Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: heute ist siebenschlaefer
Date Posted
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
und, wie war eure wetter? mein war trocken.....
6/27/2005 11:55:25 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Owen, solange das Bier nicht out of stock ist, ist es auch nicht trocken. LOL OK serious, the weather here was fine and is fine, we´d spend the whole day in the garden. The most important duing was to bury some vines and prune all third-vines. I´m not angry if this weather last for the next 3 mounth. This morning I coul´nt believe my eyes, on _4 plants_ (1016, 891, 1024, and 1000) was a female flower blooming. But no male flower on any plant and there was no male flower on any plants before. In the last years there were male flowers first a week before the females bloom, but this year it´s funny. Ok, it´s early and it´s time to pollinate the next one. But I´ve never seen thus before. Have I done something wrong in watering, fertilizing? Or is it the weather? Someone had this phenomenon also?
6/27/2005 2:31:11 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
that is a strange one Werner. Normally the males show up a week or so before the females start to bloom. At least you still have time, about 2 weeks to hit the good time frame to set one.
This weather is starting to remind me of 2003. We have not received a drop of rain this month.
6/28/2005 1:10:05 AM
Steel |
Weather here fine too. I really enjoy having so much spare water in the tanks I provided in the early season. Still watering twice a day costs me about half an hour to an hour a day ... time to install the automatic watering system. The garden pump I ordered just arrived yesterday ...
6/28/2005 1:37:42 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
This weather sure reminds me of 2003! Has been over 30°C almost every day for the last two weeks and close to no rain (only 8 litres during a thunderstorm). But the forecast says that by the end of the week we will be back to a more normal 20 to 25°C during the day with frequent showers. I think we need it and I am looking forward to it. Also, Owen, some wise people on TV told me that “Siebenschläfer” is on July 7th (or rather a period from July 5th to July 9th) due to a calendar reform done by a pope a few hundred years ago that changed the calendar by 10 days. I believe it was Benedikt XII but I’m not quite sure about that.
6/28/2005 7:35:59 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Martin, selber hab ich keine ahnung. dass habe ich aber gefunden:
6/28/2005 7:47:30 AM
urban jungle |
Ljubljana, Slovenia
was ist siebenschlaefer? ... seven?
6/28/2005 11:19:17 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
the "farmers rule" sort of like an almanac, is that on 27 June whatever the weather is, it will be that way for 7 weeks. The article that I mentioned in my previous post, if translated, will explain it in more detail, goes back about 2000 years.
6/28/2005 12:09:15 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Martin, das war Gregor XIII im Jahr 1582 deshalb wird unser Kalender auch Gregorianischer Kalender genannt. Davor gab es den Julianischen Kalender (Julius Cäsar).
6/28/2005 2:29:43 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Danke HW! Die Daten haben aber gestimmt, oder?
6/28/2005 5:19:57 PM
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
Well we ended up with 3 Liters of hail followed by 4 liters of rain and then another 5 liters of rain yesterday here.
The hail didn't do too much damage but I will have to remove some of the damaged leaves.
I also was in a bind for males two days ago for my 869.5 Calai. I found two males on the Reiss plant to use fortunately, but unfortunately I don't think that pumpkin set due to the heat. Every year so far I have never been able to set the first female on any plant but I'm not worried.
6/30/2005 2:56:33 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
5. Juli - Heute ist Siebenschläfer! 65 bis 85% Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das Wetter in den nächsten 7 Wochen dem heutigen ähnelt.
Gestern hatten wir Sonne pur und 32°C mit ein paar leichten Gewittern und ca. 10 Liter Regen am Abend.
Heute hatten wir noch keine einzige Minute Sonne, es ist diesig und kalt, nur 14°C. Das sind dann ja schöne Aussichten!
7/5/2005 10:47:38 AM
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
Has the weather been according to the siebenschlaefer prediction so far?
7/25/2005 4:23:03 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
"5. Juli - Heute ist Siebenschläfer! 65 bis 85% Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das Wetter in den nächsten 7 Wochen dem heutigen ähnelt.
Heute hatten wir noch keine einzige Minute Sonne, es ist diesig und kalt, nur 14°C. Das sind dann ja schöne Aussichten!"
--> sieht fast so aus! :-(
7/25/2005 4:55:24 AM
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