Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Who will...
Date Posted
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
Who will be the european champion? Some of us are still out of the race. The 1061 Gustavsson is dmg and we see a lot of others splits in the patch. Who will have the best intact pumpkin this year? Jos?
Let's take courage, perhaps we will have an indian summer (or frost the 1rst of september...).
8/22/2005 11:47:38 AM
Jos |
Belgium Europe
I would put my money on 'Jantje'.If his 884 doesn't split,he's gonna hit + 400kg again.Or Paul Boonen or an other guy from Kasterlee.
8/22/2005 3:43:03 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
I have to agree, Jantje seems to do excellent. 300 kg and still doing 10 kg a day.... 450 kg/+ potential.... many other growers lost big ones (Lars, Peter, Börje, Sergio, etc.) but who knows what they still have in their patch! If the record won't come from Belgium it will come from Germany or Spain.
8/22/2005 4:04:31 PM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
Spain is out of the race. Who could have the best result in Germany?
8/23/2005 2:56:59 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
I don't think Spain is out yet. And do not forget italy either.
Germany results, hmm, let me see in my crystal ball.... 1- Martin (He has been too quiet, my money is on him to show up with a big orange monster and set a new German record) 2- Peter (I got a feeling he has a secret still growing, he is always in the top 3, a proven grower) 3- Steffen Heckelmann (never posts here, but always has a big one) 3- Zygadlo (2003 winner, always a surprise) 4- Rainer Krautmann (due for a good year) 5- Me (I seem to find a way of not worrying about winning money or keeping my seeds....LOL)
8/23/2005 3:27:03 AM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
In Spain, there is novato, but I don't think he will pas Jantje or Jos. yes, we don't have a lot of news from Italy. And there is Sweden too...
8/23/2005 4:31:30 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Sophie, in Spain there is also Don Quijot! I bet he is having another GREAT season!
As far as Germany goes I can only agree with Owen that we shouldn't underestimate Zygadtlo and Heckelmann! One never knows anything about them! Zygadtlo participated at the weighoff three times and when he did he also won (2000, 2001, 2003). He participated in the first two German weighoffs (2000 and 2001) and then every second year. He wasn't there last year so I expect him to show up this year again! And Owen, I bet your 1056.5 is well over 600 lbs by now (probably over 700), still doing 20 lbs a day due to the better weather you are having and you will kick my butt with it! LOL Rainer is out of the game as he lost his three biggest ones to mice damage. And I also think Peter has a BIG one left in his patch!
8/23/2005 9:24:45 AM
ermacora67 |
Udine, Italy
Rumors about an ext. 412kgs (907lbs) on a still growing plant here; not on my plants unfortunately. Way to go Moreno and Sandro! Paolo
8/23/2005 9:29:44 AM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
Unfortunatly Carlos is not anymore in the race. He told me a few days ago. I was sure he would pass over the sweden monster, but it won't be this year. Martin , I think you have the best chances, and the best way to go with orange... I'm very impatient to know and to see your final result.
8/23/2005 1:02:25 PM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
After having the biggest ones in Germany in 2004 I´m now going with something around 210 lbs and sick plants (mainly PM). Well, that´s part of the game. From hero to zero (stupid song with some truth in it). Good luck to everyone who is still in the boat! We won´t know anything before Oct. 2nd of course....
8/23/2005 6:51:04 PM
urban jungle |
Ljubljana, Slovenia
In Slovenia there are no monsters at least to my knowledge. Paolo, 412 kg in August looks intriguing.. how old is the fruit?
8/29/2005 9:30:46 AM
ermacora67 |
Udine, Italy
Hi Jernej, the fruit is about 70 days old, but during the last week it gains 21 kg and the actual extimated weight is 433 kg; here we cross fingers for the first 1000lbs ever grown in Italy. Paolo
8/30/2005 9:47:23 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Wow, that is great. I hope that it goes heavy and sets a new European record. When is it going to be weighed?
8/30/2005 9:53:57 AM
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