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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Way to go, Börje!!!

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Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

Börje Gustavsson from Sweden is again doing incredibly well!
His fruit off the 1420 La Rue is only 20 days old and already weighs 71 kg or 156 lbs. 5 days ago on day 15 it weighed "only" 25.5 kg, that's an increase of close to 10 kg per day at this early stage of growth!!!

I always look at his results in disbelief and ask myself "what am I doing wrong?"

Keep it going!

6/30/2005 6:06:54 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Congrats Boerje. Keep it growing!

7/1/2005 1:05:11 AM



Uff, I feel quite relieved that you experienced guys sometimes also ask yourselves what you do wrong, comparing one`s personal growing results to others, who may do better. Because that`s how I feel quite a lot of times when I look in my diary and then in those of experienced growers like Owen. But hey Börje really seems to be one of the top growers on this continent, amazing fruit so far! And even more amazing, he does it all the natural way. I really consider also establishing an out-door-lavatory ;-))

7/1/2005 2:31:12 AM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Yeah, Boerje is on the march. Maybe he even brings the world record to Europe.. that would be a surprise!

7/1/2005 6:04:43 AM



Wow, never thought about that, the world record in Europe. But well, who believed that the Titanic would sink? And it did!

7/1/2005 7:33:48 AM


Cologne / Germany

Jep, Bjoere is doing pretty good. But the method with these scales however is not reliable. I talked to several friends from school with a technical background from university and they said the "permanent weighing" is almost impossible due to the construction of scales. You need to lift it and weigh again, otherwise you get some sort of "proportional shift" in your results (cause the measuring units are on delay).
I´m still looking for something to solve the problem because it would be the most amazing feature in pumpkin growing for sure :) Where are the engineers?

7/1/2005 8:34:04 AM


Belgium Europe

I liked the way he brought the little pumpkin to the correct angle.Maybe i'm gonna try something simular with one of mine.
Wtg Borje!

7/1/2005 2:16:30 PM


Southern Sweden

Floh, I am an engineer since 38 years ago, and I know the problem, take a look at: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=11535
And Floh, all my life I have lived on creating technical innovations.

7/1/2005 4:38:57 PM


Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.

Borje,I'm impressed by this solution to a problem that I didn't even know existed.

7/2/2005 3:49:19 AM


Deer Park WA

Well keep up the hard work Borje! I hope you do bring in the new world record as Jack LaRue is a personal friend of mine I am certian he would be happy if it came from his genetics!

G. Gadberry

7/2/2005 4:15:09 AM


Cologne / Germany

Björe, I missed the part with the lifting of the plywood. Of course this is a good setup. Did you hear about "caravan weight control"?
This unit weighs up to 1 ton. I was thinking about getting one since I had problems with the bathroom scales last year. The pumpkin was much heavier on its left side and the scales tilt :)

7/2/2005 6:23:05 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

But would one of these do the job, Ingo? I assume we would need at least three...

7/2/2005 8:12:20 AM


Long Island,New York

I don't know....all I could think of was someones gonna have a broken window somewhere with that rubber band thingy....

7/2/2005 9:36:55 AM


Cologne / Germany

Martin, the caravan weight control is a unit to add 3 or 4 different weights (front tires, rear tires etc.) to give you the total weight of your vehicle.
It will also work with a pumpkin resting on some sort of a pallet.

7/5/2005 6:35:59 AM

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