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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Börje`s split

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Obviously Börje`s 1420 Larue pumpkin split. I`m just a newbie but I feel really really sorry for this. I know it would have been a great pleasure and honour for all European growers, if Börje could have taken that world record to Europe. This is still an enormous achievement in my eyes considering his risky all-or-nothing-strategy going with only one plant. My hat is off.

7/26/2005 3:29:08 AM


Belgium Europe

Borje has the knowledge and the guts to grow a 1400 or 1500 pounder.Someday he will.
Great achievement anyway,Borje!

7/26/2005 5:26:10 AM


Cologne / Germany

Jep, really sad to see this split now. I guess Björe has perfect conditions to control water, temp and soil and bring it to a constant level (what, if otherwise, is the main reason for splits).
We learn here that genetic issues on the other hand can´t be controlled by grower´s care. The choice of the "right seed" is still the hardest part of that hobby.
I hope Björe can still reach his 1000lbs goal despite of the split.

7/26/2005 8:21:53 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

Don't let that tiny split get you down, Börje! For me a big pumpkin with a split is still a big pumpkin. And over 400 kg is an awesome achievement!!!
But I see you also were not too surprised to see that split happen. Despite hoping it won't happen I knew that there was a huge chance for a split when the fruit was 25 or 30 days old. At this age the fruit really started to bulk up lots of weight over the thin blossom end. The concave blossom end also contributed.
I hate those wheel shaped ones.... very difficult to deal with them... you did everything you could do!

If I am not mistaken then this was the third year in a row that you biggest fruit split, right? That is really bad luck! But don't give up and try again next year!

7/26/2005 11:50:33 AM

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