I cut main vine off that was after the pumpkin the split has not gotten any bigger.
Jimmy, I also believe that most stem splits are not fatal, unfortunately last year I had 5 split, and all 5 where fatal. Bad luck on my part perhaps.
8/28/2005 9:36:04 AM
Steel |
Owen, well done, having already a pumpkin measuring at new personal best! Hope it will hold together. I keep my fingers crossed for you (and for us beer drinkers - lol!). Way to go!
8/29/2005 10:16:54 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
8/29/2005 12:49:41 PM
Duster |
San Diego
5 stem splits and all were fatal? man, bad luck!!! That would make anyone gun shy! HAng in there, you are do for one to hang together. Jimmy
8/31/2005 1:37:39 PM
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