Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: All European Growers, Please Read
Date Posted
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
i believe in my heart and soul that we can compete with anyone in the world, anyone! i also believe that in Europe we have so many different environments, that there is not one single answer to every question. that is why i am asking, even begging, for all European growers to unite, and help one another.
i have tried to keep my spirits up during very personally hard times(my father passed on this day 2 years ago) by concentrating on my pumpkins and trying to share my very limited knowledge. all that i know about our hobby is from this website, and what i have read in the 3 Bibles. i am not a gardener. i just work hard at our hobby. Also, none of my ideas are my own. i either read about them here, or saw a video, or read a book.
I guess what i am asking is, if you have an idea, a thought, then please share them. we all bring something to the table, please share what you bring.
i started this post, read it 4 times, almost deleted it, and i still, under all my concern for redicule from those that do not understand, am about to hit the "Post Message" button.
8/3/2005 11:51:11 AM
theo |
Buren Ameland,West Frisian Islands, Netherlands
Owen, more and more pumpkin growers appear in Europe! I am one of them and promote the pupkin stuff in my region. The obsession of growing the biggest pumpkin is so addictive, it surely will continue spreading. ;-) Simpathy to you, this day. I know what you mean, having my father still with me, sick and weak, but..
May be a European contest would grow somewhere in Europe with an official status, not for money as such, but going for the biggest/heaviest. There are difficulties, for instance distance and time. How to bring your biggest pumpkin from, for example, Spain to Germany? And how much time one can spend for this hobby. I spend my maximum now, having a job, care for my parents, and a larger addiction: helping the underpriviliged in Asia and Africa through my Foundation for this goal. We have this board, and things can grow from here, not only in our backyard gardens, is'nt it? theo.
8/3/2005 2:56:12 PM
Alun J |
Liverpool , England
Hey Owen, Anybody asks me a Q... they will get an answer, given to the best of my ability. I grow my pumpkins on a patch of land 2 miles from my home...have to water by hand and have no electricity on site. I am not allowed a large greenhouse to help with our crappy summers so I start with a handicap. But I will keep plugging away at it. I'm in with a shout this year, but I've learnt to keep things quiet or I dont get invited to certain weigh-offs if they think I got a monster.
Alun J
8/3/2005 6:39:39 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
"I guess what i am asking is, if you have an idea, a thought, then please share them. we all bring something to the table, please share what you bring."
--> see the thread below! These are my thoughts.
And, just like Alun, I also get emails from lots of growers asking questions and I always give honest answers to the best of my ability. I think you know that.
8/3/2005 8:02:50 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
I appreciate all responses. Theo, it sounds like you are very busy. Due to the distance between so many growers in Europe, we will never truly have a "European Championship Weigh-Off". That is not bad though, as there isn't a USA or Canadian, or for that matter any country with this type of weigh-off. Each country in Europe should just continue as is, and then when all the wiegh-offs are done, the results will speak. And yes, we do have this board, and things certainly can grow from here.
Alun, I know that you always give the best advice that you can. We all have our own problems and yours having to water by hand when the weather does not cooperate is truly a challenge. Lends credit to how well you have done under those conditions. Sorry to hear about your invitation problem, that is pretty stupid of the organizers if you ask me.
Martin, thanks for your input and thoughts. Yes, I do know that you have been very honest with your help. You have helped me more then any other grower that I know.
I will continue to share ideas and post questions, as well as results of my attempts. I started the blankets on 4 of my pumpkins last night, will leave them on till 12:00 then take them off till the evening, then put them back on. After about 7 days, I will post the results in my diary.
8/4/2005 1:13:59 AM
Steel |
As far as I can talk about this, there is a very good point in Owen`s posting. The Spirit of helping each other is really one of the things I am estimating one of the most valuable treasures coming along with this hobby. There are always some of you who will help, be it with seeds or advices. I will remember that for sure when it`s up to me to share seeds or information. I have just like Owen been no gardener at all. I have grown NOTHING ever before, and just by change getting into the whole thing via internet. There is more beauty but also challenge in this hobby than meets the eye at first sight. I am new to all this but if I can contribute anything to the pumpkin growing community in Europe I will. I`ve read ideas about founding an official European Grower Association. I could help with setting up treaties, foundation charters and the like. Owen points out a very important aspect. Like in business a certain level of transparency will not only lead an enterprise to success but creates an atmosphere of honesty. Here we could again mention Börje Gustavsson who has obviously through the last years very openly shared his growing secrets and quite unconventional methods to success. What I have learned is that it is two things knowing something and doing it. Lots of the things he does can be surprisingly elaborate when really practiced I believe.
8/4/2005 6:13:03 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Hi Heino, thanks for your input.
I have never emailed a European grower that was not willing to help me with a question. They have all been honest, open and helpful.
Not all European growers keep a diary, that is okay. It is even good as one of the really nice things about our hobby, maybe the sport side of it, is not knowing exactly how well the "competition" is doing. I have 2 reasons why this is good. 1- If we knew everything about all growers that potentially have a great pumpkin, it takes the drama out of the weigh-offs. Nothing is more exciting then seeing some huge fruit show up at the weigh-off that you didn't know about. 2- The second reason is that because we all do not know everything about what is happening in the other growers patches, we all, or at least I, continuely try to do my best, it keeps me from getting lazy.
Sharing ideas, and helping other local growers out is how groups like the New Hampshire guys, or the Pacific Northwest guys got to the point where they have so many great growers, that is what I am striving for here.
A European Grower Association would be a nice thing, but it is a lot of work, and unfortunately, we are spread out so far apart that it is very hard to get something like that going. If I can help, I will.
We have some really great pumpkin growers in Europe. As you mentioned Boerje is showing again this year that he has quite a bit of knowledge and expertice in accomplishing his goals. There are other great growers, in Spain, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Switzerland, France, Italy that have grown pumpkins of the size that I have as of yet only dreamt about. Maybe this year someone from Germany, or another European country (Austria) that has yet to go really big, will finally show up with a big one. I hope so, and I hope that I, or someone else from this website can help them do it.
I hope all have a new PB this year.
8/4/2005 7:41:02 AM
meseb |
Owen, and all friends of the Bigpumpkins,
my English are so bad that I write dear German. Forgives me therefore.
Die Beliebheit des Kürbisanbau und zur Teilnahme an Events und Meisterschaften wird stetig steigen. Dieses könnte befördert werden, indem eine Dachorganisation Rahmenbedingungen schafft, auf deren Grundlagen die Länder und Regionen ihren Jahresablauf ausrichten. Das wäre ein Ziel.
Derzeit haben wohl nur wenige die Mittel und die Kraft, an einem Kürbiswiegen in Ludwigsburg teilzunehmen. Würde man eine Meisterschaft dezentral organiseren, würde der einzelne Kürbisfreund und die allgemeinheit davon profitieren.
Auch müsste man einige Regeln schaffen. So habe ichj an verschiedenen Stellen, hier bei Bigpumpkins.com, oder in Deutschland bei kuerbisfarm.de vom Einsatz bestimmter Wachstumsförderer und Stimulanzen gelesen. Das birgt auch Gefahren. Immerhin ist ein Kürbis auch ein Lebensmittel, wenn er denn verzehrt wird. Und das werden am ende wohl viele sein, die in einer guten Suppe oder Kürbiskuchen enden.
Eine Organisation macht also durchaus Sinn. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob man in den einzelnen Ländern genügend Leute findet, die der Sache dienen wollen. Darauf kommt es an.
Ich selber würde keine amtlihen funktionen übernehmen können. Schon weil ich keine Fremdsprachen beherrsche und auch aus anderen Gründen. Gerne möchte ich solch ein Ziel unterstützen, sei es nur durchg Beiträge zur Diskussion.
Ich meine, dass es sicherlich durch verschiedene Stellen der EU, wie auch seitens der Wirtschaft finanzielle Unterstützung geben würde.
Welche Zeile hattest Du vor Augen, als Du hier Deinen Beitrag eingestellt hast?
Bestes Kürbiswetter,
8/7/2005 9:22:11 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Alun, same here, I´m growing my pumpkins in our allotment garden with some restrictions (no wooden walls as windshade, watering only 6-11am or 6-11pm etc.)The bad thing is, the garden is 3 miles away from my home and I dont know today that the pumpkin is still there tomorrow.
Owen, to unite all european growers is a great idea, but I think in the foreseeable future unattainable. How many percent of the growers in Europa read or write to this site? How many percent are knowing about a european contest in Ludwigsburg? I think the unit must begin regional. What do I mean, ok for example, the growers here in Schleswig-Holstein should have a contest, a club - so the growers in Niedersachsen and so on ....than we can make a german umbrella organisation ... than an european... But the club and the contest should be within easy distance. Following to the GPC there should be an european organisation that makes the rules and coordination for the contests. Good Idea Owen, a lot to do, you are ready to begin? LOL If you need a volunteer, count me in. What do we have? We have a central contest in Ludwigsburg. May be I´m not right, but I would say the minimum at weight should be 750 lbs to show up there. Who will take upon the bucks to carry a pumpkin over 700km to a contest? So we have regional contests in Niedersachsen and in NRW. But they say, you have to live in Niedersachsen or NRW, else your pumpkin is out of competition just for fun and exhibition. OK, Niedersachsen is just 200km away, but just for fun?
8/7/2005 5:44:53 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
What can we do? Last year I were here in Wiemersdorf at a regional contest, getting the 3 first places. This year there´s no contest there, but the person who held the last year contest invited me to show my this year pumpkins (I hope I have some. LOL) at the NORLA in Rendsburg. It´s just for fun, but I think it´s one way to announce our sport and I hope I can make some contacts for some sponsors for a future Schl-H. competition. Last but not least, I´m also willing to help other growers, also beginners with tips, seeds and what ever I can do.
8/7/2005 5:45:12 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Christian, ob Owen deinen Beitrag lesen kann, ich denke nicht, aber macht nichts, wir beißen uns da schon durch.
Ich teile deine Meinung in Bezug auf Ludwigsburg, aber nicht nur wegen der Entfernung, sondern auch wegen der Kürbisgröße. Denn die regionalen Unterschiede sind doch sehr groß und an die Temperaturen dort im Rheingraben und Baden-Würt. werden wir hier im Norden nicht herankommen.
Die Regeln für einen Wettbewerb (z.B. die GPC-Rules) gibt es ja schon, sie brauchen ja nur auf die einzelnen Wettbewerbe umgesetzt werden. Aber da werden oft regional eigene Brötchen gebacken.
Ja ja, das "ich selbst kann keine Funktionen übernehmen, weil..." kenn ich nur zu gut. Aber dann auch später nicht meckern. LOL Außerdem, was hindert dich regional tätig zu werden? Das setzt doch keine Kentnisse des englischen voraus?
Ich glaube nicht, dass die EU in diesem Bereich unterstützend mitarbeiten würde, dazu ist die Publissity äußerst gering. Dasselbe gilt wohl für Firmen, obwohl mit ein bisschen Glück ließe sich, glaube ich, da schon was machen.
Na ja, Wachstumsmittel, Pestizide, Fungizide .... glaubst du wirklich, dass Jemand seinen 750 Pfund Kürbis verspeist?
8/7/2005 6:02:56 PM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
Don't you think that you would have to do like in the States. Every state should have an official contest (like Ludvigsburg for Deutschland and Duisburg for Belgium). Every association could post his results and we could know who is the european champion. I don't believe that we would have one day some superorganisation...
8/8/2005 3:06:32 AM
Tremor |
[email protected]
Good point Sophie. We have some very small states that hold more than one weigh-off. The GPC insures that the standards of collecting data are met with integrity so that contest results can be determined after all the results come in.
Contact the GPC since there are already 1 or 2 European (UK I think) weigh-off Contest set for this year. The desire to expand this is very real.
My Regional rep is Dick Wallace. He can be contacted at:
[email protected]
Dave McCallum might be the international go to. I'll also copy him with a link to this thread.
Best wishes,
8/8/2005 5:54:31 AM
meseb |
Hans-Werner, Owen schreibt und liest jedenfalls besser Deutsch als ich Englisch ;-) Ich glaube inzwischen, dass in er mit dem Thraed nicht die Gründung einer Organisation anregen, sondern vielmehr die Kommunikation zwischen den europäischen Züchtern befördern wollte. Du hast es aufgeriffen als Du schriebst, dass Nordeutschland sich nicht mit den Bedingungen im Reingraben messen kann. Ebenso gibt es wohl klimatisch bedingte Grenzen für Europa im Vergleich zu USA/Canada.
Ich meine nach meine kurzen Erfahrungen eines halben Sommers, dass es auch an der geringeren Verbreitung insgesamt liegt. Es dürfte genügend Standorte in Deutschland und Europa geben, die absolute Recorde möglich machen würden. Die Frage ist noch zu klären, ob der besitzer Interesse hat, dort einen AG drauf zu pflanzen und in 120 Tage zu pflegen ;-)
Was die organisation angeht, teile ich Deine Meinung, auf regionaler Ebene zu beginnen und erst später eine Dachorganisation zu gründen. Ob es gelingt eigene Vereine zu gründen, die sich ausschließlich der Kürbiszucht widmen, scheint aber fraglich. Vielleicht könnte man auch in bestehenden Organisationen das Ziel verfolgen.
Wo finde ich die Regeln der GPC-Rules?
8/9/2005 2:50:02 PM
meseb |
Hans Werner, Owen writes and reads anyhow better German than I English; -)
I believe in the meantime the fact that into he with the Thraed the establishment of an organization do not energize but rather communication between the European breeders to carry wanted. You have it taken up as you wrote that North germany cannot measure with the conditions in the pure ditch. Likewise there are probably climatically caused borders for Europe compared with USA/Canada.
I mean after my short experiences of a half summer that it is also because of the smaller spreading altogether. There might be sufficient locations in Germany and Europe, which would make absolute Recorde possible. The question is to be still clarified, whether the owner has interest, there AG whereupon to plant and into 120 days maintain; -)
Which concerns the organization, I divide your opinion to begin on regional level and to create a controlling body only later. Whether own associations succeed to base, which dedicate themselves excluding the Pumpkingrowers, seems however questionable. Perhaps one could pursue the goal also in existing organizations.
Where do I find the rules of the GPC Rules?
8/9/2005 2:54:55 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Christian, in his third posting Owen mention about grower organisations and weigh offs and said it would be good if we stay together like the NewHampshireGrowers and the PNW-Growers. I second that. I think it is not a problem for thoose who write on this website, but there is a lot of growers who have no experiance with internet, and the big question is, how can we reach this growers and get em together.
8/9/2005 7:08:30 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
The fact that we are discussing the different problems we have all seen and are experiencing now is a step in the right direction. Christian and Werner have both made some very good points. I am glad to see that we are sharing ideas and solutions for all to read, and possibly use.
I am not concerned with trying to get an organization together as much as I like to see us sharing ideas that we have here in Europe. Our organization is right here at bigpumpkins.com. This is where we can help each other the most, and I think we are doing exactly that by keeping the lines of communication open as we are doing on this message board.
i have in the last 2 weeks gotten quite a bit of help from many different European growers, and it is much appreciated. The internet brings us all much closer then the ground distance between us.
Hoping all set a new personal best this year.
8/10/2005 1:14:05 AM
meseb |
Heino, owen and all others, I come back at to subject Owen, the European Growers to organisation to the discussion. http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=23&p=127297 1. To the participation in a central one effort exceeds cradles the the strengths little cultivators, however 2. At present, there are not enough fanatical enthusiasts of the giant pumpkins to fill many great events. Therefore I also think that a weighing in a decentralised system at several places still is not ripe. The time will come. If my pumpkin would be put, I would like to keep seeds. It is a part of the copyright. Ichg would negotiate or do without the price for this. Juckar organizes a great celebration with blubea also many visitors to which come and pay a good price for the inspection. Only a small portion but much are advertising the pumpkin cradles. It would be just if the cultivator gets a good part of the seeds. Lives let ;-)
My distance amounts to 610 km. Whether I will take part in Ludwigsburg with pumpkin on October 2nd depends on a favourable transport opportunity. Unfortunately, no bet has won yet to solve this problem in my favour. I come also as a spectator.
Pumpkin weather, Christian, say hello and good
8/16/2005 3:40:18 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Don't you have a weigh off in Berlin Christian? That is a very long distance to drive.
Decentralized weigh offs are the best in my opinion. We just do not have the interest here as much as in the USA or Canada. If I had a certified scale, I would setup my own weigh off and be my village champ...LOL
8/17/2005 2:16:20 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
you might want to check out this link:
it is about the pumpkin exhibition in Berlin, however, I am not sure if they also have a weighoff.
8/17/2005 8:28:20 AM
meseb |
Martin, Berlin-Brandenburgische Kürbiswiegemeisterschaften werden dort am 16.10.d.J. veranstaltet. Ob mein AG bis dahin noch gut ist, werde ich sehen. Ich muss mich auch mal um die Teilnahmebedingungen bemühen. Hinfahren werde ich. Danke für den Tip. Eine amtliche Wiegung bekommt man doch eigentlich überall. Nur ohne Aufsicht.
8/22/2005 10:42:12 AM
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