Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: to all european growers
Date Posted
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
severe weather forecast for the next 24-36 hours. best of luck to all.
6/24/2005 10:34:47 AM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
Did you heard about hail in Deutschland?
6/24/2005 11:55:32 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
we had high winds and some rain last night. not that bad. they are still predicting isolated areas of severe high winds with hail and thundershowers for this afternoon and evening.
6/25/2005 1:54:44 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Isolated areas of high wind and severe hail storms... ouch! Too bad that we were in one of these isolated areas last night!!! When I went to bed last night the sky was as clear as it can be so, quite obviously, I didn't bother to put up any kinds of protection over my plants. I woke up at 3:55 a.m. probably due to the upcoming lightning and only 5 minutes later the hell broke loose! Severe thunderstorms with high winds and big (2 to 2.5 cm) hail but as luck would have it almost no rain that we need so much! I put a graphic diagram of the "Unwetterzentrale" in the photo gallery. I downloaded it last night during the thunderstorm. Our "Landkreis Roth" is the slightly longer one of the two purple coloured ones. Purple is the highest alert level. Looks like they were right...
Now admit it, Owen. You sent that thunderstorm my way. LOL
Plants don't look good at all this morning :-(
Later, Martin
6/25/2005 6:14:55 AM
Steel |
Hell breaks lose, I know what you mean Martin. I was at a Rock-Festival in Balingen (near Rottweil) this weakend. Friday night we were in the center of devastation of the storm with our tents and are so happy, noone of us got heavily insured. Tents and cars were damaged, but everything ok ... Wind, rain and hail as I have never experienced before in my life. I had to give up the tent and flee in my car during the heaviest hail fall ... here` what the write about it: Schwere Unwetter bei Rock Festival: In Balingen (Zollernalbkreis) mussten etwa 500 Camper evakuiert werden, die zu den rund 20.000 Besuchern des Heavy-Metal-Festivals "Bang Your Head" gehörten. Gegen 1 Uhr überschwemmte Platzregen den Campingplatz; 40 Menschen wurden leicht verletzt. Einen Besucher überrascht der Sturm im Dixi-Klo. Das Häuschen stürzt um, die Chemikalien verätzen ihn. "Der Aluminiumvierkant eines einbrechenden Zelts hat eine Frau am Auge schwer verletzt", erklärt Werner Nix vom Roten Kreuz. "Die Zelte sind reihenweise durch die Luft geflogen." Zumeist kümmern sich die Sanitäter um leichte Schnittverletzungen. Viele Festivalbesucher macht das Unwetter kurzfristig obdachlos.
6/27/2005 5:49:16 AM
Steel |
Der Morgen nach dem Sturm: Auf dem Messegelände und den Campingplätzen (hier der Platz auf dem Messegelände neben dem 24-Stunden-Zelt) hatten Hagel und die Regenflut Zelte und Pavillons durch die Luft gewirbelt. Kein Grund für die Camper abzureisen. Auch das DRK hatte einen großen Schaden zu beklagen: Ein vom Festivalgelände herfliegendes Zelt krachte auf die Sanitätszeltstation und begrub es unter sich. Eine Helferin, die im Zelt war, konnte sich erst nach einer halben Stunden aus ihrer Notlage befreien. Schwere Verletzungen zog sich ein anderer DRK-Helfer zu, der von einer Zeltstange am Fuß getroffen wurde ... http://www.zak.de/scripts/showImage.asp?title=&ID=72524&sessionID={D2771F89-E4BC-4D82-A322-9BD89083E873} http://www.zak.de/scripts/showImage.asp?title=&ID=72525&sessionID={8CB35992-8BF9-42D8-B611-397FE88C12E0} http://www.swr.de/nachrichten/bw/2005/06/25/index2.html
6/27/2005 5:55:58 AM
Steel |
That`s how I spent the weekend. I`m glad my plants obviously did have a better time. They were spared from hail and storms. Coming home was nice, seeing some serious sidevines and first females on the 628 and the 826 at about 6`...
6/27/2005 7:44:10 AM
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
Three liters of hail here which demolished my tobacco plants which I've been caring for since the beginning of February....Bummer! Pumpkins are mostly all covered and the damage to the others was not too bad.
In my experience I have learned how to protect and get enough water to the plants but actually doing it is no less than an heroic effort with this Germany weather! My hat goes off to all of you that are still growing!
6/30/2005 3:08:52 AM
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