Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Bees and butterflies
Date Posted
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
I know this is not the real good forum but I would like to know what, in Europe, you still have in your gardens. This year, I notice a very very decrease of butterflies. Last year, my buddleias "butterflies trees" were plenty of butterflies from many different species but this year we just have saw some white butterflies and a few Vanesse. I live in a village, we don't use pesticide in the garden. Do you think this is due to this very strange weather or something ... coming from the dark side of the force... I have bees by my side so I can't juge but the apicultor said it's not a good year. Any comment?
7/26/2005 2:08:41 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
"what, in Europe, you still have in your gardens"?
--> an invasion of slugs! Due to that cold and wet weather they are taking over the garden. Yesterday evening alone I killed 235 by cutting them in half. Ants are also taking over!
I notice a reduced population of bees and butterflies.
7/26/2005 5:42:48 AM
Steel |
Martin, you`re mass murderer ;-)
Never had so many bees in my garden like this year. I`ve never had anything like those tasty pumkin flowers in my garden before though.
7/26/2005 5:49:34 AM
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm starting to have quite a few of the tiny black flies under my leaves here at the home patch. I sprayed them today. Besides that there is nothing... Michel
7/26/2005 10:53:29 AM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
oK, in spring i had a lot of ants, and some slugs but I'm afraid about the butterflies. I just wanted to know if you have more or less butterflies in your garden than previous years. Thanks.
7/27/2005 2:35:05 AM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
No butterflies at all here. Also, no wasps, no slugs. A few bees though. No cherries, weak little tomatos, a very small amount of zuccini and cucumber. What a cold spring did to the plants, it´s the same for the insects. It makes me wonder, with these conditions, there are pumpkins LOL
7/27/2005 5:02:02 AM
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