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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  dry dry dry

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Atlanta, Georgia

Is anyone else starting to have dry conditions?
In 2003 we had the worst drought and then in 2004 we had a bit of rain and snowfall to help it out a bit but so far it is looking terrible here and I think it could be a catastrophe again this year even worse than 2003 possibly.

The weather is getting very warm so I think that all of us can do very well with the pumpkins this year if we can manage to water the plants and prevent sunburn to the leaves.

Any thoughts?

6/23/2005 3:15:01 AM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

No more water in my garden, the grass is yellow and the trees loose their leaves. Everything is ok !
Pumpkins? Humm...

6/23/2005 6:34:40 AM


Cologne / Germany

Up to 86 F my plants can resist the heat, but we usually had 95 F the last days. Took all my umbrellas to shade them but will start to build up some bigger shading construction tonight. The main vine is growing on some sort of a soil dam on a higher level which keeps moisture a little better. Will do that for the secondaries also. Underground watering was installed before.

A lot of work this year for some plants that don´t show much right now after that cold spring we had. The complete garden turns into a fulltime job like 2003, you´re right Mike.

Attention BeNeLux and german growers this weekend, the forecast is high risk for heaviest thunderstorms and even local tornados. Good luck everyone.

6/23/2005 8:06:59 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

Same here, the last three days have all been around 32 to 33°C and the days before around 30°C. 35°C predicted for next week... and only 3 litres of rain per sq.m. in the last 30 days! The weather we are getting lately sure reminds me a lot of 2003. Wasn’t the German record set in 2003? That should give us faith!
Plants that are not watered are starting to die but I just can't water everything in the garden.... still enough water for the pumpkins, though.

6/23/2005 9:40:28 AM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

A hot summer here too. It was about time though. We have showers every few days in Ljubljana so water is not a problem. But cold beer is a problem sometimes...

6/23/2005 10:46:51 AM


Belgium Europe

I have a friend were i can get water out of a well. Every other day i fill two 1000l tanks there.As 6 of my 7 AG-plants are in greenhouses!!!,i have much trouble with the heath!Only my 582hester,wich was planted later and i can shade entirly has no burned leaves. I don't know how the other plants will recover.I was hoping on a summer like last year,lol.

6/23/2005 4:45:56 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

Maybe mother nature considered the big advantage that you as a greenhouse grower had last year as unfair and is now treating us non-greenhouse guys especially well this year...LOL
So watch out!!!

6/23/2005 5:44:20 PM


Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.

Its been hot here for a week or two,thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow that means I can forget about making hay and catch up in the patch this weekend.

6/23/2005 5:49:03 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

WOW, I just came in from the patch and the thermometer in the shade is reading out at 35.4°C! And this was only 2 p.m. so I think we will see 36 or 37°C today... the lawn is already as brown as it can get!

6/24/2005 8:50:10 AM


Cologne / Germany

We just broke 100 F here and I´m not even shading the plants because it´s cloudy, no direct sunlight. The plants take it pretty good but a misting system would be okay I think :)
Took me 4 hours last night to water the garden entirely and it looks good but it takes too much time to do it every day. My next profession will be dealer for automated watering systems, I guess this is good business :)

6/24/2005 10:51:23 AM



Rain was arriving here about two hours ago ... offtopic: we now have over 1000 posts on the European board!

6/29/2005 8:53:07 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

15 litres of rain per m2 here this morning as well. We really needed it! It again came with a thunderstorm but this time we didn't get any hail :-)
However, the forecast is predicting heavy thunderstorms with hail, storm and flooding for this afternoon and evening.

6/29/2005 9:13:36 AM


Belgium Europe

15l/m too. Caught 7500 litres in my tanks.Another 3500 and they're all filled up again.

6/29/2005 9:41:01 AM


Cologne / Germany

Had 2 inch in the rain gauge this morning. That´s what we need for 2 weeks, right? More to come. But we had "friendly thunderstorms" so no problems in the patch.

6/29/2005 12:35:22 PM


Atlanta, Georgia

We probably had a small tornado here because my rain gutter on the house was plugged up with a milk carton. An empty milk carton or a full one can not be thrown normally so high. The way my house and hof are positioned gives us very spiral wind conditions. Probably not actual tornadoes but a very similar effect...

A few secondaries on my 869.5 got blown over but they seem to have recovered.
Best regards to all you all!

6/30/2005 3:01:45 AM


Cologne / Germany

The total amount of rain for the last 36 hours in my area is 120 l/m (4.7 inch) now. The rain gauge tilled. This a new all time record!
Even more unbelievable is the fact that my patch is still not flooded and the plants look pretty dirty but good :)

6/30/2005 7:11:01 AM

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