Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: German weather - the saga continues....
Date Posted
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Yesterday, I was asked if the weather is cooperating better than in 2004 so far this year. Well, what can I say - no it is just as bad as last year if not even worse!
Everything seemed to be going great for the start of the season, April 29th to May 1st were excellent: Sun all day, highs of 29 to 32°C and lows of 16°C at night.
But now we seem to be back at normal... The last three days temps didn't reach 10°C and we got frost last night (-1°C) and the night before (0°C). In addition to that we got 65l of rain per sq. meter during the last week. Ground is soaking wet and ice cold! Great start to the season again, huh?
I'd appreciate to hear how the weather is in the rest of Europe! Can't be much worse!
Later, Martin
5/9/2005 9:56:17 AM
urban jungle |
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Martin, the same here, but I am fortunate to have the plants still indoor.. sometimes being late is not so bad :-)
5/9/2005 10:29:28 AM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Normally it´s warm & dry here in Cologne around May but it´s not. 45 F, the patch is flooded with hail & water. Never had drainage problems before, especially not if the soil is tilled, now I have :) All growth in the garden stopped 2 weeks ago. Even in the heated greenhouse not much is going on. Will be a very late season start this year. Probably have to wait another 10 days or so before something can be planted outside. Very sad.
5/9/2005 10:52:46 AM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
This weeks forecast for me is partly cloudy 11-12 C by day and 3 C by night could be better could be worse.
5/9/2005 11:10:53 AM
Jos |
Belgium Europe
Same here... Never had drainage problems in the last 4-5 years , now i have.And last two nights even in the greenhouse temps went down to 4°C.Now i've put a little greenhouse over the seedlings in the greenhouse... lol.Will post pics of it tomorrow.
5/9/2005 11:33:50 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
No scaremongering please! It´s all in the green sector yet, lol. "Regnet's dem Bauern auf die Saaten, dann regnet es fuer ihn Dukaten." Too bad, I´m not a farmer. LMAO
5/9/2005 1:46:23 PM
moro (sergio) |
Cologne Brescia Italy
here in northern italy in last weeks we have 27 to 28°c in day,and the night about 14 to 16°c but for the new week the forecast say that the temps will down of some °c whit rain I hope that the sun will be back soon Sergio
5/9/2005 4:21:10 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Same here, not much to add.
5/10/2005 1:00:18 AM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
Hey, man, you have forgotten to talk about ice-balls (I don't remember the word in English). But saturday we have it twice... Yesteray it was snowing in the south of Belgium...
5/10/2005 2:55:45 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
oh, yeah, we also had hail on Friday, forgot to mention it...lol
5/10/2005 4:45:32 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Better we get hail now than in august. lol I´m not surprised about the weather, since we can espect sudden frost till the 20th of may.
5/10/2005 7:54:19 AM
Tremor |
[email protected]
I hope the weather improves for Euoropeans soon. Two cold years in a row would be a miserable thing. We're rooting for you here in the Northeastern US.
5/10/2005 10:43:30 PM
Steel |
Hi all,
weather was here in West-Austria just as bad as in most parts of Germany for the last couple of days ... but today, guess what ... the sun came comes out, stronger than ever. I hope that it is not too late. One of my seedlings already started to change its colour from green to yellow ... so good news, weather seems to improve ... let`s be optimistic.
5/11/2005 4:48:27 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Just a quick update: Right now it's 12:59a.m. and I just came back in from the patch. I checked the candles in the hoop houses, etc. and the outside temp. right now is -2.9°C directly on the ground and -4.1°C in a height of about 50cm above ground. I expect it to go down to at least -7°C this night. Will take a pic of the display of the digital thermometer (I have two of them and both show the same readings within +/- 0.2°) tomorrow morning and post it on here. While walking over the lawn one can feel that the grass is frozen solid. Anyone feeling too hot?
5/11/2005 6:58:56 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Sandbaggers...all of ya !!!!
5/11/2005 8:47:29 PM
Steel |
Not me! Call me a boaster if you like, not a sandbagger! ;-))
5/12/2005 1:59:54 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
5/12/2005 2:38:02 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Looks like positioning starts early in Europe :-)
5/12/2005 2:42:19 AM
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Whiny wimps...all of us!
5/12/2005 3:59:35 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
du hast gut Lachen, Ingo! Bei dir am Rhein ist es ja immer mindestens 5° wärmer als hier.... :-)
My last night's guess was pretty close - low temperature 50cm above ground was -6.5°C and directly on the ground -3.9°C.
5/12/2005 4:10:45 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
I put 13 big candles in my green house last night. The temp was 18° Celsius in there. Do the same this night and may be.......the whole summer? Hey Owen, 2 of your 641 just sprouted on the radiator as back ups.On their left a 1016 Ailts and to their right a 966 Rose.
5/12/2005 4:37:58 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
great werner!
5/13/2005 1:13:55 AM
Don Quijot |
Caceres, mid west of Spain
Nice weather down here. First rain after five months. Yes five!!! The driest winter and spring I remember.
5/13/2005 3:25:53 AM
Sophie A. |
Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM
Carlos, we are not in the same planet as you ;-)
5/13/2005 7:55:08 AM
Don Quijot |
Caceres, mid west of Spain
Yes, we are. In Pumpkin Planet!
5/14/2005 3:22:20 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
another 37 l/m2 (1.5") rain today, only 13°C (55°F) and frost predicted for the next few nights... nuf said...
5/16/2005 5:57:17 PM
Don Quijot |
Caceres, mid west of Spain
Whoo! it's getting cold down here as well. Just for a couple of days: sunny warm weather is expected to return tomorrow. Fortunately I have my seedlings under cristal yet. They were supposed to be transplanted yesterday, but we decided to wait until tomorrow instead. Much better also for the roots to invade and hold the mixture, so the transplanting will be easier.
5/17/2005 4:49:53 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
FROST WARNING for West, East and especially South Germany this night again.... cover' em up, place candles in the hoophouses and keep the phone handy to call the fire department! LOL Hopefully this will be last frost of the season! Hope all your plants will be ok if they haven’t drowned or frozen before...
5/18/2005 6:13:23 PM
Steel |
Lots of rain and quite cold weather here too for the last couple of days. Today the sun seems to come back. I`ll have to fix my last last patch quickly. The seedlings want out of their pots ...
5/19/2005 3:48:26 AM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
The plants doing well here in theire greenhouse. I took some candles and a petroleum lamp in the greenhouse last night to prevent frost, btw temps over night were 0° Celsius outside and 15° Celsius inside the greenhouse. Outplanting Party will be held at saturday eve. Fotos in diary will follow after I settle down what out of the 20 plants I have will go to the patch.
5/19/2005 7:13:46 AM
Steel |
Since yesterday more or less heavy rain kept pouring down, but as someone said, you have to make best porfit out of your situation. What I did was successfully installing a system for water-collection for one side of the house roof and a 1000 liter container (another one to follow). Ok, so rain keep going ;-)
5/23/2005 10:57:31 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
I got the same thing Heino. Before I started to grow AG's I only collected 500 liters. Two years ago I installed 3 more barrels, now I got about 2400 liters :-) I guess there is a bright side!
5/23/2005 11:36:21 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Man we got a good soaking today! 46 litres of rain per sq. m during the last 36h! That's 1.8 inches guys! Parts of the garden are under water, patch is too soggy to even enter it :-(
5/23/2005 12:16:07 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
Whether the weather be fine , or whether the weather be not, whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be hot, we´ll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not. Sara Boehnke
5/23/2005 2:32:06 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Update: we had a few nights in a row with lows between 2 and 4°C, close to freezing.... the last two nights were below freezing and the new growth of the plants doesn't look good at all. The weather we are getting lately is just hilarious... but today we have a real heat wave at an amazing 14°C, no sun though... LOL
6/9/2005 10:43:17 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
you got new growth? send some here..............
6/9/2005 1:16:08 PM
Steel |
I`ve been eager to get to know what temps look like in Hilpoltstein in the last days. Even here, where it should be a bit warmer, almost the same situation. 6° C. today in the morning. Can only get better ...
6/10/2005 1:38:01 AM
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
Same cold here in Merklingen/Weil der Stadt! Two days ago it was cold enough in the main patch to kill my zuchini plants and damage all of my corn but all thirteen giants are covered and doing well enough. So far it has never looked better for my plants and the 869.5 Calai is finally laying down and starting to run here at the home patch. Somebody needs to send us a real summer this year sometime! Michel
6/10/2005 2:04:23 AM
musicpete |
Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)
Temperature in Kirchheim: 2°C...3°C in the morning (the last 4 days). - Yes "Steel", it "can only get better". Good luck to you all Peter
6/10/2005 5:24:31 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
and after the horrible 2004 season I always said "it can only get better in 2005!" LOL
6/10/2005 5:32:58 PM
Alun J |
Liverpool , England
Damn weather, Just had the driest winter for over 30 years, then some rain in April and May, now its dry and sunny again....Damn weather......lol
6/11/2005 5:37:09 PM
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